And you’ve probably been wondering just where in the world is Jim? And how come he seems to have slowed down with his Transcription Project? You probably thought that I had given up on the search and research of the genealogy and ancestry of the origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith. Nope!
The picture that I took this afternoon is of the irises in my garden which have bloomed for the first time since I planted them four years ago. I was ready to give up. I am learning patience. I think I've learned a lesson here.
I’ve been working diligently, (and falling to sleep at my keyboard), on one massive set of pages that relates to the Smith surname. This Record begins on page 17 and runs to and includes up to page 33. And I swear that there is so much in this Document that at times I kept wondering that this cannot be of all one set from the Grenada Registers of Records.
All-things-being equal it may have something to do with the Record of my Posting Part 271s. At first review and read, I have not been able to see any hint of the origins of the genealogy and ancestry of ggg-grandfather James. But there is a possibility that James Smith the Carpenter referred to as many times, could be ggg-grandfather James.
This Record includes three James Smiths and one Archibald Smith; the James Smith the Carpenter and the James Smith and James Smith, Junior and Archibald Smith of the Leitch and Smith firm. The name James Smith is referred to 63 times. It also includes many other names that I have chanced upon before in my work and as well as a number of new ones; new names to me, that is.
The Document appears to cross-reference other Documents as well as it appears to relate and reference to Records during the period of 1803 to 1829. Once you wade through the long-windedness you’ll see that it can be extremely over-whelming, somewhat boring, and at times interesting.
The images are from Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563380].
And my long transcription –
This Record includes three James Smiths and one Archibald Smith; the James Smith the Carpenter and the James Smith and James Smith, Junior and Archibald Smith of the Leitch and Smith firm. The name James Smith is referred to 63 times. It also includes many other names that I have chanced upon before in my work and as well as a number of new ones; new names to me, that is.
The Document appears to cross-reference other Documents as well as it appears to relate and reference to Records during the period of 1803 to 1829. Once you wade through the long-windedness you’ll see that it can be extremely over-whelming, somewhat boring, and at times interesting.
The images are from Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563380].
And my long transcription –
This Indenture made the fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and twenty nine Between James Smith of
the Island of Grenada Gentleman of the first part John Chapman of the
said Island Carpenter John Bell of the said Island Planter Robert
Otway John Hoyes Richard Steele and Thomas Otway of the said
Island Merchants trading under the firm of Hoyes and Company
Evan Kennedy of the said Island Merchant Matthew Davies of the
said Island Merchant John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith
Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith and John
Lindsey lately carrying on business in the Island of Grenada in Copartnership
under the firm of Leitch and Smith. Robert Ker and James Ker of
the said Island Merchants and Copartners trading under the firm of Robert
and James Ker, and James Hopkirk, David Graham, John Bell
and William Cunningham Merchants lately carrying on busineʃs in the
said island of Grenada in Copartnership under the firm of George Brown
and Company of the second part and John Wells of the said Island Esquire
of the third part Whereas by indenture bearing date the fourth day of March
one thousand eight hundred and eighteen and made Between Anthony
Philip Count de Lardenoy therein described as Governor of the Island of
Guadeloupe and its dependencies of the one part and James Corson of Philpot
land in the City of London Merchant of the other part Reciting Indentures
of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the fifteenth and sixteenth day
of May one thousand eight hundred and three the release being made between
Anne Louise Delbourg Widow Duranti De Colongue of the parish of Saint George
in(18)In the island of Grenada of the one part and John Theophilus Daubuz
therein described of the other part Whereby it is witnessed that in con
sideration of the sum of Three thousand nine hundred and eighty seven
pounds two shillings and four pence therein stated to be due and owing
by the said Anne Louise Delbourg Widow Duranti De Colongue to the
said John Theophilus Daubuz therein mentioned the said Anne
Louise Delbourg Widow Duranti de Colongue did grant release and
confirm unto the said John Theophilus Daubuz his heirs executors admin
istrators and aʃsigns a certain sugar plantation or Estate called Mount
D’or situate in the said island of Grenada and therein more particularly
described and also all the negroes and other slaves then being on the
plantation and all and singular the chattels and effects therein mentioned
To hold the same with the appurtenances unto the said John Theophilus
Danbuz his heirs executors administrators and aʃsigns Subject to an Inden-
ture of defearance of even date therewith for the redemption of the said here-
ditaments and premises on payment by the said Anne Louise Delbourg
Widow Duranti de Colongue to the said John Theophilus Daubuz his Exe-
cutors administrators or assigns of the sum of Three thousand nine hundred
and eighty seven pounds two shillings and four pence sterling with interest
in manner therein mentioned And also reciting indentures of lease and
release bearing date respectively the twenty ninth and thirtieth days of
August one thousand eight hundred and eleven the release being made
between the said John Theophilus Daubuz of the one part and James Henry
Houstoun since deceased of the other part after stating in effect that there
remained due and owing to the said John Theophilus Daubuz for principal
and interest upon the said above recited mortgage the sum of Two thousand
eight hundred and thirteen pounds six shillings and four pence on thereabout
whereby it is witnessed that in consideration of the sum of Two thousand
pounds sterling paid by the said James Henry Houstoun to the said
John Theophilus Daubuz he the said John Theophilus Daubuz did
grant and release the said sugar plantation and estate lands heredit
aments slaves and effects comprised in the said therein recited Mortgage
unto and to the use of the said James Henry Houstoun his heirs executors
