Part 281s – Smith Robertson Genealogy – Indenture Research – 1829 James, Archibald, & David Smith

22 May 2010


Please bear with the construction of this my most recent Posting. Blogger has added a new fantastic Preview function, but and with all growing technological pains, what-you-see-is-not-necessarily-what-you-get. I am a novice when it comes to working with blog-skills and html code and languages. What may work at one hour and appears to look like, may be something completely different in the next. So please bear with me.

In my research of the ancestry and genealogical origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith, as you know I am reviewing a number of Records, otherwise known as Indentures from the Grenada Register of Records. The Records that I am currently transcribing and reviewing are also found on the microfilm FHL [1563380]. The current Record is one hell of a lengthy document.

All-things-being-equal this Record does not provide any immediate suggestion of ggg-grandfather James Smith. However there may be some hint or indirect association. The three Smiths involved are possibly the James and Archibald Smith of James and Archibald Smith & Company. There is a calculated chance that these two may be the same James and Archibald indicated in the 3rd generation in my Smiths of Jordanhill, Scotland Descendant Chart. The third Smith, David, is a clerk of the same Company.

On page 191 of the Record there is a mention of the location “Good Hope”. This is more than likely, and it is possible that this is the same location as purchased by ggg-grandfather James Smith in about 1828. See Part 266s and Part 267s. Also see ggg-grandfather James’ Last Will and Testament in Part 61s.

On page 202 there is a statement that most definitely confuses me, and as I have stated I do not profess to have any legal education, and it reads “in respect of the residue of a certain term of one thousand years aʃsigned by a certain Indenture bearing the date the sixth day of August one thousand eight hundred and nineteen…” Does this mean that there is something more about the year 2819? I haven’t got a clue. Where is Jules Verne when you need him?

Beginning with page 188 this Record continues through to and includes page 217, which is the body of the Record including Schedules. And when I chanced upon the Schedules my first reaction was “Oh no!”… I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed that the Schedules all-in-all appear to be repeats of the same Schedules in Part 280s. From a research and genealogical perspective this is good news. I am able to cross-reference the names in the Schedules from one Record to the next especially at those points where the names and information may be illegible on one Schedule due to deterioration and “smudging” of the Record and image.

Here are the pages –

And my transcription –


This Indenture made the Fifth day of February in the year of
our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and twenty nine Between
Thomson Hankey and John Alexander Hankey both of Mincing
Lane in the City of London Merchants and Copartners of the first part
William Stuart of Inverugie in Scotland Esquire of the second part and
James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn of the City
of Glasgow for Scotland Merchants and Copartners of the third part
Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Appointment and Release ______
Aʃsignment bearing go be respectively the first and second day _____


One thousand eight hundred and twenty six the appointment release
and aʃsignment being made between the said William Stuart and Helen
his wife of the one part and the said Thomason Hankey and John Alex-
ander of the other part It is witneʃsed that in consideration of
the sum of Eighteen thousand five hundred pounds of lawful money of Great
Britain paid by the said Thomason Hankey and John Alexander Hankey
to the said William Stuart He the said William Stuart by virtue
and in exercise of the powers therein mentioned did direct limit and
appoint and they the said William Stuart and Helen his wife (who
was made a party to the said Indenture of Appointment release and
aʃsignment to the intent that by the execution and acknowledgement
of the same Indenture all right and title of dower of the said Helen
the wife of the said William Stuart of and in the plantations estates
and hereditaments thereinafter mentioned might be absolutely barred?
relinquished and destroyed) and each of them did grant bargain sell
aʃsign alien release and confirm unto the said Thomson Hankey and
John Alexander Hankey their heirs and aʃsigns All that estate or parcel
of land named Mount Hardman in the parish of Saint George in that
part of the Island of Grenada names Point Salines abutted and bound
ed as follows on the East by the sea on the North by land then or late be
longing to the heirs of Madame Sayers and on the west by lands belonging
to Grand Ance Estate and on the South by the sea containing two hun
dred and ninety seven acres of lands were the same more or less together
with all the buildings erected standing or being upon the said Estate or
parcel of land and also all that lot piece or parcel of land commonly
called or known by the name of Hog Island situate in the said parish
of Saint George and near adjoining the sea shore next the said estate
and also all that piece or parcel of land meʃsuages tenements heredita-
ments and premises being one morety of the plantation called or known
by the name of Prospect situate lying and being in the parish of St. George
in the said Island of Grenada containing by admeasurement thirty two
acres of land were the same move or less and abutted and bounded as follows
(that is to say) towards the north by Clarks Court Estate towards the East
by part of Prospect Estate towards the south by Mount Hardman Estate
and towards the West by Grand Ance Estate or howsoever otherwise the
same was abutted bounded known or described and all orchards trees ways
and hereditaments whatsoever to the same premises belonging with the
appurtenances And also all that plantation or parcel of Lands called Grand
Ance situate lying and being in the parish of St. George in the said Island of
Grenada And also all that other plantations called L’Ance aux Epinet ad
joining to the said plantation of Grand Ance and lying and being in the same
_____ with which said two last mentioned plantations were then joined together
_____ supposed one with the lands rights members and appurtenances



Thereunto belonging containing in the whole one thousand two
hundred and thirty nine acres of land or thereabouts were the same more
or leʃs abutting and bounding as follows (that is to say) on the north by
the sea and the land formerly of Pierre Carrere on the East partly by
land formerly of Adrien afterwards of Ge Lucy? Clarke and then or late
of _____ and partly by lands formerly of Benjamin Hicks and
partly by lands of Meʃs Donde and Favernier and the sea on the
west partly by lands formerly of Elias John Patairet Esquire deceased
and partly by lands formerly of Richards Higgins or howsoever otherwise
the same were abutted and bounded and also all those negroes and
other Men Women and Children then being in upon or belonging to the
said plantations and all other slaves whose names and descriptions
according to the latest registration or corrected registration of such slaves
made pursuant to the act or acts of parliaments for the registration of
Colonial slaves in Great Britain were set forth in the Schedule annexed
to the said Indenture of Appointment Release and Assignment and
the increase issue and progeny of the females of the same salves And
also all Bulls Cows and other cattle live and dead stock upon or belonging
to the same plantations hereditaments and premises and every of them
and also all and singular meʃsuages tenements houses outhouses offices
stables storehouses boiling houses curing houses still houses negro houses
pens cellars mills kilns and all other edifices erections buildings and
improvements whatsoever erected built standing and being upon the said
plantations hereditaments and premises or any part thereof together with
all and singular the appurtenances whatsoever to the said plantations
hereditaments and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining and also
all coppers boilers stews ladles skimmers potting basins sugar pots stills
still heads worms worm tubs, coolers cisterns plantation tools and utensils
and all other implements good and chattels whatsoever upon or belonging
to the said plantations hereditaments and premises and every or any part
thereof To Hold so much and such part and parts of the same with the
appurtenances as was or were of the nature of freehold or real estate unto
and to the use of the said Thomson Hankey and John Alexander Hankey
their heirs and assigns for ever And to hold so much and such part and
parets of the said premises with the appurtenances as was or were of the
nature of chattel interest or personal estate unto the said Thomson
Hanksy and John Alexander Hankey their executors administrators
and aʃsigns as their own goods and chattels absolutely And as to all the
said plantations slaves stock hereditaments and premises thereby ap
pointed conveyed and aʃsigned respectively or intended so to be Upon and
for the trust intents and purposes and with under and subject to the
power provisos agreements and declarations in the said Indenture of
Appointment release and aʃsignment expreʃsed declared and _____



