This next Record from the Grenada Registers of Records will be a remarkable addition to someone’s genealogy and ancestry research. The only Smith included in the Document is one George Smith and there is no given connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
From my very brief review of the Document it appears that the issue or issues pertain to the inheritances attached to a number of wills that were executed over a period of some 47 years. It also appears that the confusion can be trying to understand whether the details are explicit to a will about a will about a will. Then add the Archbishop of Canterbury and Charles Lord Farnborough along with the numerous other persons and it becomes very perplexing. Bottom line there does appear to be any hint or clue to the genealogical origins of ggg-grandfather James.
Here are a couple of cross-references that I discovered to a possible match to one George Smith.
And my transcription…
In 1805, (sic George) Smith was appointed chief justice of the island of Grenada, in the West Indies, by Lord Cartlereagh…, The Drennan-McTier Letters: 1802-1819 by William Drennan, Martha Drenna McTier, Martha McTier, Maria Luddy; Irish Manuscripts Commission, 1998-; Dublin.From the microfilm FHL [1563380] here are the Record’s pages; 237 to and including 242.
The laws of Grenada, 1763-1805…, by George Smith. London, H. Bryer, 1806.
Smith, George, Chief Justice of Grenada … A critical Dictionary of English Literature and British And American Authors Living and Deceased, Vol. II by S. Austin Allibone, J.B. Lippincott Company, London - 1899.
And my transcription…
I hope you enjoy the new blog site,(237)Examined
Entered 18 September 1829
To all to whom these Presents shall come George Smith
of Harley Street Middlesex Esquire The Right Honorable Charles
Lord Farnborough (heretofore Charles Long Esquire and afterwards
Sir Charles Long) Knight Grand Croʃs of the most Honorable Order of
the Bath and The Reverend William Long of Sternfield near Sax
mundham in the County of Suffolk Clerk Send Greeting Whereas
Peter Simond late of London Merchant duly made his Will dated the
eighth day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty two which was
signed and published in the presence of and attested by three witneʃses
whereby he gave to his wife Susanna Grosteste Simond during her life
an annuity of Four hundred pounds and subject thereto and to the pay
ment of his debts legacies and funeral expenses and also of all such legacies
_____ should by an Codicil or Codicils give or direct to be paid he gave and
Devised all his sugar plantations houses buildings sugar works
mills lands tenements negroes slaves plantation utensils live and
dead stock and hereditaments in the Island of Grenada or elsewhere
in the West Indies unto and to the rise of this daughter Susanna Louisa
Baroneʃs St. John Sir John Trevelyan Baronet and John Hankey
their heirs and aʃsigns for ever to be equally divided among them as ten
ants in common and he appointed the said Susanna Baronseʃs
St. John Sit John Trevelyan and John Hankey Executors of his said
Will And whereas the said Testator afterwards made a Codicil to
his said Will dated the second day of August one thousand seven
hundred and eighty five whereby he appointed Beeston Long Esquire
Executor of his said Will together with his other executors in his said
Will named and he gave to the said Beeston Long a Legacy of one hun
dred pounds And whereas the said Testator afterwards made another
Codicil to his said Will dated the eleventh day of October one thousand
seven hundred and eighty five whereby he gave and bequeathed unto
the said Beeston Long three hundred pounds over and above the legacy
of one hundred pounds bequeathed to him by his first Codicil And
whereas the said Peter Simon died on the twenty third day of November
one thousand seven hundred and eighty five without having revoked or
altered his said Will and Codicils which were on the seventh day of December
one thousand seven hundred and eighty five duly proved in the Prerogative
Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury by the said Susanna Louisa then
Baroneʃs Dowager St. John Sir John Trevelyan John Hankey and Beeston
Long the Executors thereof And whereas the said Susanna Louisa Baroneʃs
dowager St. John John Hankey and Beeston Long all died in the lifetime
of their Co-Executor the said Sir John Trevelyan the said Beeston Long
having first duly made and published his will and thereof appointed the
said George Smith Charles Lord Farnborough (then Charles Long Esquire)
and William Long Executors who shortly after the decease of the said
Beeston Long duly proved the said Will in the Prerogative Court of the
Archbishop of Canterbury and thereby became and are now the sole legal
personal representatives of the said Beeston Long And whereas the
said Sir John Trevelyan the last surviving Executor of the said Peter
Simon departed this live in the month of April now last past having
first duly made and published his last will and testament and thereof
appointed his sons John Trevelyan now Sir John Trevelyan and The
Reverend Walter Trevelyan Executors who have since duly proved his said
Will in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury And whereas
several payments on account of the principal and interest of the said
legacies of one hundred pounds and Three hundred pounds have since then?