administrators and assigns subject to redemption as aforesaid and the
said John Theophilus Daubuz did thereby also assign and transfer the
said principal sum of money then due and owing and all interest on the
same and all and every the securities and covenants for payment thereof
unto the said James Henry Houstoun his executors administrators and
assigns And also reciting that the said James Henry Houstoun in and by
his last will and testament dated the nineteenth day of August on thou
sand eight hundred and twelve duly executed and attested as by law required
for adding real estates after bequeathing certain legacies therein _____
gave devised? and bequeathed all the rest residue and remainder of his? estate
debts(19)Debts monies securities for money goods chattels and effects whatso-
ever and wheresoever and of what nature or Kindsoever as well real as per
sonal not disposed of by his said Will or and Codicil or Codicils thereto
unto his wife Elizabeth Houstoun her heirs executors administrators and
aʃsigns to and for her and their own absolute use and benefit and the said
Testator appointed Elizabeth Houstoun Benjamin Shaw and Stephen Nic
olson Barber and Jesse Gregson Executrix and Executors of his said will
and afterwards departed this life on or about the twelfth day of October one
thousand eight hundred and fourteen without having revoked his Will other
wise than by a Codicil dated the nineteenth day of August one thousand Eight
hundred and twelve whereby he bequeathed certain sums of money upon the
trusts therein declared and the said Executrix and Executors except the said
Jesse Gregson who duly renounced proved the said sill in the prerogative
Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury and also reciting that the said sum of
Two thousand pounds in the said above recited Indenture of release and as
signment of the thirtieth day of August one thousand eight hundred and eleven
mentioned to be paid by the said James Henry Houstoun to the said John The
ophilus Daubuz as and for the consideration for the transfer of the said mort
gage and security was so paid by the said James Henry Houstoun on account
and on the behalf of the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and the
said transfer or aʃsignment of the said Mortgage and of the said principal
sum and interest then due was taken by and in the name of the said James
Henry Houstoun as the Trustee for the said Anthony Philip Count De Lar
denoy as he the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy ^did thereby expressly
declare And that it was sometime since agreed between the said Anthony
Philip Count de Lardenoy and Anne Louise Delbourg Widow Duranti de
Colongue that the said Anthony Philip Count De Lardenoy should procure a
reconveyance unto the said Anne Louise Delbourg Widow Duranti de Colongue
of the said plantation hereditaments and premises comprised in the said
above recited Mortgage of the Sixteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred
and three save and except nevertheless so many of the said Negroes and slaves
as should be deemed equivalent to the sum of Two thousand four hundred pounds
sterling freed and discharged from the said principal money and interest _____
thereon And that in consideration of such reconveyance the said Anne Louise
Delbourg Widow Duranti De Colongue should assign and deliver over unto
the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy such part of the said Negroe
or other slaves as should be equivalent to the sum of Two thousand four hun
dred pounds sterling and should release all her right and equity of redemption
of the same negroe and other slaves unto the said Anthony Philip Count
de Lardenoy absolutely to perform his part of the said above mentioned
_____ it was necessary that he should pay unto the said James Henry
Houstoun the said sum of Two thousand pounds sterling so _____ by
him(20)Him on the account and behalf of the said Anthony Philip Count
de Lardenoy as aforesaid and to enable him so to do the said Anthony
Philip Count de Lardenoy requested the said James Corson to advance
him the sum of Two thousand pounds sterling And also Reciting that the
said James Corson agreed to advance the said sum of Two thousand pounds
sterling unto the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy for the pur
pose of enabling him to perform his agreement with the said Anne Louise
Delbourg Widow Duranti de Colongue and procure such reconveyance
as aforesaid in consideration whereof the said Anthony Philip Count de
Lardenoy agreed to assign and convey the negroe and other slaves so to
be assigned to him the said Anne Louise Delbourg Widow Duranti
de Colongue as aforesaid unto him the said James Corson his executors
administratiors and assigns to and for his and their own use And further
reciting Indentures of Lease and Release dated respectively the second
and third days of March then last past the release being made between
the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy of the one part and the
said Anne Louise Delbourg Widow Duranti de Colongue of the other part
Whereby the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy released and
aʃsigned All that the said plantation estate hereditaments slaves and
premises comprised in the said thereinbefore in part recited Indenture
of Mortgage of the sixteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and
three except the negroe and other slaves therein specified being the said
Anne Louise Delbourg Widow Duranti de Colongue her heirs executors and
administrators respectively freed and discharges from all the said principal
sum and interest charged thereon as aforesaid and the said Anne Lou7ise
Delbourg Widow Dutanti de Colongue did thereby for ever remise release
and for ever quit claim unto the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy
his executors administrators and aʃsigns all right benefit or equity of re
demption claim and demand whatsoever both at law and in equity which
they the said Anne Louise Delbourg Widow Duranti de Colongue her
executors or administrators or any person or persons through under or in trust
for her or them had or claimed or might thereafter have or claim or be entitled
to under or by virtue of the said Indenture of Mortgage of the sixteenth
day of May one thousand eight hundred and three And the said Indenture
of defeasance of even date therewith in or to the slaves therein specified being
the same as are also specified in the schedule thereunder written whereby
the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy became absolutely poʃseʃsed
of the legal and beneficial estates and interest in the said Negroes and other
slaves specified in the said schedule thereunder written And reciting that
the said James Corson had requested the said Anthony Philip Count de