For securing the payment of the said William Stuart his heirs exe
cutors administrators or assigns to the said Thomson Hankey and John
Alexander Hankey their executors administrators and assigns of the
sum of Eighteen thousand five hundred pounds of lawful money of Great
Britain together with interest for the same after the rate of Five pounds
for every one hundred pounds by the year on the second day of March one
thousand eight hundred and twenty seven And whereas by indentures
of Lease Release and Assignment bearing date respectively the first
and second days of October one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven
the release and aʃsignment being made between the said William Stuart
and Helen his wife of the one part and the said Thomson Hankey and
John Alexander Hankey of the other part It is witnessed that in order
to make a further and additional security for payment of the said sum
of Eighteen thousand five hundred pounds and interest They the said
William Stuart and Helen his wife (who was made a party to the
said Indenture of Release and Assignment now in recital To the intent?
that by the execution and acknowledgment of the same Indenture all
right and title of dower of the said Helen the wife of the said William
Stuart of and in the plantations estates and hereditaments thereinafter
mentioned and every part thereof might be absolutely barred relin
quished and destroyed) and each of them Did grant bargain sell alien
release and confirm unto the said Thomson Hankey and John Alexander
Hankey their heirs and assigns All that piece or parcel of land situate
and being partly in the parish of Saint George and partly in the parish
of St. David in the said Island of Grenada and contain one hundred
and sixty seven acres or thereabouts bounded described and comprised
in the plan thereof annexed to the said therein in part recited Indenture
of the first day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifteen being
part and parcel of a Coffee plantation or parcel of land called Serdnon?
temps? otherwise Good hope and also all that plantation piece or parcel
of land commonly called or known by the name of Mont Delice? situate
and being partly in the parish of Saint George and partly in the parish of
St. David in the said Island of Grenada and containing one hundred fend?
quarries of land equal in quantity to three hundred and thirty English
statue acres more or less abutted & bounded as follows (that is to say) to
the Eastward with the river St. Louis to the westward with the River
du Chemin to the Northward with the lands then or late of Mr. Departhieu
and partly with lands then or late of Mr. Phillips and to the southward
partly with the land of Meʃrs Alexander and partly westwards then
lands of Colonel Johnstone or otherwise however the same might be situate
bounded described or known And also all those negro and other slaves
Men Women and Children then being or upon or belonging to the said plan
tation whose names and descriptions recoding to the then latest



Registration or corrected registration of such slaves in the Of
fice of the Registrar of Colonial slaves in Great Britain pursuant to
the act or acts of Parliament for the registration of Colonial slaves in
Great retain were set forth in the schedule annexed to the said
Indenture of Release and Assignment now in recital and the increase
issue and progeny of the females of the same slaves And also all mules
and other cattle and all plantation tools utensils and implements
live and dead stock upon or belonging to the same piece or parcel of
land plantation hereditaments and premises and every of them xxxxxx
xxxxx and also all and singular meʃsuages tenements house outhou
ses offices stables storehouses boiling houses curing houses still houses
negro houses pens cellars mill kilns and all other edifices erections
buildings and improvements whatsoever erected built standing and
being upon the said piece or parcel of land plantation hereditaments
and premises on any part thereof together with all and singular the
appurtenances whatsoever to the said piece or parcel of land plantation
hereditaments and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining To
hold so much and such part and parts of the said premises with their
appurtenances as was or were of the nature of freehold or real estate unto
and to the use of the said Thomson Hankey and John Alexander
Hankey their heirs and aʃsigns for ever and to hold do much and such
part and parts of the said premises with their appurtenances as was
or were of the nature of chattel interest or personal estate unto the said
Thomson Hankey and John Alexander Hankey their executors adminis
trators and aʃsigns absolutely upon the same trusts and for the same
ends intents and purposes and under and subject to the same powers
provisos declarations and agreements as in and by the therein and
hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of the second day of September
one thousand eight hundred and twenty six are mentioned and declared
concerning the said hereditaments and premises thereby appointed
granted released and aʃsigned as if the said hereditaments and prom
ises by the said Indenture of Release and Aʃsignment now in recital
granted releases and aʃsured had been by the said therein and hereinbefore
recied Indenture of the second day of September one thousand eight hundred
and twenty six appointed granted released and aʃsigned upon the trusts
and for the intents and purposes thereby declared and impreʃsed? for secur
ring the due payment of the said sum of Eighteen thousand five hundred
pounds and interest And whereas the said sum of Eighteen thousand
five hundred pounds and the interest thereof were further secured _____
Bond or Obligation in writing under the hand? and seal of the _____ William?


Stuart bearing date the second day of September one thousand eight
hundred and twenty six in the final? sum of Thirty seven thousand pounds
And whereas upon an account made up and stated between the said
William Stuart and the said Thomson Hankey and John Alexander
Hankey up to the day of the date of these presents it appears that there
now remains due from the said William Stuart to the said Thomson Hankey
and John Alexander Hankey upon and by virtue of the securities herein
before mentioned the sum of Eighteen thousand and twenty five pounds
five shillings of lawful money of Great Britain as he the said William
Stuart doth hereby admit and acknowledge And whereas the said
James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn upon the
request of the said William Stuart have agreed to take up the said debt
or sum of Eighteen thousand and twenty five pounds five shillings on ha
ving such aʃsignment thereof and aʃsignment and transfer of the secu
rities for the same as hereinafter is contained And whereas the said
James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn have already ad
vanced and paid and they the said James Smith Archibald Smith
and Robert McCunn or the survivors or survivor of them his executors or
administrators or other the persons or person from time to time composing
their House of Trade or conducting the busineʃs thereof may hereafter ad
vance and pay further monies on account of the said William Stuart his
heirs executors or administrators may become indebted to the said James
Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn or the survivors or survi
vor of them his executors or administrators or other persons or person afore
said for supplies to be furnished or provided for the said plantation and
on other accounts and it hath been agreed that such further monies shall
be secured in the manner hereinafter mentioned Now this Indenture
Witnesseth that in part performance of the said agreement and in consider
ation of the sum of Eighteen thousand and twenty five pounds five shillings
of lawful money of Great Britain at or immediately before the sealing and
delivery of these presents in hand well and truly paid by the said James
Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn to the said Thomson
Hankey and John Alexander Hankey the receipt of which said sum of
Eighteen thousand and twenty five pounds five shillings they the said
Thomson Hankey and John Alexander Hankey do and each of them doth
hereby admit and acknowledge and of and from the same ^sum? and every part thereof
they the said Thomson Hankey and John Alexander Hankey do and each
of them doth hereby acquit release and for ever discharge the said James
Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn and each and every of them
their and each and every of their heirs executors administrators and aʃsigns
______ the said Thomas Hankey and John Alexander Hankey with the
_____ _____ approbation of the said William Stuart (testified by his being a



