Genealogy, A Treasure Hunt, soon to be replaced by A Genealogy Hunt, has now topped 4,041 visits and 8,865 page views. This March had the highest number of visitors since I began last May. Genealogy’s ranking in Top Listed.net seems to maintain regularly as one of the top 5 Sites. (I just checked and Genealogy, A Treasure Hunt is now number 2.)
I am continuing with my Transcription Project just searching as many Records for the genealogy and ancestral origins of GGG-Grandfather James Smith. Check out the newest Postings referencing property purchases.
Postings to Quilts SB are, as always, at a slower pace. Since the Blogsite’s inception last month, we’ve seen 343 visits and 843 page views. This morning we are ranked number 26 of the top 50 at Top Listed.net. We did reach a number 2 at one point. With all the quilting sites worldwide I didn’t expect to even touch the top 500.
To date we have completed six quilt designs in our C&N Series: C&N; Patience; Altered Logs I; Altered Logs II; A Mazed; and V Bricks. C&N, Patience and Altered Logs II are finished. In our TATW (pronounced tay-toe) Series we now have five designs: Provence; Café au Lait; Tango 3; and Bayberry. We began a new one yesterday inspired by a Japanese design called Kanzashi. And we are working on two other designs which, all-things-being-equal will find homes in Ashville, North Carolina and Barrie, Ontario.
I’ve upgraded my operating system to Windows 7 and have added Ubuntu which of course means that some applications and programs may or may not take too kindly to being disturbed.
And we keep ourselves occupied.
Postings to Quilts SB are, as always, at a slower pace. Since the Blogsite’s inception last month, we’ve seen 343 visits and 843 page views. This morning we are ranked number 26 of the top 50 at Top Listed.net. We did reach a number 2 at one point. With all the quilting sites worldwide I didn’t expect to even touch the top 500.
To date we have completed six quilt designs in our C&N Series: C&N; Patience; Altered Logs I; Altered Logs II; A Mazed; and V Bricks. C&N, Patience and Altered Logs II are finished. In our TATW (pronounced tay-toe) Series we now have five designs: Provence; Café au Lait; Tango 3; and Bayberry. We began a new one yesterday inspired by a Japanese design called Kanzashi. And we are working on two other designs which, all-things-being-equal will find homes in Ashville, North Carolina and Barrie, Ontario.
I’ve upgraded my operating system to Windows 7 and have added Ubuntu which of course means that some applications and programs may or may not take too kindly to being disturbed.
And we keep ourselves occupied.
Hello I am a descendant of Pierre belfon and would like to ask some questions
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