Lardenoy to make an Aʃsignment to him of the ^said Negroe and other slaves _____
pursuance of the said above recited Agreement and in consideration of this
advance(21)Advance made by him of the said sum of Two thousand pounds
sterling as aforesaid It is witnessed that in pursuance of the said above
mentioned Agreement on the part of the said Anthony Philip Count de
Lardenoy as aforesaid and in consideration of the said sum of Two thousand
pounds sterling so advanced to or for the use of him the said Anthony
Philip Count de Lardenoy as aforesaid the receipt whereof the said Anthony
Philip Count de Lardenoy did thereby acknowledge and thereof and of and
from the same and every part thereof did acquit release and discharge the
said James Corson his heirs executors and administrators and every of them
forever by those presents and in consideration of the sum of ten shillings of
like lawful money to the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy in hand
paid by the said James Corson at or before the sealing and delivery of these
presents the receipt whereof was thereby also acknowledged he the said
Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy did grant bargain sell transfer set
over and confirm unto the said James Corson his executor administrators
and aʃsigns All those negroes and other slaves mentioned named and
described and specified in the schedule thereunto annexed and which are
hereinafter mentioned to be hereby granted and released and the issue and
offspring thereof and all the right estate interest property poʃsibility claim
and demand whatsoever both at law and in equity of the said Anthony
Philip Count de Lardenoy in and to the same To have and To hold the said
slaves and premises hereby intended to be aʃsigned unto the said James
Corson his executors administrators and aʃsigns to and for his and their own
absolute use and benefit (as by the said Indenture duly recorded in the
Office of Register of Deeds may or reference thereto more fully appear) And
whereas some time in the year one thousand eight hundred and eight one
James Mays late of the said island enter _____ Action in the supreme court
of Judicature of the said Island against one John Villegille the said James
Corson Eugene de Trele and Oliver Septans and duly obtained a Judgment
in the said Action for the sum of Twelve thousand three hundred and fifty
pounds nineteen shillings and eight pence Currency and a Writ of Execution
was duly issued in the said Judgment and on the thirteenth day of February
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine the same was
duly lodged in the office of the Provost Marshall of the said Island And
Whereas the said James Mays departed this life some time in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and _____ and on the _____
day of _____ in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and _____
Letters of Administration to his estate and affects were granted by the _____
of the aid Island to one Bonne Charlotte Pauline Corrige And whereas
the said Bonne Charlotte Pauline Corrige as such Administratrex of the said
James Mays some time in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty
two duly received the said Judgment so obtained by the said James Mays
against the said John Villegille James Corson Eugene de Trele and Oliver
Septans(22)Septans by Scrire facias and a Writ of Execution was duly issued
on the said Judgment so revived as aforesaid and on the sixteenth day
of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty
two the same was duly lodged in the Office of the said Provost Marshal
And Whereas the said Provost Marshal under and by virtue of the
said Writ of Execution duly proceeded to make levy upon the right ^and title
of the said James Corson to the said slaves and the same were put up to
sale on the public Parade in the Town of Saint George on the seventh day
of June one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and the said John
Wells was then and there declared the highest bidder for the same he
having bid the sum of Ninety four pounds ten shillings Currency for the
same And Whereas by Indentures of Lease ^and release bearing date the seventh
and eighth days of June one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and
made Between James Boucher Esquire Provost Marshall General of the
Island of Grenada and its dependencies of the one part and the said John
Wells of the other part Reciting that at the Supreme Court of Judicature
held in and for the said Island of Grenada and its dependencies on Tuesday
the sixth day of of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty two Judg-
ment was obtained against John Villegille James Corson Eugene de Trele
and Oliver Septans at the suit of Bonne Charlotte Pauline Corrige Admin-
istratrix of James Mays deceased for the sum of Fourteen thousand five
hundred and seventy four pounds five shillings and eleven pence Currency
of Grenada with costs of suit and further Reciting that Execution was duly
issued on the said Judgment which execution was duly levied upon Thirty
Negroe slaves whose names and sexes were particularly mentioned and set
down in a Schedule thereunder written or thereunto annexed And further
Reciting that after such levy proper advertisements and publications were
made pursuant to the Act of the said Island of Grenada in such case made
and provided and that the said Thirty slaves were put up to sale on the
Public Parade in the Town of Saint George in the Island aforesaid upon
the seventh day of June then instant and that the said John Wells was
then and there declared to be the highest bidder for the said Negroe Slaves
he having bid for the same the sum of Ninety four pounds ten shillings
current money of Grenada as by the said Judgment remaining on record in
the Secretary’s Office of the said Island and by the said Writ of Execution
levy publication and sale filed in the Marshal’s Office of the said Island
or contained in his Office Books relation being thereunto had would more
fully and at large appear It is witnessed that for and in consideration of
the said sum of Ninety four pounds five shillings and eleven pence current
money aforesaid paid by the said John Wells he the said James Boucher
did grant bargain sell alien release and confirm unto the said John Wells
All those several Thirty negroes whose names and sexes were _____ _____
mentioned and set forth in a Schedule thereunder written and the iʃsue _____
offspring(23)Offspring and increase of the female thereof To hold the same
unto and to the use of the said John Wells his heirs executors administrators
and assigns for ever according to the nature and quality of the premises res-
pectively and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever and that in