decease of the said Beeston Long from time to time been made to the said
George Smith Charles Lord Farnborough and William Long as _____
As aforesaid and upon an account made up settles and adjusted by
and between the devisees of the said Peter Simond or Thomson Hankey John
Alexander Hankey and Thomson Hankey the Younger of Mincing Lane
London Merchants as the Agents and Consignees of the produce of the said
plantations estates hereditaments and premises devised by the Will of the
said Peter Simond as aforesaid and the said George Smith Charles Lord
Farnborough William Long as such executors as aforesaid of the princi
pal and interest remaining due for and in respect of the said legacies of one
hundred pounds and three hundred pounds up to and including the day of
the date of these presents there appeared to be due to the said George Smith
Charles Lord Farnborough and William Long as the Executors of the said
Beeston Long the sum of Eighty one pounds four shillings of lawful money
in the Balance of the said legacies and interest and no more as they the
said George Smith Charles Lord Farnborough and William Long do and
each and every of them doth hereby declare admit and acknowledge And
whereas the said Thomson Hankey John Alexander Hankey and Thomson
Hankey the younger as such consignees of the said plantations estates
hereditaments and premises have as the Agents and by and with the consent
and direction of the persons now beneficially interested in and entitles to the
said plantations estates hereditaments and premises paid the said sum of
Eight one pounds four shillings to the said George Smith Charles Lord Farn
borough and William Long as such Executors of the said Beeston Long Now
these Presents witness that for and in consideration of the said several
payments so made to the said George Smith Charles Lord Farnborough
and William Long as the Executors of the said Beeston Long on account of
the principal and interest of the said Legacies of one hundred and
three hundred pounds as hereinbefore mentioned and also for and in consideration
of the said sum of Eight one pounds four shillings of lawful money of Great
Britain to the said George Smith Charles Lord Farnborough and William Long
in hand well and truly paid as aforesaid at or before the sealing and delivery
of these presents the receipt whereof they the said George Smith Charles
Lord Farnborough and William Long do and each and every of them doth
hereby declare admit and acknowledge and that the same is in full satis
faction and discharge of all principal money and interest now due for or in
respect of the said legacies or sums of one hundred pounds and three hundred
pounds bequeathed to the said Beeston Long by the first and second Codicils
to the Will of the said Peter Simond as hereinbefore mentioned They the
said George Smith Charles Lord Farnborough and William Long Have
and each and every of them Hath remised released exonerated and for
ever discharges and by these presents Do and each and every of them Doth
remise release exonerate and for ever discharge the said Thomson Hankey
John Alexander Hankey and Thomson Hankey the younger their heirs
executors? administrators and aʃsigns and every of them and their among
Of their goods and chattels lands tenements and hereditaments and
all and every the Sugar Plantations houses buildings sugar works mills
lands tenements negroes slaves plantations utensils live ad dead stock
and hereditaments situate and being in the Island of Grenada or elsewhere
in the West Indies devised by the said Will of the said Peter Simond
and thereby charges with the payment of his legacies as aforesaid and
every of them and every part thereof with their and every of their rights
members and appurtenances and all and every persons and person whom
soever in any way interested in or entitles to the said several plantations
lands negroes slaves hereditaments and premises or any of them or any
part thereof their and every of their heirs executors administrators and
aʃsigns and all other the real and personal estate and effects whatsoever
of the said Peter Simond deceased and also the said Sir John Trevelyan
and Walter Trevelyan such Executors as aforesaid and all other the real
and person representative and representatives of the said Peter Simond
deceased of and from the said several legacies or sums of one hundred pounds
and three hundred pounds given and bequeathed unto the said Beeston
Long by the said Peter Simond as aforesaid and each of them and every
part thereof And also of and from all and all manner of action and actions
suit and suits cause and causes of action and suit claim and demands what
soever at law and in equity or otherwise which they the said George Smith
Charles Lord Farnborough and William Long as Executors as aforesaid
or in any other right or capacity whatsoever now have or hath or ever had
or which they or any or either of them or their or any or either of their heirs
executors administrators or aʃsigns can shall or may at any time or times
hereafter have claim challenge bring commence prosecute or demand against
the said Sir John Trevelyan and Walter Trevelyan or either of them their or
either of their heirs executors or administrators estate or effects or other the
the real or personal representative or representatives of the said Peter Simond
or the said several plantations lands negroes slaves hereditaments and prem
ises or any of them or any part thereof or any persons or person whomsoever in
or to the produce or profits thereof or any part thereof
terested in or entitled to the same or any of them or any part thereof^ their or
any or either of their heirs executors administrators or aʃsigns or the real or
personal estate of the said Peter Simond deceased or the said Thomson
Hankey John Alexander Hankey and Thomson Hankey the younger any
or either of them or other the Consignee or Consignees of the said plantations
lands hereditaments and premises or any part thereof for or by reason or reasons
or on account of the said several legacies or sums of one hundred pounds
and Three hundred pounds or either of them or any part thereof the inter
est thereof or either of them or any part thereof or for or by reason ^or means or on account?