Party to and sealing and delivery these presents Have and each
of them Hath bargained sold aʃsigned transferred and set over and by
these presents Do each of them Doth bargain sell aʃsign transfer
and set over unto the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert
McCunn their executors administrators and aʃsigns All that the afore
said principal sum of Eighteen thousand and twenty five pounds five
shillings so due and owing from or by the said William Stuart to the
said Thomson Hankey and John Alexander Hankey as hereinbefore
is recited and all interest henceforth to become due for the same and the
said Indentures of Mortgage and the said Bonds or obligation whereby the
said principal monies and interest are respectively secured and all
other securities for the same and the dull benefit and advantage thereof
And all the right title interest poʃsibility property claims and demand
whatsoever both at law and in equity of them the said Thomson Hankey
and John Alexander Hankey and each of them in to out of or upon the
said sum interest and premises hereby assigned or intended so to be
and every part thereof respectively To have hold receive and take the
sum interest and premises hereby aʃsigned or intended so to be unto
the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn their
executors administrators and aʃsigns for their own absolute use and
benefit And the said Thomson Hankey and John Alexander Hankey
Do and each of them Doth hereby irrevocably make nominate and
appoint and in their and each of their place and stead put the said
James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn and the survivors
and survivor of them his executors or administrators and their and his
aʃsigns to be the true and lawful attornies and attorney of the said Thomson
Hankey and John Alexander Hankey and each of them to ask demand sue
for recover and received of and from all and every persons or person who are
is or shall or may be liable to pay the same respectively the said sum of
Eighteen thousand and twenty five pounds five shillings and interest hereby
aʃsigned or intended so to be and on payment thereof or of any part hereof
respectively to give sign and execute receipts acquittances releases or other
discharges for the same respectively and on ^non payment thereof or of any part
thereof respectively to bring commence carry on and prosecute any action
suit or other proceeding whatsoever for recovering and compelling the
payment thereof respectively And for all or any of the purposes aforesaid
to use the names or name of the said Thomson Hankey and John Alexan
der Hankey or either of the them And Generally to do execute and perform any
other act deed matter or thing whatsoever relative to the premises as fully
to all intents and purposes whatsoever as the said Thomson Hankey and
John Alexander Hankey or either of them might or could do in these or this?
non proper persons or person in case these presents had not been _____
and whatsoever the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert? McCunn?


Or the survivors or survivor of them his executors or administrators or
their or his aʃsigns shall Lawfully to or cause to be done in or about the
premises each of them the said Thomson Hankey and John Alexander
Hankey doth hereby separately for himself and his heirs executors and
administrators covenant promise and agree with and to the said James
Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn their executors adminis
trators and aʃsigns to allow ratify and confirm Then the said James Smith
Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn their heirs executors administrators
and assigns some or one of them saving harmless and keeping indemnified
the said Thomson Hankey and John Alexander Hankey their heirs ex
ecutors and administrators and each and every of them of from and against
all claims and demands loss costs charges damages and expenses what
soever which can shall or may be made occasioned or suffered by reason
or means or on account of any action suit or other proceeding act deed
whatsoever or of the names of the said Thomson Hankey and John Alexander
Hankey or either of them their or either of their heirs executors or adminis
trators being used or employed in any action suit or other proceeding act
or deed whatsoever to be brought sued commenced prosecuted made done
authorized or suffered in pursuance or in consequence of these presents or
the power hereby given as aforesaid And this Indenture also witnesseth
that in further performance of the said agreement and for the consideration
hereinbefore expressed and also or consideration of the sum of ten shillings
paid by the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn
to the said William Stuart at or immediately before the execution of these
presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged they the said Thomson
Hankey and John Alexander Hankey with the priority? approbation and
direction of the said William Stuart (testified as aforesaid) Have and
each of them Hath bargained sold released enfeoffed and aʃsigned and
by these presents Do and each of them Doth bargain sell release enfeoff
and aʃsign and the said William Stuart Hath granted bargained sold
aliened released aʃsigned ratified and confirmed and by these presents
Doth grant bargain sell alien release aʃsign ratify and confirm unto
the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn(so much?
and such part and parts thereof as is and are freehold and of the nature
of real estate in their actual poʃseʃsion now being by virtue of a bargain
and sale made to them thereof by the said Thomson Hanky John Alex
ander Hankey and William Stuart in consideration of five shillings a
piece by an Indenture bearing date the day used before the day of the date
of these presents for the term of one whole year commencing from the day
next before the day of the date of the same Indenture of Bargain and Sale
and by force of the statute made for transferring uses into poʃseʃsion and
_____ heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively according to
the _____ natures and qualities thereof respectively All and singular



The plantation estates messuages pieces or parcels of grounds lands
tenements and hereditaments comprised in and conveyed by the respect
tively hereintofor executed Indenture of Lease and Appointment
Release and Aʃsignment of the first and second days of September one
thousand eight hundred and twenty six and Indentures of Lease and
Release and Assignment of the first and second days of October one
thousand eight hundred and twenty seven together with all houses
outhouses edifices erections and buildings erected and built upon the
same plantations and other their appurtenances And all the negro
and other slaves comprised in and conveyed or intended so to be by the
same Indenture whether by name or as the then future iʃsue of the
females or otherwise (save and except such of the said slaves as are _____
dead) And all other if any the Negro and other slaves enumerated and
specified in the schedule to these presents and who may be now living
(all which said negro and other slaves intended to be hereby conveyed
are named and described in the schedule to these presents according to
the latest registration or corrected registration of the said slaves in the
Office of the Registrar of Colonial slaves in Great Britain established
by an act of Parliament made and paʃsed in the fifty ninth year of the
reign of His late Majesty King George the Third Chapter 120) and all
iʃsue offspring an increase of the females of the said slaves born since the
making out in the said Island of Grenada of the last return of the said
slaves so registered as Tapper said and also the future iʃsue offspring and
increase of all the females of all the said several and respective slaves ^also and
all Horses Mules Cows Oxen Sheep Cattle and other livestock And all
the plantation tools implements utensils and other dead stock upon
about or belonging to the said plantations or used or employed in the
cultivation management or conduct of the same in the future increase
of the said livestock and the reversion and reversions remainder and
remainders yearly and other rants iʃsues and profits of the said planta
tions slaves stock hereditaments and premises and every part thereof
And all the estate right title interest inheritance use trust equity of
redemption property poʃseʃsion profit poʃsibility claim and demand what
soever both at law and in equity of them this said Thomson Hankey and
John Alexander Hankey and William Stuart and such of therein unto
out of hand upon the said plantation slaves stalked hereditaments and
premises and every part thereof To have and to hold such and as many
^any such parts and parts of the said plantation slaves stock hereditaments and
premises lastly hereby conveyed and aʃsigned respectively or intended so
to be and their appurtenances as is and are freehold or of the nature of each?
estate unto and to the use of the said James Smith Archibald Smith
and Robert McCunn the heirs and aʃsigns forever and to have? and?
To hold such and so many and such part and parts of the said ______