as large ample and beneficial a manner to all intents construction and pur-
poses whatsoever as they the said John Villegille James Corson Eugene de
Trelo and Oliver Septans all each any or either of them might or could have
hold or enjoy the same and as amply and fully as the said James Boucher
by virtue of the premises and by law can or may grant release and convey
the said Thirty negroe slaves by virtue of and in execution of his said Office of
Provost Marshal General as in and by the said Indenture of Lease and
Release duly recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds on reference thereto
may more fully appear And whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release
bearing date respectively the Thirteenth and Fourteenth days of July in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five and made between
William Thomas Deputy Provost Marshal of the said Island of Grenada
and its dependencies of the one part and James Edmiston of the Town of Saint
George in the said Island Gentleman of the other part the release reciting
that at the supreme Court of Judicature held in and of the said Island of Grenada
and its dependencies on Tuesday the sixth day of October in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and twelve Judgment was obtained against Anthony
Philip Count de Lardenoy Marie Cather Louise Felix Countess de Lardenoy
Joseph Pierre Laurent de Lavergne Tresson Marquis of Montbazin and Victoire
Olympa Marchioness of Montbazin at the suit of John Villegille, James
Corson Eugene de Trele and Septans for the sum of Six thousand
four hundred and sixty four pounds five shillings and seven pence Currency
with costs of suit And further reciting that the Supreme Court of Judicature
held in and for the said island of Grenada on Tuesday the seventh day of April
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen Judgment
was obtained against the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and Maria
Catherine Louise Felix Countess de Lardenoy his wife at the suit of Owsley
Rowley of the Town of Saint George for the sum of Two hundred and sixty one
pounds eight shillings and eight pence Currency with costs of suit And
further reciting that at the said Court Judgment was obtained against
the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and Marie Catherine Louise
Felix Countess de Lardenoy his wife at the suit of William Stephenson
and George Watson for the sum of Sixty pounds fifteen shillings and six pence
with costs of suit And further reciting that the said Court Judgment
was obtained against the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and
Marie Catherine Louise Felix Countess de Lardenoy his wife at the suit of
James Smith and John Chapman for the sum of one thousand two hundred
and thirty nine pounds fourteen shillings and three pence Currency with costs
of suit And further reciting that at the said Court judgment was obtained
against(24)Against the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and Marie
Catherine Louis Felix Countess de Lardenoy at the suit of John Bell
for the sum of one hundred and fifty two pounds fifteen shillings and eight
pence Currency with costs of suit And further Reciting that at the same
Court Judgment was also obtained against the said Anthony Philip
Count de Lardenoy and Marie Catherine Louis Felix Countess de Lardenoy
his wife at the suit of Robert Otway John Hoyes Richard Steele and
Thomas Otway for the sum of seven hundred and seventy one pounds five
shillings and one penny currency with costs of suit And further reciting
that at the Supreme Court of Judicature held in and for the said Island
of Grenada and its dependencies on Tuesday the second day of June One
thousand eight hundred and eighteen Judgment was obtained against
the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and Marie Catherine
Louis Felix Countess de Lardenoy his wife at the suit of John Gloster
Garraway Robert Garraway and John Wellington for the sum of Five hun-
dred and thirty nine pounds ten shillings and eleven pence Currency
with costs of suit And further reciting that at the same Court Judgment
was obtained against the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and
Marie Catherine Louis Felix Countess de Lardenoy his wife at the suit
of Richard Purcell and Evan Kennedy for the sum of one hundred and
ninety six pounds fourteen shillings Currency with costs of suit And further
reciting that at the same Court Judgment was obtained against the said
Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and Marie Catherine Louis Felix
Countess de Lardenoy ^his wife at the suit of Alexander Cameron and Evan Kennedy
Executors of Donald Kennedy for the sum of one hundred and eighteen pounds
one shilling and four pence Currency with costs of suit And further reciting
that at the supreme court of judicature held in and for the Island of Grenada
and tis dependencies on Tuesday the fourth day of August in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen Judgment was obtained
against the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and Marie Catherine
Louis Felix Countess de Lardenoy his wife at the suit of Benjamin Har-
per John Bruce and Matthew Davies for the sum of one hundred and
twenty one pounds nineteen shillings Currency with costs of suit And fur
ther reciting that at the Supreme Court of Judicature held in and for the
Island of Grenada and its dependencies on Tuesday the fourth day of December
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eighteen Judgment
was obtained against the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and Marie
Catherine Louis Felix Countess de Lardenoy his wife at the suit of Archibald
Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew
Rankin Junior and John Lindsay for the sum of Three hundred
and thirty four pounds fifteen shillings and three pence Currency with costs
of suit And further reciting that at the same Court Judgment was obtained
against the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and Marie Catherine
Louis(25)Louis Felix Countess de Lardenoy his wife at wife at the suit
of Robert Ker James Ker and William Ker for the sum of Three hundred
and fifty one pounds one shilling and three pence Currency costs of suit
And further reciting that at the Supreme Court of Judicature held in and
for the Island of Grenada and its dependencies on Tuesday the sixth day of
April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen
Judgment was obtained against the Anthony Philip Count de Larde
noy and Marie Catherine Louis Felix Countess de Lardenoy his wife
at the suit of James Hopkirk David Graham John Bell David John stone
and Patrick Huie for the sum of Two hundred and sixteen pounds five
shillings currency with costs of suit And further reciting that executions
