And hallelujah… It looks like I’ve taken the leap and revised, updated, and changed the site. The new name – A Genealogy Hunt. The new URL address is http://agenealogyhunt.blogspot.com. And the transition seems to have gone relatively fine.
I have completed my parallel testing and I will no longer be adding any new postings to the old site, Genealogy, A Treasure Hunt. All postings from the old have been imported and transferred to the new site but there are still links connecting back to the old site. All-things-being-equal I will be able to edit these links over time.
Keeping up the with today’s technology to search and research my ancestors, my genealogy, and my family tree certainly may appear to be an oxymoron. And in the words of one wise sage, “it certainly can cause me brain ning-ning.”
The new three-column format and the left-hand placement of the main body of the posting, thanks JK and Ipietoon, has been designed to include readers the capability of easy viewing on mobile phones, Blackberries, and iPods. (And you know that’s a grand point for the non-elimination of magnifying glasses – old documents and mini-screens.)
The new top tabs have been worked to help with navigation. Check out the drop-down menus. Also if you click on one of the following tabs – Smith, Robertson, Brunhammer, Doherty, or Analyses you will notice the announcement of “Showing newest posts with label… Show older posts”. This is a quick and easy way to shuffle through postings by main categories. The link category “All… Posts” in a drop-down menu will perform the same search and gather function. Neat.
More changes are on the way… but I am also cognizant that the archival function and intention of this blog may shortly require that I move to a stand-alone website. That is definitely on the drawing board.
Thanks to all for your comments, questions, and ideas.
The new top tabs have been worked to help with navigation. Check out the drop-down menus. Also if you click on one of the following tabs – Smith, Robertson, Brunhammer, Doherty, or Analyses you will notice the announcement of “Showing newest posts with label… Show older posts”. This is a quick and easy way to shuffle through postings by main categories. The link category “All… Posts” in a drop-down menu will perform the same search and gather function. Neat.
More changes are on the way… but I am also cognizant that the archival function and intention of this blog may shortly require that I move to a stand-alone website. That is definitely on the drawing board.
Thanks to all for your comments, questions, and ideas.
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