When does one peppercorn equal just about three million pounds?
(Image: Two Pound Coin, 1823; Great Britain. Approximate value Jan 2010 US$1,500 - $2,000. CoinArchives.com )
And I thought I would try and get this next Record completed so as to complete Item 3 of the microfilm FHL [1563380]. This is the follow up Indenture of Release to the Document transcribed in Part 268s.
From the Indenture we discover that the name of James Bain’s wife was Margaret. James Bain is the gentleman with whom James Smith, the Carpenter and possible ggg-grandfather James, conducted the transaction of the purchase of the lot and parcel of land in the Town of Saint George. The fact that James Bain’s wife, Margaret is included in this document solidifies the idea that one does not know what relationship, genealogical or ancestral connection may be referenced. The old adage of “He left no stone unturned” most definitely applies.
The financial transaction for the lot and parcel of land appears to be £3400 -. -. valued in 1829. I did find a website where I was able to calculate the purchasing power of the 1829 British Pound to the year 2008. Using the Retail Price Index, the 1829 £3400 -. -. is worth approximately £250,000.00. Using the Average Earnings calculation the value of the same 1829 £3400 in 2008 would be somewhere in the vicinity of £2,800,000.00. (Just the banker in me checking out the numbers and I used the site Measuring Worth.)
And here are the five pages of the Record from the Grenada Registers of Records; pages 719 through and including 723.
My transcription –
The financial transaction for the lot and parcel of land appears to be £3400 -. -. valued in 1829. I did find a website where I was able to calculate the purchasing power of the 1829 British Pound to the year 2008. Using the Retail Price Index, the 1829 £3400 -. -. is worth approximately £250,000.00. Using the Average Earnings calculation the value of the same 1829 £3400 in 2008 would be somewhere in the vicinity of £2,800,000.00. (Just the banker in me checking out the numbers and I used the site Measuring Worth.)
And here are the five pages of the Record from the Grenada Registers of Records; pages 719 through and including 723.
My transcription –
Now I move unto to Item 4.(719)
This Indenture made the thirty first day of March in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine
Between James Bain of the Town of Saint George in the Island
of Grenada Esquire and Margaret his wife of the one part and
James Smith of the said Town and Island Carpenter of the
other part Whereas the said James Smith hath lately contract
ed and agreed with the said James Bain for the absolute purchase
of the lot piece or parcel of land meʃsuage buildings and premises
hereinafter mentioned and described or for the price or sum of
Three thousand four hundred pounds current money of Grenada
Now therefore this Indenture witnesseth that in pursuance
of(720)Of the said ^agreement and for and in consideration of the said sum of Three
thousand four hundred pounds current money aforesaid to him the
said James Bain in hand well and truly paid by the said James
Smith at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the
receipt whereof he the said James Bain doth hereby acknowledge
and thereof and therefrom and from every part thereof doth acquit
release and for ever discharge the said James Smith his heirs exe
cutors and administrators by these presents They the said James
Bain and Margaret his wife Have and each of them Hath granted
bargained and soled aliened released and confirmed and by these pre
sents Do and each of them Doth grant bargain sell alien release
and confirm unto the said James Smith (in his actual possession
now being by virtue of a Bargain and sale to him thereof made for
one whole year by Indenture bearing date the day next before the
day of the date of these presents and by force of the statute made for
transferring uses into poʃseʃsion) and to his heirs and assigns All
that lot piece or parcel of land situate and being in Scott Street in
the Town of Saint George aforesaid and extending from thence to the
boundary line of the harbor of the Carenage containing One hundred
and one feet in front and Two hundred and fifty five feet in depth or
thereabouts bounded on the North by lands by Bernard Hannah On
the South by lands of James Niccol and William Hood On the West
by Scott Street aforesaid and on the East by the Boundary line of
the harbor of the Carenage or howsoever otherwise the same is
abutted bounded Known distinguished or described together with
the capital messuage or tenement and all other erections edifices
and building thereon erected and built standing or being And also
all ways paths passages lights easements water watercourses
drains walls fences privileges commodities advantages and profits
whatsoever to the said lot piece or parcel of land buildings and pre-
mises belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith or with
any part thereof commonly held used occupied possessed or enjoyed
or accepted reputed deemed taken or known as part parcel or encumber
thereof And also all the estate right title interest claim and de-
mand whatsoever both at Law and equity of them the said James
Bain and Margaret his wife or either of them of in to in our of the
said hereditaments and premises hereby granted and releases or
intended(721)Intended so to be or of any part thereof and the reversion