were duly issued on the said Judgments which executions were fully levied
of Fifteen male Negroe and other slaves named Daphnis, Modesto, John
Charles, Thomas, John Louis, William, John, Gill, Harry, John Francoise,
John Vice?, Lear, John Baptiste, Louis Pierre, and Louis Charles, And fifteen
female negro and other slaves named Agar, Bridget, Rosalie, Jeanne,
Monique, Constance, Elsea, Adelaide, Louise Marterine, Mary, Jenny,
Martharine, Marianne and Victoire And further reciting that after ______
levy proper advertisements and publications were made pursuant to and
Act of the said Island of Grenada in such case made and provided and the
said Negro and other Males slaves named Daphnis, Modesto, John Charles,
Thomas, John Louis, William, John, Gill, Harry, John Francoise, John Vice?,
Lear, John Baptiste, Louis Pierre, and Louis Charles, And fifteen female
negro and other slaves named Agar, Bridget, Rosalie, Jeanne, Monique,
Constance, Elsea, Adelaide, Louise Marterine, Mary, Jenny, Martharine,
Marianne and Victoire were put up to sale in the Town of Saint George in
the Island aforesaid on Thursday the twenty eighth day of June in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and the said James Ed-
minstone was then and there declared to be the highest bidder for the said slaves
he having bid the sum of one thousand one hundred and twenty one pounds
one shilling Currency for the said slaves named Daphnis, Modesto, John Charles,
Thomas, John Louis, William, John, Gill, Harry, John Francoise, John Vice?,
Lear, John Baptiste, Louis Pierre, and Louis Charles, Agar, Bridget, Rosalie,
Jeanne, Monique, Constance, Elsea, Adelaide, Louise Marterine, Mary,
Jenny, Martharine, Marianne and Victoire as by the said Judgment re-
maining on record in the Secretary’s Office of the ^said Island of Grenada and by the
said Writ of Execution and levy publication and sale files in the Marshal’s
Office of the said Island or contained in his Office Books relation being thereunto
made would more fully appear It is by the said reciting Indenture with
_____ that in as far as the said William Thomas in his said Capacity of
Deputy Provost Marshal had power or authority by virtue of any Act or Acts
of the said Island of Grenada and also for and In consideration of the sum of one
thousand one hundred and twenty one pounds one shillings current money of
Grenada(26)Grenada aforesaid to the said William Thomas in hand well and
truly paid at or before the sealing and delivery of the ^said presents the receipt
whereof he the said William Thomas did thereby acknowledge and of and
from the same did thereby acquit release and discharge the said James
Edminstone his heirs executors and aʃsigns for ever by the
said presents he the said William Thomas did bargain sell alien ^and release
unto the said James Edmiston (in his actual poʃseʃsion then being by
virtue of a bargain and sale to him thereof made for one whole year by In
denture bearing date the day next before the day of the date of these presents
and by force of the statute made for transferring uses into poʃseʃsion) his
heirs and assigns for ever the said Negroe and other Male and Female
slaves named Daphnis, Modesto, John Charles, Thomas, John Louis,
William, John, Gill, Harry, John Francoise, John Vice?, Lear, John Baptiste,
Louis Pierre, and Louis Charles, Agar, Bridget, Rosalie, Jeanne,
Monique, Constance, Elsea, Adelaide, Louise Marterine, Mary, Jenny,
Martharine, Marianne and Victoire together with the future issue and
increase of the females of the said slaves and the reversion and reversions
remainder and remainders rents iʃsues services and profits of all and sigu-
lar the said slaves and every of them with the appurtenances And also
all the estate right and title interest property claim and demand whatso-
ever either at law or in equity of them the said Anthony Philip Count de
Lardenoy and Marie Catherine Louise Felix Countess de Lardenoy his
wife of in or to the said slaves named Daphnis, Modesto, John Charles,
Thomas, John Louis, William, John, Gill, Harry, John Francoise, John Vice?,
Lear, John Baptiste, Louis Pierre, and Louis Charles, Agar, Bridget, Rosalie,
Jeanne, Monique, Constance, Elsea, Adelaide, Louise Marterine, Mary,
Jenny, Martharine, ^Marianne and Victoire To have and To hold the said slaves and
every one of them unto the said James Edmiston his heirs and assigns for ever
and to and for no other use interest constructions and purposes whatsoever
as they the said Anthony Philip Count de Lardenoy and Marie Catherine
Louise Felix Countess de Lardenoy his wife might or could have held or enjoyed
the same and as amply and fully as the said William Thomas by virtue
of the premises and by law could or might release and convey the said Negroe
and other Male and Female slaves named Daphnis, Modesto, John Charles,
Thomas, John Louis, William, John, Gill, Harry, John Francoise, John Vice?,
Lear, John Baptiste, Louis Pierre, and Louis Charles, Agar, Bridget, Rosalie,
Jeanne, Monique, Constance, Elsea, Adelaide, Louise Marterine, Mary,
Jenny, Martharine, Marianne and Victoire by virtue of and in execution
of his said Office of Deputy Provost Marshal And whereas by Indenture
of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the twenty ninth and thirtieth
days of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty _____
and made between the said James Edmiston of the one part and the said
James Smith of the Island Carpenter of the other part that _____
reciting(27)Reciting that the said James Smith had contracted and agree to
and with the said James Edmiston for the absolute purchase of the said
slaves thereinafter and herby mentioned to be released at and for the price
of sum of one thousand one hundred and twenty one pounds one shilling Cur-
rent money of the said Island. It is by the said recited Indenture of Release
witnessed that for and in consideration of the said sum of one thousand one
hundred and twenty one pounds one shilling current money aforesaid to him
the said James Edmiston in hand well and truly paid by the said James
Smith at or before the sealing delivering of the said presents the receipt
whereof he the said James Edmiston did thereby acknowledge and thereof
and therefrom and of and from every part thereof did acquit release and for
ever discharge the said James Smith his heirs executors administrators and
assigns by these presents he the said James Edmiston did grant bargain
sell alien release and confirm unto the said James Smith in his actual po
session then being by virtue of a bargain and sale to him thereof made for one
whole year in consideration of ten shillings by Indenture bearing date the
day next before the day of the date of these presents And by force of the statute