Slaves stock and hereditaments space and premises as is and are chattel
hold or of the nature of personal estate unto the said James Smith Ar
chibald Smith and Robert McCunn their executors administrators and
aʃsigns And as to all that said plantation slaves stock hereditaments
and premises lastly here by conveyed and assigned respectively or intend
ed so to be freed and discharged from the trusts intents and purposes powers
provisoes agreements and declarations contained in the hereinbefore
recited Indentures of Appointment release an aʃsignment by the second
day of September one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six and In
dentures of Release and Aʃsignment of the second day of October one
thousand eight hundred and twenty seven but subject to the proviso and
agreement for redemption of the same plantations slaves stock heredita
ments and premises and other the provisoes and agreement hereinafter
contained (that is to say) Provided always and it is hereby agreed
and declared between and by the parties to these presents that of the
said William Stuart his heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns do and
shall on the Fifth day of August next well and truly pay or cause to be
paid unto the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn
their executors administrators or aʃsigns the sum of Eighteen thousand
and twenty five pounds five shillings of Lawful money of Great Britain
together with Interested for the same _____ the rate of five pounds for every
one hundred pounds by the year to be computed from the day of the date
of these presents and also all such other sums of money have been already
advanced lent or paid by the said James Smith Archibald Smith and
Robert McCunn to for on account of the said William Stuart together
with interest for the same after the rate aforesaid to be computed from the
respective times of the same have been so advanced lent or paid and also
do and shall from time to time well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the
said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn their executors
administrators or aʃsigns all and every other sums and sum of money which
at any time or times hereafter may be lent advanced or paid by the said
James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn or the survivors or
survivors of them his executors or administrators or by the persons or person
from time to time composing their House of Trade or conducting the
business thereof to or for the use or on the account of the said William
Stuart his heirs executors or administrators or which at any time or times
hereafter may become or be due or owing to the said James Smith Archibald
Smith and Robert McCunn or the survivors or survivor of them his exe
cutors ^or administrators or the person or persons so from time to time compo
sing their house of trade or conducting the busineʃs thereof from or by the
said William Stuart his heirs executors or administrators in any wise how
soever? within six calendar months next after the time or respective
_____ when the same shall be advanced lent or paid as aforesaid or shall



Become due and payable as the case may be or require together with
interest on all and every such several sum and sums to be computed after
the rate aforesaid from such time or times respectively and do and shall
make all the aforesaid payments at or upon the Royal Exchange in the
City of London without any deduction or abatement whatsoever out of the
same on any account whatsoever then and in such case they the said
James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn their heirs executors
administrators or aʃsigns shall and will at any time after such payments
shall be so made as last aforesaid upon the request and at the proper costs
and charges of the said William Stuart his heirs executors administrators
or aʃsigns convey and aʃsign the said plantations slaves stock hereditaments
and premises hereby converted and aʃsigned respectively or intended so to
be unto and to the use of the said William Stuart his his heirs executors
administrators or aʃsigns respectively according to the different natures
and qualities thereof respectively or as he or they shall in that behalf
direct free from all Incumbrances whatsoever made done or committed by
the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn or any of
them or their or any of their heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns so as
for the doing thereof they respectively or any of them be not compelled or
compellable to go from their respective usual places of abode And the
said William Stuart doth hereby for himself his heirs executors adminis
strators and assigns covenant promise and agree with and to the said James
Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn their executors adminis
trators and aʃsigns that he the said William Stuart his heirs executors
administrators or assigns shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be
paid to the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn
their executors administrators or assigns the said sum of Eighteen thousand
and twenty five pounds five shillings and all and every such other sums
and sum of money as have been already lent advanced or paid or shall or
may hereafter be lent advanced or paid or become or be due or owing as men
tioned in the proviso and agreement last hereinbefore contained and
the interest thereof respectively after the rate and on or at the days and
times and at the place in the same proviso and agreement mentioned
for the payment thereof respectively without any deduction or abatement
whatsoever according to the true intent and meaning of these presents
Provided always And it is hereby further agreed and declared between
and by the parties to these presents that if the said principal monies
and interest intended to be hereby secured as aforesaid or any of them or
any part thereof respectively shall not be parcel on or at the days or times
hereinbefore mentioned and appointed for the payment of the sums? respect
tively then and in such case and at any time after any default shall _____
been made in any such payment It shall be lawful for the said James?
Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn or the survivors or survivor?



Of them his heirs executors or administrators or their or his aʃsigns if they
or he shall think fit so to do and that of their or his proper authority and
without any further concurrence consent or authority of the said William
Stuart his heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns or any person or persons
Climing by from or under him or them absolutely to sell and dispose of all
or any of the said plantations slaves stick hereditaments and premises
lastly hereby conveyed and aʃsigned respectively or intended so to be and
the inheritance thereof in fee simple in poʃseʃsion to any person or persons
whomsoever either together or in parcels and either by Public Auction or
Private Contract at such price or prices and in such manner in other res
pects as the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn
or the survivor or survivor of them his heirs executors or administrators
or their or his aʃsigns shall been expedient or reasonable with liberty if
they or he shall think fit at any Public Auction to buy in the said here
ditaments and premises then offered for sale or any of them and resell
the same at any future auction or by private contract without being
liable to answer for any loss in price or such resale Provided in worth?
less that no sale of the said plantations slaves stock hereditaments
and premises or any of them shall be so made until the expiration of three
calendar months after the said James Smith Archibald Smith and
Robert McCunn or the survivors or survivor of them his heirs executors
or administrators or their or his assigns shall have given to the said
William Stuart his heirs assigns or left for him or them at his or their
usual or last place or places of abode a notice in writing of their or his in
tention to proceed to such sale And it is hereby further agree and
declared between and by the parties to these presents that the receipt
or receipts in writing of the said James Smith Archibald Smith and
Robert McCunn the survivors or survivor of them his heirs executors
or administrators or their or his aʃsigns for the monies to arise by any sale
to be made by them or him of the said hereditaments and premises or
any of them or for any other monies payable to him or them by virtue of these
presents shall effectually discharge the person or persons paying the same
and his her and their heirs executors and administrators from the money
in such receipt or receipts acknowledged to be received and from being
answerable for the misapplication or nonapplication thereof or to enquire
or ascertain whether the said hereditaments and premises shall have
become saleable or otherwise whether such sale shall be neceʃsary or proper
And it is hereby further agreed and declared between and by the parties
to these presents that in the event of a sale being made as aforesaid of the
said plantations slaves stock hereditaments and premise or any of them
the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn their exe
cutors administrators and aʃsigns with and out of the monies which they
_____ receive? by means of any such sale and respect of the rents issues



Profits and produce of the said plantations slaves stock heredita
ments and premises which shall actually come to their hands do and
shall in the first place pay and satisfy costs charges and expenses
attending or in anywise relating to such sale or which they shall or may
otherwise incur or sustain in the execution and performance of the trusts
and provisions of these presents and do and shall in the next place pay
or satisfy the principal monies and interest which shall then remain
due and owing on the security of these presents and do and shall pay the
surplus of the said monies and recovery and reaʃsign so much and such
part and parts of the said plantations slaves stock hereditaments and
premises which shall not have been sold under the trusts aforesaid unto
the said William Stuart his heirs executors administrators and aʃsigns
respectively according to the nature and quality thereof respectively for
his and their own absolute use and benefit Provided always and it
is hereby further agreed and declared between by the parties to
there presents that the Power of Sale hereinbefore contained shall not pre
clude or prevent the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert
McCunn their heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns from filing a
Bill for the foreclosure of the equity of redemption of and in the said
plantations slaves stock hereditaments and premises in case the said
principal monies and interest intended to be hereby secured as aforesaid
or any of them or any part thereof respectively shall not be paid on the
days or times hereinbefore mentioned and appointed for the payment of
the same respectively And each of them the said Thomson Hankey and
John Alexander Hankey doth hereby separately for himself and for his
own heirs executors administrators acts and deeds only covenant and declare
with and to the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn
their heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively That they
the said Thomson Hanky and John Alexander Hankey have not res
pectively at any time heretofore made done committed or executed or know
ingly or willing permitted or suffered or been party or privy to any act deed
matter or thing whatsoever whereby or by means whereof they are or may
be in any wise prevented or hindered from aʃsigning to the said James
Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn their executors and admin
istrators and aʃsigns in manner aforesaid and according to the true intent
and meaning of these presents the said sum of Eighteen thousand and
twenty five pounds five shillings and interest and all other the premises
firstly hereby aʃsigned or intended so to be or whereby assignment? whereof
the said plantations slaves stock hereditaments and premises lastly
hereby conveyed and aʃsigned respectively or intended so to be or any of these?
or any part thereof respectively are is can shall or may be in anywise
impeached charged affected or incumbered in title estate or otherwise?
howsoever And the said William Stuart doth hereby for himself his?