of any matter cause or thing touching or concerning the same or in any _____
relating thereto And the said George Smith Charles Lord Farnborough and?
William Long Do and each and every of them Doth hereby con
statute and appoint John Stokes and Francis Jemmett? both of the Island
of Grenada Esquires and each of them jointly and severally the true and law
ful Attornies and Attorney of them the said George Smith Charles Lord
Farnborough and William Long and of each and every of them for them or any
or either of them and in their and each or any or either of their names or name
to appear before the proper Judge Officer of the Registrar of the said Island and
to acknowledge these presents to be the acts and deeds of the them the said George
Smith Charles Lord Farnborough and William Long And further to make
do sign seal deliver and execute every other act deed or thing requisite to be
done to register these presents and make the same effectual for the purposes
aforesaid according to the true intent of these presents of the laws and
usages of the said Island In witness whereof the said George Smith Charles
Lord Farnborough and William Long have hereunto set their hands and
seals the thirtieth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and twenty nine
George (LS) Smith Farnborough (LS) W.Long (S)
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named George Smith in the pre
sence of
William Harland? - Library East India HouseSigned sealed and delivered by the within named Charles Lord Farnborough
Ste. Newman - New Bank Buildings – London
and William Long in the presence of
David Martin – Army Pay Office
Ste. Newman
Stephen Newman of New Bank Buildings in the City of London Gen
tleman maketh oath and saith that he was together with William Harland?
of the Library in the East India House Gentleman present and did see George
Smith in the Deed Poll hereunto annexed mentioned and described duly sign
seal and as his act and deed deliver the said Deed Poll and this deponent
also saith that he was together with David Martin of the Army Pay Office
Whitehall Gentleman present and did see The Right Honorable Charles Lord
Farnborough and the Reverend William Long in the said Deed Poll here
unto annexed also respectively mentioned and described duly sign seal and
as their several and respective acts and deeds deliver the said Deed Poll
And this deponent saith that the names or signatures “George Smith” “Farnborough”
and “W Long” respectively set and subscribed to the said Deed Poll as the
parties executing the same are of the respective proper hands writing of the
said George Smith Charles Lord Farnborough and William Long and that
the name or signature “George Smith” to the said Deed Poll set and subscri
bed was so set and subscribed in the present of the said William Harland?
and this deponent and that the names or signature “Farnborough” and
“W Long”” to the said Deed Pool respectively set and subscribed were as
Respectively set and subscribed in the presence of the said David
Martin and this deponent And this deponent further saith that the
names or signatures “William Harland?” and “Ste. Newman” respectively in
dorsed upon the said Deeds Polls as the parties witneʃsing the execution
of the same respectively by the said Charles Lord Farnborough and William
Ong are of the respective proper hands writing of the said David Martin
and this deponent
Ste. Newman
Sworn at Guild Hall in the City of London this 21st day of May 1829
before me –
Wm Thompson
To all to whom these presents shall come I William Thompson
Lord Mayor of the City of London In pursuance of an Act of Parliament
made an paʃsed in the fifth year of the Right of his late Majesty
King George the second Intitiled an Act for the more easy recovery of
Debts in his Majesty’s Plantations and Colonies in America Do hereby
Certify that on the day of the date hereof Personally came and appeared
before me Stephen Newman the deponent named in the Affidavit here
unto annexed being a person well known and worthy of good Credit and
by solemn oath which the said deponent then took before me upon the
Holy Evangelists of Almighty God Did solemnly and sincerely declare
testify and depose to be true the several matters and things mentioned
and contained in the said annexed Affidavit.
In faith and Testimony whereof I the said Lord
Mayor have caused the seal of the Office of Mayor
alty of the said City of London to be hereunto put
and affixed and the deed poll mentioned and re
ferered to in and by the said Affidavit to be hereun
to also annexed Dated in London the twenty first
day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and twenty nine.Windale
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