made for transferring uses into poʃseʃsion and to his heirs All those thirty
negroe and other slaves named respectively Daphnis, Modesto, John Charles,
Thomas, John Louis, William, John, Gill, Harry, John Francoise, John Vice?,
Lear, John Baptiste, Louis Pierre, and Louis Charles, being males and Agar,
Bridget, Rosalie, Jeanne, Monique, Constance, Elsea, Adelaide, Louise Marte
rine, Mary, Jenny, Martharine, Marianne and Victoire being females together
with the future issue and increase of the said female slaves and the reversion
and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues services and profits of
all and singular the said slaves and premises with their and every of appur-
tenancies And also all the estate right title interest claim and demand
whatsoever both at law and in equity of him the said James Edmiston of
in or to the said slaves or any of them and all deeds evidences and writings
whatsoever touching or concerning the same in the custody or power of him
the said James Edmiston or which he can or may get or come? by without suit
at law or in equity To have and To hold the said slaves thereby granted and
released or intended so to be and all singular other the premises with the
appurtenances unto the said James Smith his heirs and assigns to the only
proper use and behoof of the said James Smith his heirs and aʃsigns _____
and to and for no other use trust intent or purpose whatsoever as by the said
Indentures duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds _____ being
thereunto had may more fully appeared And Whereas by Indenture bearing
date the Thirteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and twenty five and made Between the said James Smith of
the Island of Grenada Carpenter of the one part and John Chapman of the said
Island Carpenter John Bell of the said Island Planter Robert Otway
_____ _____ Richard Steele and Thomas Otway of the said Island Merchants
trading(28)Trading under the form of John Hoyes and Company Evan Kennedy
of the said Island Merchant Matthew Davies of the said Island Merchant
John Guthrie, John Ryburn, James Smith, Andrew Rankin, James
Smith Junior Archibald Smith and John Lindsey lately carrying on
business in the Island of Grenada in Copartnership under the firm of Leitch
and Smith Robert Ker and James Ker of the said Island Merchant and
Copartners trading under the firm of Robert and James Ker and James
Hopkirk David Graham John Bell and William Cunningham lately car-
rying on business in the said Island of Grenada in Copartnership under the
firm of George Brown and Company of the other part Reciting the said In-
dentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the twenty ninth
and thirtieth days of July instant and made Between the said James Ed
mistone of the Town of Saint George in the said Island of Grenada Gentleman
of the one part and the said first named James Smith of the other part
and whereby the said James Edmiston Did for the consideration or sum
of one thousand one hundred and twenty one pounds one shilling Current
money of the said Island of Grenada grant bargain sell alien release and
convey ^unto the said James Smith All those the said Thirty male and female
slaves therein respectively named To hold the same unto the said James
Smith his heirs and assigns forever And reciting that the consideration or
purchase money of One thousand one hundred and twenty one pounds one
shilling for the said slaves was not wholly the proper money of the said
James Smith but was contributed and paid by the said other persons par-
ties thereto in manner and in the proportion following (that is to say) the
sum of Three hundred and ninety seven pounds fifteen shillings current
money of the said Island by the said first named James Smith and John
Chapman the sum of Fifty four pounds five? shillings and two pence current
money aforesaid by the said first named John Bell the sum of Two hundred
and fifty pounds fifteen shillings Current money aforesaid by the said Robert
Otway John Hoyes Richard Steele and Thomas Otway the sum of Sixty
eight pounds fifteen shillings and seven pence Current money aforesaid by the
said Evan Kennedy the sum of Forty five pounds then shillings and six pence
Current money aforesaid by the said Matthew Davies the sum of one hundred
and twelve pounds two shillings and three pence current money aforesaid by
the said John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin James
Smith Junior Archibald Smith and John Lindsey the sum of one hundred
and seventeen pounds seven shillings Current money aforesaid by the said
Robert Ker and James Ker and the sum of Seventy four pounds nine shillings
and six pence current money aforesaid by the said James Hopkirk David
Graham John Bell and William Cunningham And Whereas such Conveyance
was made to him the said first named James Smith as a Trustee for ____ _____
behalf of the said other persons parties hereto which he the said James Smith
did thereby acknowledge and declare It is by the said Indenture _____
that(29)That the said James Smith for himself his heirs executors and admin
istrators did thereby covenant and agree to and with the said John Chapman
John Bell Robert Otway John Hoyes Richard Steele Thomas Otway Evan
Kennedy Matthew Davies John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew
Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith John Lindsey Robert Ker
James Ker James Hopkirk David Graham John Bell and William
Cunningham and their respective heirs executors administrators and aʃsigns
that he the said James Smith his heirs and aʃsigns should and would
stand seized possessed of and interested in the said slaves mentioned in
the said Indentures of the twenty ninth and thirtieth days of July instant
to be thereby granted and released to him upon trust and to and for the use
and benefit as well of him the said James Smith as of all and every the other
persons parties thereto and their respective heirs and aʃsigns according and
in proportion to the amount of the several and respective sums contributed
and paid by them in manner thereinbefore mentioned ^in and towards the pur
chase of the said slaves as aforesaid until an opportunity should offer for the
best price or prices that could or might be got for the same and the currency?
to arise by such acts? as also the rents issues and profits in the meantime
to arise be produced from the said slaves to pay divide and apply (after
deducting all expenses neceʃsarily incurred) to and amongst the said several
persons parties thereto and their respective heirs executors administrators and
assigns according and in proportion to the amount of the several and respective
sums contributed and paid by them as aforesaid as by the said recited Inden-
ture remaining on Record in the Office of Register of Deeds or reference?