Heirs executors and administrators covenant promise and agree with
and to the said James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn
their heirs and aʃsigns in manner following that is to say That they the
said Thomson Hankey and John alexander Hankey and William Stuart
or some or one of them now have or hath in themselves or himself good right
and lawful and absolute authority by these presents and the bargain and
sale for a year on which this Indenture is grounded to convey aʃsign
and assure the said plantations slaves stock hereditaments and premises
lastly hereby conveyed and aʃsigned respectively or intended so to be with
their appurtenances unto and to the use of the said James Smith Archibald
Smith and Robert McCunn their heirs executors administrators and
assigns respectively in manner aforesaid and according to the true intent
and meaning of these presents And further that the same plantations
slaves stock hereditaments and premises shall and may from time to
time and all times hereafter remain and be bequested? in the said James
Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn their heirs executors ad
ministrators and aʃsigns respectively in manner aforesaid and according
to the true intent and meaning of these presents and be peaceably and
quietly entered into had held occupied poʃseʃsed and enjoyed and the rents
issues profits and produce thereof had received and taken accordingly
without the lawful lot suit trouble denial auction interruption claim
or demand whatsoever of or by him the said William Stuart his heirs execu
tors administrators or aʃsigns or any other person or persons whomsoever and
that free and clear and freely and clearly and absolutely acquitted released
and for ever discharged or otherwise by the said William Stuart his heirs
executors or administrators well and sufficiently saved defended kept harm
leʃs and indemnified of from and against all and manner of former
and other estates titles troubles charges debts and incumbrances whatsoever
And moreover that he the said William Stuart and his heirs executors
or administrators and all and every other persons and person whosever
now having or rightfully claiming or who shall or may hereafter have or
rightfully claim any estate right interest claim or demand whatsoever
either at Law or equity in to or out of or upon the said plantations slaves
stock heredits and premises lastly hereby conveyed and aʃsigned respectively
or intended so to be or any part thereof shall and will from time to time
and at all times thereafter upon the request of the said James Smith
Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn their heirs executors administra
tors or aʃsigns or any of them but at the expense of the said William Stuart
his heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns until or made? shall be made
under the power hereinbefore contained and afterwards at the expense of
the persons or person requiring the _____ made ______ acknowledge _____
_____ _____ to ______ and _____ _____ ______ done acknowledged
_____ _____ suffered and consented? allow and every such further and other lawful



And reasonable acts deeds conveyances and aʃsurances in the law
whatsoever for further better more perfectly and absolutely conveying
aʃsigning and aʃsuring the same plantations slaves stock hereditaments
premises with their appurtenances unto and to the use of the said
James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn their heirs
executors administrators and aʃsigns respectively in manner aforesaid
and according to the true intent and meaning of these presents as to
the persons or person for the time being making such request or their or
his counsel in the law shall be advised and required And it is hereby
further declared and agreed by and between the said parties to these
presents and particularly the said William Stuart doth hereby for
himself and his heirs executors and administrators covenant declare
and agree to and with the said James Smith Archibald Smith and
Robert McCunn their heirs executors administrators and assigns that
all and every person and persons poʃseʃsed of and interested in any trust
whatsoever affecting? in any manner containing the said Plantations Slaves Hereditaments and Premises lastly hereby conveyed _____
term or terms of years judgments or other estate or interest ^ respectively
or intended so to be or any part or parcel thereof respectively and particu
larly John Ryburn in respect of the residue of a certain term of one thousand
years aʃsigned by a certain Indenture bearing date the sixth day of August
one thousand eight hundred and nineteen and also John Hodgson in
respect of the? Judgments aʃsigned by the same Indenture shall from hence
forth stand poʃseʃsed of an interested in all such term and terms of years
judgments and other estates and interest as to and concerning the said
plantations slaves stock hereditaments and premises lastly hereby
conveyed and aʃsigned respectively or intended so to be In trust for the said
James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn heir heirs executors
administrators and aʃsigns for better securing the payment of the said princi
pal monies and interest intended to be hereby secured as aforesaid and for
that purpose to be aʃsigned and disposed of as they shall direct or appoint
and in the mean time and subject thereto In trust to attend wait upon
and go along with the reversion freehold and inheritance of the said heredit
aments and premises in order to protect and preserve the same from all money?
charges and incumbrances (if any such there be) Provided always that
the total amount of the money to be ultimately recoverable upon this
security shall not exceed the sum of ten thousand pounds sterling over
and above the said sum of Eighteen thousand and twenty five pounds
five shillings And the said parties hereto and particularly the said
William Stuart Thomson Hanky and John Alexander Hankey _____ and
each and every of them Doth hereby constitute? and appoint Robert Kirk
and John Todd both of the said Island of Grenada Esquires and each of
them jointly and severally _____ _____ lawful attornies and attorney _____
of them the said parties _____ _____ and every _____ of them and _____ _____
every or any of their _____ _____ ______ appear before the Governor _____


Or any other Judge of any Court of Justice or before the Secretary Registrar
or any other proper Officer of the said Island and to acknowledge these
presents and the said Indenture of Bargain and sale for a year on which
this Indenture is grounded as a release to be the acts and deeds of them
the said parties And further to make to sign seal and deliver and execute
every other act matter deed assurance or thing requisite or expedient to be
done in order to the registering of these presents and the said bargain and
sale for a year making the sum respectively valid and effectual for
the purposes aforesaid according to the true intent and meaning of the said
parties and of these presents the laws and usages of the said Island
In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set
their hands and seals the day and year first above written,

The Schedule to which the foregoing Indenture refers

Mount Hardman Estate

NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Andrew5 yearsBlackGrenadaNone
Antoine 117 ditto
Antoine 214 d˚
Alexan44 d˚Africa
Alexander23 d˚Grenada
Baptist46 d˚
Cash46 d˚Africa
Cudjoe28 d˚
Charles9 d˚Grenada
Ettiene64 d˚AfricaHas Country marks on his face
Frederick34 d˚Has his Country marks on his face
Francois52 d˚GrenadaNone
Gabriel54 d˚Africa
George7 d˚MulattoGrenada
Homer47 d˚BlackAfricaCroʃs on right shoulder
Isaac33 d˚Grenada
Idaac? 15 d˚
Joseph47 d˚AfricaHas his Country marks on face
Joseph22 d˚GrenadaNone
John Louie34 d˚
John Pierre31 d˚
John Baptiste28 d˚
Jonathan61 d˚AfricaCountry marks on his face
John 164 d˚None
John 231 d˚Grenada