and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits
of all and singular the said premises And all deeds evidence
and writing sin his or her custody or power which relate to or con-
cern the said premises or any part thereof To have and To hold
the said lot piece or parcel of land messuage tenements buildings
and all and singular other the hereditaments and premises hereby
granted and released or intended so to be with their and every of
their rights members and appurtenances unto the said James
Smith his heirs and assigns his heirs and assigns for ever and to or
for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever And the said
James Bain for himself his heirs executors and administrators
and for the said Margaret his wife and her heirs doth covenant
promise and agree to and with the said James Smith his heirs
and assigns by these presents in manner following (that is to say)
that (for and notwithstanding any act deed matter or thing whatso
ever by the said James Bain and Margaret his wife or either of
them done committed or wittingly or willingly suffered to the contrary)
they the said James Bain and Margaret his wife are or one of
them is lawfully and rightfully seized of the said lot piece or parcel
of land meʃsuage tenements buildings hereditaments and premises
hereby granted and released or intended so to be with the appurte-
nances of and in a pure perfect absolute and indefeasible estate of
inheritance in for fee simple without any condition contingent proviso
power of limitation or revocation of any other use or uses or any
other restraint matter or thing to alter change charge determine
lessen incumber defeat or make void the same And also that
they the said James Bain and Margaret his wife (for and notwith
standing any such act deed matter or thing as aforesaid) now have
or one of them hath in themselves himself or herself good right full
power and lawful authority by these presents to grant bargain sell
release and aʃsure all and singular the same premises hereby
granted and released or intended so to be with the appurtenances
unto and to the use of the said James Smith his heirs and aʃsigns
in manner aforesaid according to the true intent and meaning
of these presents And further that he the said James Smith
and(722)And his heirs shall and may from time to time and at all
times hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy poʃseʃs
and enjoy the said lot piece or parcel of land buildings and premises
hereby granted and releases or intended so to be and receive and
take the rents issues and profits thereof to and for his and their
own uses without the let suit hindrance interruption or
denial of the said James Bain and Margaret his wife or either
of them their or either of their heirs or assigns or of any other person
or persons claiming or to claim by from or under them And that free
and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged
or otherwise by the said James Bain and Margaret his wife or
one of them well and sufficiently saved harmless and kept in
indemnified? of from and against all and all manner of former and other
gifts grants bargains sales leases mortgages surrenders forfeitures
rents arrears of rent dowers and titles of dowers statutes Judgments
executions estates titles charges and incumbrances whatsoever mad
done committed or executed by the said James Bain and Margaret
his wife or either of them or any other person or persons by through
or with his her or their or any of their consent privity or procurement
And moreover that they the said James Bain and Margaret his
wife and their heirs and all and every other person or persons
whomsoever having or lawfully claiming or who shall or may here-
after have or claim any estate right title trust or interest of in to
or out of the said premises hereby granted and released or intended
so to be or any part thereof by from or under them or wither of them
shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the
reasonable request cost and charges in the Law of the said James
Smith his heirs or assigns make do acknowledge suffer and execute
or cause and procure to be made done acknowledged suffered and exe
cuted all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable
act and acts thing and things converyances and assurances in the
Law whatsoever for the further better and more perfect and absolute
conveyting and assuring the said premises hereby grant and re
leased aforesaid or intended so to be or any part thereof unto
and to the use of the said James Smith his heirs and assigns for
ever In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have here-
unto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
James Bain (LS)(723)Signed sealed and delivered by the said James Bain in the
presences of
Owsley Rowley, Jn. Douglas.Received on the day of the date of the foregoing Indenture of
and from the therein named James Smith the sum of Three
thousand four hundred pounds current money of Grenada Being
the full consideration money within mentioned to be paid by
him to me.
I say received £3400 -. -. Cy.Witness Owsley Rowley, Jn Douglas.
James Bain
Grenada Acknowledged before me by James Bain
Esquire one of the parties named and described in the foregoing
Indenture of Release and executing the same as and for his free
and voluntary act and deed this thirty first day of March in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine.
Owsley Rowley
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