thereto may more fully appear And Whereas in order to _____ or a _____ _____ _____
as to the rights of the said John Wells in and to the said does under and
by virtue of the said recited Indentures of the seventh and eighth days of
June one thousand eight hundred and twenty four and in order to _____ the
to the said Slaves _____ _____ _____ _____ by and between the said James Smith _____ ______ ______ _____
Title of the said John Wells ^ that the said James Smith John Chapman
John Bell, Robert Otway, John Hoyes, Richard Steele Thomas Otway,
Evan Kennedy, Matthew Davies, John Guthrie, John Ryburn, James Smith
Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith John Lindsey
Robert Ker, James Ker, James Hopkirk, David Graham, John Bell
and William Cunningham shall and in consideration of the sum of
Two thousand five hundred pounds current money of the said Island
being by the said John Wells paid to the said James Smith, John Chapman
John Bell, Robert Otway, John Hoyes, Richard Steele Thomas Otway,
Evan Kennedy, Matthew Davies, John Guthrie, John Ryburn, James Smith
Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith John Lindsey
Robert Ker, James Ker, James Hopkirk, David Graham, John Bell
and William Cunningham give up and release unto the said John Wells
and _____ all right title claim and demand at law or in equity which
they(30)They the said James Smith, John Chapman, John Bell, Robert
Otway, John Hoyes, Richard Steele Thomas Otway, Evan Kennedy,
Matthew Davies, John Guthrie, John Ryburn, James Smith, Andrew
Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith John Lindsey, Robert
Ker, James Ker, James Hopkirk, David Graham, John Bell and William
Cunningham have or either or any of them hath or may claim to have of in
or to the said slaves or any of them And whereas since the execution of
the said Indentures of seventh and eighth days of June one thousand eight
hundred and twenty four the said Male slave named Daphnis and
the female slave named Marterine have died and the female slave
named Constance hath had issue Two males name George and Ramsey
and the said female slave named Bridget hath had issue two females
named Cecile and Emma and the said female slave named Rosalie
hath had issue one Male named Alexan and Two females named Euphro-
dine and Monique Now this Indenture witnesseth that in pursuance
of the said agreement and for and in consideration of Two thousand five
hundred pounds current money of the said Island by the said John Wells
to the said James Smith John Chapman, John Bell, Robert Otway, John
Hoyes, Richard Steele Thomas Otway, Evan Kennedy, Matthew Davies,
John Guthrie, John Ryburn, James Smith, Andrew Rankin James
Smith Junior Archibald Smith John Lindsey, Robert Ker, James Ker,
James Hopkirk, David Graham, John Bell and William Cunningham
in hand at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents well and truly
paid the receipts hereof the said James Smith John Chapman, John Bell,
Robert Otway, John Hoyes, Richard Steele Thomas Otway, Evan Kennedy,
Matthew Davies, John Guthrie, John Ryburn, James Smith, Andrew
Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith John Lindsey, Robert
Ker, James Ker, James Hopkirk, David Graham, John Bell and William
Cunningham do and each of them doth acknowledge and thereof acquit
release and discharge the said John Wells his heirs executors administrators
and aʃsigns for ever by these present they the said James Smith, John
Chapman, John Bell, Robert Otway, John Hoyes, Richard Steele Thomas
Otway, Evan Kennedy, Matthew Davies, John Guthrie, John Ryburn,
James Smith, Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith
John Lindsey, Robert Ker, James Ker, James Hopkirk, David Graham,
John Bell and William Cunningham have and each of them hath granted
bargained sold aliened and confirmed and by these presents Do grant bargain
sell alien release and confirm unto the said John Wells (in this actual pos-
seʃsion now being by virtue of a bargain and sale to him thereof made for one
whole year by Indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date
of these presents by force of the statute made for transferring used into pos-
session) and to his heirs all those Negroe and other male slaves named
respectively Modesto, John Charles, Thomas, John Louis, William John
Gill(31)Gill, Harry, John Francoise, John Vier?, Lear, John Baptiste, Louis
Pierre, Louis Charles, George, Ramsey, and Alexan, and all those female
slaves named respectively Agar, Bridget, Rosalie, Jeanne, Monique,
Constance, Elsea, Adelaide, Mary, Louise, Jenny, Marianne, Martharine,
Victoire, Cecile, Emma, Euphrosine, and Monique together with the future
issue and increase of the females thereof and the reversion and reversions
remainder and remainders rents issues services and profits of all and sin-
gular the said slaves and premises with their and every of their appurte-
nances and also all the estate right title interest claim and demands
whatsoever both at law and in equity of them the said James Smith, John
Chapman, John Bell, Robert Otway, John Hoyes, Richard Steele, Thomas
Otway, Evan Kennedy, Matthew Davies, John Guthrie, John Ryburn, James
Smith, Andrew Rankin, James Smith Junior, Archibald Smith, John
Lindsey, Robert Ker, James Ker, James Hopkirk, David Graham, John
Bell, and William Cunningham in and to the said slaves or any of them
and all deeds evidences and writings touching and concerning the same in
the power or authority of the said James Smith To have and To hold the said
slaves hereby granted released and confirmed or intended so to be and all and
singular other the premises with the appurtenances unto the said John Wells
his heirs and assigns for ever to the only proper use and behoof of the said
John Wells his heirs aʃsigns forever to and for no other use intent or
purpose whatsoever. And the said James Smith, John Chapman, John Bell,
Robert Otway, John Hoyes, Richard Steele, Thomas Otway, Evan Kennedy,
Matthew Davies, John Guthrie, John Ryburn, James Smith, Andrew Rankin,
James Smith Junior, Archibald Smith, John Lindsey, Robert Ker, James
Ker, James Hopkirk, David Graham, John Bell, and William Cunningham
for themselves and each of them for himself their and each of their heirs execu
tors and administrators do and each of them doth hereby covenant and declare
with the said John Wells that they the said James Smith, John Chapman,
John Bell, Robert Otway, John Hoyes, Richard Steele, Thomas Otway,
Evan Kennedy, Matthew Davies, John Guthrie, John Ryburn, James Smith,
Andrew Rankin, James Smith Junior, Archibald Smith, John Lindsey,