John Andramay


NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
John Anchamay17 d˚
John Charles18 d˚
John Cow17 d˚
John Susannah16 d˚
John Philip8 d˚
James?/4 d˚
Joacinth3 d˚
John Francois29 d˚Africa
Louie Pierre46 d˚Grenada
Louie Pierre10 d˚
Lambert7 ½ d˚
Modest16 d˚
Michael12 d˚
Noel11 d˚
Nelson9 d˚
Sam23 d˚
Smart2 ½ d˚
Sandy2 ½ d˚
Tom72 d˚BarbadosIncurable sores on one of his legs
Thomas10 d˚Grenada
Thomas1 monthMulatto
Tucine6 yearsBlack
Vincent28 d˚
William58 d˚AfricaHas his Country marks on his face
William 21 d˚GrenadaNone
Wellington9 d˚
Robert2 ½ d˚
Angel26 yearsBlackGrenadaNone
Angelique31 d˚
Ann20 d˚
Andremus59 d˚Africa
Annaʃsie9 d˚Grenada
Amelia15 d˚
Adelaide5 d˚
Beʃs Maʃs43 d˚
Catharine33 d˚
Catharine 258 d˚
Clare28 d˚
Cecil50 d˚Africa


NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Charlotte20 d˚Grenada
Cloe13 d˚
Cloe26 d˚
Constance53 d˚Africa
Constance38 d˚Grenada
Comba48 d˚AfricaCountry marks on her face
Dutcheʃs15 d˚GrenadaNone
Ellen19 d˚
Elizabeth75 d˚Africa
Elizabeth7 d˚Grenada
Emmy1 ¼ d˚
Frances1 ½ d˚
Frances32 d˚
Frozene18 d˚
Frankey7 d˚
Flora60 d˚Africa
Fanny3 d˚Grenada
Gracy29 d˚
Harriette2 ½ d˚
Juno67 d˚Africa
Jean Rose9 d˚Grenada
Jean Clare7 d˚
Lawrine31 d˚
Lorancine7 d˚
Lucy28 d˚
Labeth72 d˚Africa
Louise6 monthsGrenada
Fanchionette8 d˚
Mary 1 34 d˚
Mary Snail?26 d˚
Mary Ann24 d˚
Mary Jean27 d˚
Mary Ursule32 d˚
Mary Louie27 d˚
Mary Creole34 d˚
Mary Rose58 d˚
Madlane96 d˚Africa
Madlane 238 d˚Grenada
Molly Congo66 d˚Africa
Minerva52 d˚
Margaret 238 yearsBlackAfricaHas Country marks on her face

NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Mimmy1 ¾ d˚MulatreʃsGrenadaNone
Polly 163 d˚Black
Polly 228 d˚d˚Africa
Pheby63 d˚Has Country marks on her face
Peggy 168 d˚None
Queen48 d˚
Rebecca66 d˚
Ruffine18 d˚Grenada
Ruffine6 d˚
Rosallie7 d˚
Rose6 d˚
Rosiette4 yearsBlackGrenadaNone
Sally28 d˚
Susey30 d˚
Susannah78 d˚
Susannah53 d˚Africa
Sophy75 d˚
Theotiste13 d˚Grenada
Victoire1 d˚
Charlotte 220 d˚

Fifty five Males and Seventy Eight Females this 31st day of December 1825


NamesAgeColourCountryHow acquiredConspicuous MarksMother’s nameRemarksMales Females
FortuneBlackGrenadaBy BirthNoneMary Janeborn 18th Sept. 1
Saint John DittoDittoDittoDittoFraseneborn 8th Dec. 1
CharlesEllenborn 9th Dec. 1

Fifty nine Males and Eighty Females 31st December 1826

NamesAgeColourCountryHow acquiredConspicuous MarksMother’s nameRemarksMales Females
JonathanBlackGrenadaBy BirthMaryborn 6th January1
RemongCatherine“ 22d April1
EdwardAngel“ 12th May1
AlexandrineCharlotte“ 10th June
KittyCharlotte“ 14th June
LindseyFrancoise“ 26th August1
CatharineDutcheʃs“ 17 Novr
Emilie31 yrsBy purchase from
Louis Denis LaBiache?
Christopher27” By purchase from Jeanet St. Bernard
Baptiste55” By purchase from the atty of Anne & Loui La Stuart?
Cuffee23” d˚ d˚ 1
Louisa26” d˚ d˚ 1

62 Males and 69 Females – 31st December 1827


Grand Ance Estate

NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Ambrose41 yearsBlackGrenadaNone
Alexander William33 d˚
Alexy33 d˚
Andry9 d˚
Alexander24 d˚
Alexander G. 5 d˚Mustiʃs
Billy4 d˚Black
Christopher38 d˚
Cadat28 d˚
Ceasar10 d˚
Daniel14 d˚
Edin68 d˚Africa
Frederick11 d˚Grenada
Gideon33 d˚
Gabriel38 d˚
Gilbert38 d˚Cabre
Gill34 d˚Black
Hamlet38 d˚Africa
John Fisher42 d˚
John Benoit45 d˚Grenada
Jerome58 d˚
Isaac33 d˚
John Pierre25 d˚
John Francois24 d˚
John Francois16 d˚
John Charles17 d˚
Jock14 yearsBlackGrenadaNone
Joseph43 d˚
John Desire35 d˚
John Charles16 d˚
John Manuel17 d˚
John4 d˚
Louie48 d˚
Louis Charles38 d˚
Liverpool8 d˚
Martin33 d˚
Maximine48 d˚
Marecille35 d˚
Morris13 d˚
Noel Dominique38 d˚
Peter Vic38 d˚African


NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Philibert 117 d˚Grenada
Philibert 243 d˚
Phillip43 d˚Africa
Paul58 d˚
Robert38 d˚Grenada
Romulus50 d˚AfricaMarks on his Teeth
Robin58 d˚None
Saint John46 d˚Grenada
Simeon14 d˚
St Clare4 ½ d˚
Samuel8 d˚
Toby20 d˚
Vincent13 d˚
William25 d˚Mulatto
William Pitt41 d˚BlackAfricaWants one of his legs amputated? on account of and? sores
Wallace52 d˚BlackGrenadaNone
Michel2 ½ d˚
Edward1 ½ d˚
Bernard9 months
Julian10 years
Adelaide53 yearsBlackAfricaNone
Angelique11 d˚Grenada
Aquasheeba58 d˚ Africa
Amelia38 d˚ Grenada
Ceccil30 d˚
Celeste 1st
Catherine19 d˚
Clotine15 d˚
Dorothy58 d˚ AfricaMarks on her face
Desirie58 d˚ GrenadaNone
Elizabeth25 d˚ Mulatreʃ
Fanchinette38 d˚ Black
Flora9 d˚
Germain78 d˚ AfricaMarks on her face
Germain38 d˚ GrenadaNone
Harriet38 d˚
Hellen21 d˚
Hannah24 d˚
Julianne53 d˚


NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Justine38 d˚
Java63 d˚ AfricaMarks on her face
Javott28 d˚ GrenadaNone
Judith20 d˚
Jenny14 d˚
Jean Clair7 d˚
Judy38 d˚ Africa
Jean Leese11 d˚ Grenada
Indiana9 d˚
Jannette6 ½ d˚
Laine48 d˚ AfricaMarks on her face
Lucille33 d˚ GrenadaNone
Liese6 d˚
Louise12 d˚
Louisa12 d˚
Margaret38 d˚
Marchine18 d˚
Mary Therese30 d˚
Mary McKenna 234 d˚
Madlane28 d˚
Mary Elly18 yearsBlackGrenadanone
Margaret15 d˚
Mary Ann58 d˚
Mary Joseph68 d˚
Mary Victoire30 d˚
Mary Rosee33 d˚ Mulatreʃs
Madlin38 d˚ Black
Martha Rose26 d˚
Nanette36 d˚
Mary Louise43 d˚
Nanny38 d˚ AfricaMarks on her face
Pottim58 d˚ GrenadaNone
Princeʃs6 ½ d˚
Radagond 143 d˚
Radagond 238 d˚
Rosie48 d˚
Rennette10 d˚
Rennette48 d˚
Renphine38 d˚
Susy26 d˚
Simone16 d˚


NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Sarah38 d˚
Therese58 d˚
Tonette53 d˚
Zabeth58 d˚
Radagond63 d˚
Mary Claire1 ½ d˚
Rosette3 months
Francess3 yearsMestiʃʃ
Susan13 d˚ BlackThis Slave was returned Noel? a Boy in _____ 1821?

Sixty eight Males and Seventy five Females 31st December 1825


NamesAgeColourCountryHow acquiredConspicuous MarksMother’s nameRemarksMales Females
PascallBlackGrenadaBy BirthOne of his hands without fingersMary Victoireborn 5 April1
RosallieNoneMarchineborn 10 March1
AnnAmeliaborn 6 May1
DaisieRagdagondborn 28 May1
AlickMadelainborn 10 June1
BettyJudyborn 2 Sept1
JeannieMulatreʃs Mary Roseborn 19 Nov1

Seventy four Males and Seventy four Females 31st December 1827

Morne Delice Estate

NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Alick5 ½ yearsBlackGrenadaNone
Augustine38 d˚
Alexander18 d˚
Alexis46 d˚
Adam24 d˚
Bartholomew3 ½ d˚
Benjamin36 d˚
Bastine27 d˚ Incurable sores on both legs
Campbell40 d˚ AfricaCountry marks on his face & belly
Colin36 d˚ GrenadaNone
Celestine26 d˚ Mulatto
Connet5 ½ d˚ Black
Charles9 d˚


NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Frank52 d˚ Africa
George18 d˚ Grenada
Gilbert14 d˚
Henry12 d˚
Hylair33 years BlackGrenadaNone
Joseph27 d˚ Africa
Joseph15 d˚ Grenada
Jupiter33 d˚ Africa
John Valentine20 d˚ Grenada
John Elly33 d˚
Joseph33 d˚
Julien40 d˚
Jean34 d˚
Jean Marie26 d˚ Mulatto
John24 d˚
Isaac34 d˚ Black
Joachim24 d˚
Jean Philip23 d˚
Jean Babbtiste21 d˚
Jacque19 d˚
John Louis15 d˚
Lubain60 d˚ AfricaCountry marks on both temples
Lewis35 d˚ Grenada None
Laurent25 years BlackGrenadaNoneIncurable sores on both legs
Lamour25 d˚
Louison18 d˚
Michel55 d˚
Mark46 d˚ AfricaCountry marks on the belly
Mishand19 d˚ GrenadaNone
Mark Anthony19 d˚
Naʃsaw2 yrs & 5 mos
Paschall25 d˚
Penhus13 d˚
Placid9 d˚
Pierre Due39 d˚
Phaeton54 d˚ Africa
Rufine32 d˚ Grenada
Regis34 d˚
Rock40 d˚
Robert36 d˚ AfricaConspicuous marks on the belly
St. Louis18 d˚ GrenadaNone


NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Sandy9 d˚
Seraphine12 d˚
Sylvian15 d˚
Staniselaws1 yr & 7 mos
Toby32 d˚
Touiʃsaint34 d˚
urbain13 d˚
Victor22 d˚ Mulatto
William Congo42 d˚ BlackAfrica
Augustine1 mo. 9 daysBlackGrenadaNone
Agnes50 d˚ Africa
Alexandrine40 d˚
Annette31 d˚ Grenada
Annie32 d˚ Free marked with small pox?
Adelaide9 d˚ None
Blanche28 d˚ Marks on the head & right shoulder
Bonne18 d˚ None
Bridgette8 d˚
Betsey8 ½ d˚
Betsey16 d˚ Carriacou
Colette31 d˚ Grenada
Celestine30 d˚
Colinette30 d˚
Celemine28 d˚
Colombe24 d˚
Catharine30 d˚ Diseased Legs
Claire18 d˚
Charlotte34 d˚
Daie45 d˚ Africa
Dolu28 d˚ MulatreʃsGrenada
Delice28 d˚
Dennise14 d˚ Black
Doroth17 d˚
Ellen4 yrs 7 mos
Eulalie56 d˚
Euphrosine38 d˚
Eglie24 d˚
Elenore13 yearsBlackGrenadaNone
Florentine31 d˚
Fanny30 d˚


NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Fanchine27 d˚
Fanchinette36 d˚
Flourie14 d˚
Francoise6 ½ d˚
Fanchinette33 d˚
Gattone24 d˚
Genevieve8 d˚
Harriette7 ½ d˚ Grenada
Judick6 ½ d˚
Iris68 d˚ AfricaCountry marks on the face
Julie46 d˚ GrenadaNone
Jean Clare20 d˚ Small mark under the right throat
Jeremine9 d˚ None
Lucile27 d˚
Lorance40 d˚ Carriacou
Melance29 d˚ Grenada
Mathoune39 d˚
Madlonette22 d˚
Margarit19 d˚
Mary Louise34 d˚ Africa
Matilda8 d˚ Grenada
Monique14 d˚
Marie Helen13 d˚
Marie Jeanne12 d˚
Manetto48 d˚
Madlane2 yrs & 3 mos
Nancy34 years
Nicole29 d˚
Opportune28 d˚
Othaice46 d˚ AfricaCountry marks on both sides of the face
Palas56 d˚ Country marks on both sides of the face
Pirette30 d˚ GrenadaNone
Peggy3 ½ months
Perine30 d˚ Marks on the breast & stomach
Pelagie11 d˚ None
Rosilaine24 d˚
Reine21 d˚
Renette14 d˚
Rufine13 d˚
Rae4 yrs & 7 mos
Petit Sabrine36 d˚


Sible26 d˚
Sally19 d˚
Susan13 d˚
Susey5 ½ d˚
Veronique10 d˚
Victourie28 d˚
Veronique3 d˚
Rosette58 d˚ Africa
Zabeth5 ½ d˚ Carriacou

Sixty seven Males and Eighty seven females this 31st day of December 1825
Slaves comprised in the Mortgage of Grand Ance Estate but appearing
by the latest Registry to be on Mount Moritz Estate in the Parish of St. George

NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Acra?48 d˚ BlackAfrica
George Point50 d˚ Marks on his face
Sandy63 d˚
Ann Louise48 yearsBlackGrenadaNone
Jane Rose43 d˚


NamesAgeColourCountryHow acquiredConspicuous MarksMother’s nameRemarksMales Females
Ellen8 mosBlackGrenadaBy BirthNoneRosetteborn 28 April1
William5 mosMulattoSusanborn 8 August1

Sixty five Males and Eighty three Females this 31st December 1827

Slaves comprised in the Mortgage of Grand Ance but appearing by the
latest Registry to be on the Diamond Estate in the parish of St. Mark.