Robert Ker, James Ker, James Hopkirk, David Graham, John Bell, and
William Cunningham have not nor hath either of them at any time or times
heretofore made done committed or wittingly or willingly suffered any act
deed matter or thing whatsoever whereby or by means whereof the said negroes
hereinbefore described and bargained and sold released and confirmed or any
part thereof are is can shall or may be in any wise surrendered impeached
or incumbered in title charge estate or otherwise howsoever In witness where
of the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hand and seals the
date and year first above written
James (LS) Smith Smith & (LS) Chapman
Robert (LS) Otway by Richd Steele John (LS) Hoyes by Richard Steele
Richard (LS) Steele Tho (LS) Otway Evan (LS) Kennedy Matt (LS) Davies(32)John (LS) Gurthrie by his attorney Robert Kirk John (LS) Ryburn by his atty Robert KirkSigned sealed and delivered in the presence of
James (LS) Smith Jr by his attorney Robert Kirk Arch (LS) Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk
James (LS) Smith by his Attorney Robert Kirk
Andrew (LS) Rankin by his Attorney Robert Kirk
James (LS) Hopkirk by his Attorney John Mortimer
David (LS) Graham by his Attorney John Mortimer
John (LS) Bell by his Attorney John Mortimer
Robert (LS) Ker James (LS) Ker John (LS) Bell
Richd (LS) Purcell by his Attorney Evan Kennedy
Evan BaillieReceived on the day of the date of the within Indenture of and from
the therein named John Wells the sum of Two thousand five hundred pounds
current money of the Island of Grenada being the full consideration money
therein mentioned to be paid by him to us – We say received £2500.0.0 Currency
Archibald Smith, John Guthrie, }
John Ryburn, Andrew Rankin, }
James Smith James Smith Jr. }by their attorney Robert KirkJames Hopkirk, Davd Graham }
John Bell, Wm Cunningham }by their attorney John MortimerJohn Bell, James Smith, Matt. Davies, Smith & ChapmanGrenada (to wit) Personally appeared before me Evan Baillie of the Island
Evan Kennedy, James Ker, Robert Ker
Richd Purcell by his atty Evan Kennedy
Robert Otway by Richard Steele, Thomas Otway,
John Hoyes by Richard Steele, Richard Steel
of Grenada Esquire who maketh oath and saith that he was present and did
see James Smith of the Island of Grenada Gentleman in his own right and also
for the Copartnership of Smith and Chapman and Robert Otway late of the
said Island Merchant by his attorney Richard Steele of the said Island
Merchant, John Hoyes late of the said Island Merchant by his attorney
the said Richard Steele the said Richard Steele in his own right Thomas
Otway of the said Island Merchant all which four last mentioned persons
are trading under the firm of John Hoyes and Company and as such had a
claim Evan Kennedy of the said Island Merchant Matthew Davies of the
said Island Merchant, John Guthrie late of the said Island Merchant by
his attorney Robert Kirk of the said Island Merchant, John Ryburn late
of the said Island Merchant by his attorney the said Robert Kirk, James Smith
Junior late of the said Island Merchant by his attorney the said Robert Kirk
Archibald Smith late of the said Island Merchant by his attorney the
said Robert Kirk James Smith late of the said Island Merchant by his
attorney(33)Attorney the said Robert Kirk, Andrew Rankin late of the said island
Merchant by his attorney the said Robert Kirk these six persons tended under
the different firms of Guthrie and Ryburn and Leitch and Smith, James
Hopkirk late of the said Island Merchant by his attorney John Mortimer
of the said Island Merchant David Graham late of the said Island Merchant
by his attorney the said John Mortimer John Bell late of the said Island
Merchant by his attorney the said John Mortimer William Cunningham
late of the said ^Island Merchant by his attorney the said John Mortimer these four
persons traded under the firm of George Brown and Company, Robert Ker of
the said Island Merchant James Ker of the said Island Merchant to John
Bell of the said Island Planter and Richard Purcell late of the said Island
Merchant by his attorney the said Evan Kennedy duly sign seal and as his and
their and each of their act and deed deliver the paper writing hereunto annexed
marked with the letter A and that the names “Smith” and “Smith
& Chapman” thereto subscribed are of the proper handwriting of the said James
Smith and that the name and words “Robert Otway by Richard Steele” and
“John Hoyes by Richard Steele” and “Richard Steele” also thereto subscribed
are of the proper handwriting of the said Richard Steele and the name
“Thos Otway” also thereto subscribed is of the proper handwriting of the said
Thomas Otway and the names and words “Evan Kennedy” and “Richard Purcell
by his attorney Evan Kennedy” also thereto set and subscribed are of the proper
handwriting of the said Evan Kennedy and the name “Matt Davies” also thereto
subscribed is of the proper handwriting of the said Matthew Davies and the
names and words “John Guthrie by his attorney Robert Kirk” and “John Ryburn
by his attorney Robert Kirk” and “James Smith ^Jr by his attorney Robert Kirk”
and “Archd Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk” and “ Archd Smith by his attorney
Robert Kirk” and “James Smith by his attorney Robert Kirk” and “Andrew
Rankin by his attorney Robert Kirk”” also thereto set and subscribed are of the
proper handwriting of the said Robert Kirk and the names and words “James
Hopkirk by his attorney John Mortimer” and “Davd Graham by his attorney
John Mortimer” and “John Bell by his attorney John Mortimer” and “William
Cunningham by his attorney John Mortimer” also thereto set and subscribed are
of the proper handwriting of the said John Mortimer and the names “Robert Ker”
and “James Ker” and “John Bell” thereto set and subscribed are of the proper
handwriting of the said Robert Ker, James Ker and John Bell respectively
And this deponent further saith that he was also present and did see the said
James Smith duly sign and seal and as his acts and deed deliver the Lease
for a year marked with the letter B and hereunto annexed and that the name
“James Smith” thereto set and subscribed is the proper handwriting of the said
James Smith And this deponent further saith that the name “Evan Baillie”
set and subscribed as a witneʃs to the due execution of the said paper writing
marked with the letter A and the Lease for a year marked with the letter B
of the said parties thereto above named is of the proper handwriting of this deponent
Evan BaillieSworn before me this 18th June 1829 }
Jeffery? Hart Bent – Chief Justice }
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