NamesSupposed AgeColourCountryConspicuous marksRemarks
Andrew36 yearsBlackGrenada
John22 yearsBlackGrenada
John Louis26 yearsBlackGrenada
Joacinth26 yearsBlackGrenada
Judore38 yearsBlackGrenada
Esther29 yearsBlackGrenada



NamesAgeColourCountryHow acquiredConspicuous MarksMother’s nameRemarksMales Females
William10 mosMulattoGrenada By Birth None Esther1

Thomson (LS) Hankey John Alexander (LS) Hankey
Wm (LS) Stuart
Jas (LS) Smith Archd (LS) Smith Robt (LS) McCunn
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named Thomson Rankey in
the presence of

Thomas Bodley – Brighton Gent.
William Henry Sharpe Threadneedle St. London
Clerk to Meʃsrs Duncan Wordsworth
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named John Alexander Hankey
in the presence of

James Brooke - 16 Terminals Inn
William Henry Sharpe
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named William Stuart in
the presence of

Alex Christie – Clerk to the British Linen Coy at Elgin
Alex Duncan – Accountant to the said British Linen Coy
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named James Smith Archibald
Smith and Robert McCunn in the presence of

David Smith – Clerk to James & Archd Smith & Coy
Archd McCunn – Clerk to James & Archd Smith & Coy

Received on the day of the date of the within written Indenture of and
from the within named James Smith Archibald Smith and Robert McCunn
the sum of Eighteen thousand and twenty five pounds five shillings sterling
being the consideration money within mentioned to be by them paid to us

Thomson Hankey John Alexander Hankey
Witneʃs to the signing by Thomas Hankey

Thomas Bodley William Henry Sharpe
Witneʃses to the signing by John Alexander Hankey

James Brooke William Henry Sharpe
William Henry Sharpe of Threadneedle Street in the City of London
Cleark to Meʃsrs Dunn and Wordsworth maketh on oath and saith that he
was together with Thomas Bodley? of Brighton in the County of Sussex
Gentleman present and did see Thomson Hankey in the Indentures of Lease
and Release and aʃsignment hereunto annexed respectively mentioned
and described duly sign seal and as his act and deed deliver the said
Indentures of Lease and Release and Aʃsignment respectively And this
deponent also saith that he was together with James Brooke of _____ in
London Gentleman present and did see John Alexander Hankey in the and
Indentures of Lease and Release and Aʃsignment hereunto annexed also
_____ _____ mentioned and described duly sing seal and as his act and deed



Deliver the said Indentures of Lease and Release and Aʃsignment
respectively And this deponent saith that the names or signatures
“Thomson Hankey” and “John Alexander Hankey” respectively set and
subscribed to the said Indentures of Lease and Release and Aʃsignment
as two of the parties executing the same are of the respective proper hand
writing of the said Thomson Hankey and John Alexander Hankey and
that the names Thomson Hankey and John Alexander Hankey and
that the name Thomson Hankey to the said Indentures of Lease and Re
lease and Aʃsignment respectively set and subscribed was so set and
subscribed in the presence of this deponent and the said Thomas Bodley
and that the name John Alexander Hanky to the said Indentures of Lease
and Release and Aʃsignment also respectively set and subscribed was so
set and subscribed in the presence of the said James C Brooke and this
deponent And this deponent further saith that the names or signatures
“William Henry Sharpe” and “Thomas Bodley” indorsed upon the said
Indentures of Lease and Release and Aʃsignment respectively the
parties witneʃsing the execution of the same by the said Thomson Hankey
are of the respective proper hands writing of this deponent and the said
Thomas Bodley and that the names or signatures “James Brooke” and
“William Henry Sharpe” respectively indorsed upon the said Indentures
of Lease and Release and Aʃsignment as the parties witneʃsing the
execution of the same by the said John Alexander Hankey are of the
respective proper handwriting of the said James Brooke and this deponent

William Henry Sharpe
Sworn before me at the Mansion House in the City of London this sixth
day of February 1829.

Wm Thompson – Mayor
To all to whom these presents shall come I William Thompson
Lord Mayor of the Coty of London In pursuance of an Act of Parliament
made and paʃsed in the fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George
the second Intituled an Act for the more easy recovery of Debts in His Majesty’s
Plantations and Colonies in America Do hereby Certify that on the day
of the date hereof personally came and appeared before me William Henry
Sharpe the deponent named in the Affidavit hereunto annexed being
a person well known and worthy of good Credit and by solemn oath which
the said deponent then took before me upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty
God Did solemnly and sincerely declare testify and depose to be true
the several matters and things mentioned and contained in the said annexed

In Faith and Testimony any whereof I the said Lord Mayor have
caused the seal of the Office of Mayoralty of the said City of
London to be hereunto put and affixed and the Indentures of Lease
and Release and Aʃsignment mentioned and referred to in by
the said Affidavit to be hereunto also annexed _____ _____ _____
the sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand _____ _____


Alex Duncan Accountant to the British Linen Coy at Elgin maketh
oath and saith that he together with Alex Christies Clerk of said British
Linen Coy was present and did see William Stuart in the Indentures of
Lease and Release and Aʃsignment hereunto annexed bearing date res
pectively the fourth and fifth days of February one thousand eight hundred
and twenty nine respectively mentioned and described duly sign seal and
as his act and deed in due form of law deliver the said Indentures respectively
and that the name or signature “Wm Stuart”” subscribed to the said Inden
tures respectively as one of the parties executing the same is respectively of
the proper handwriting of the said William Stuart and that the names or
signatures “Alex Christie” and “Alex Duncan” endorsed on the said Inden
tures of Lease and Release and Aʃsignment respectively as the witneʃses
attesting the due execution of the same by the said William Stuart are
respectively of the respective proper handwriting of the said Alex Christie
and of the this deponent

Alex Duncan
Sworn at the Burgh of Elgin the twenty seventh day of _____ 1829

before me Alex Innes Provost
To all to whom these presents shall come I Alexander Innes Provost
and Chief Magistrate of the Burgh of Elgin in that part of Great Britain
called Scotland Do hereby certify that on the day of the date hereof person
ally came and appeared before me Alex Duncan the deponent named in the
foregoing Affidavit being a person well known and worthy of good credit and
by solemn oath which the said deponent then took before me upon the
Holy Evangelists of Almighty God did solemnly and sincerely declare
testify and depose to be true the several matters and things mentioned
and contained in the said Affidavit
Seal appended by
Patrick Duff

In Faith and Testimony whereof the said Provost and
Chief Magistrate have caused the common seal of the
said Burgh of Elgin to be hereunto put and affixed and
the Indentures of Lease and Release and Aʃsignment
mentioned and referred to in and by the said Affidavit
to be hereunto annexed Dated in Elgin the twenty
seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and twenty nine.
Alex Innes
Much more to come.




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