And I’m using my notebook today. It seems that I can only regulate myself to the corner of the room designated for those individuals that are forever dangerous and should not be allowed to frig, sorry about the slang but I can’t think of a better way of putting it, with PCs. And yes I crashed my system last night and then again this morning. This just seems to be a way of life. And do you know what type of withdrawal I go through... when I cannot search for the origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith’s genealogy and ancestry?
All I know is that since my last crash, a month ago, I was attempting to reinstall all the software that I use and those hardware that are, what I consider important for my obsession. And this time I was installing a local external hard drive with some associated backup software, and the damn thing, the PC that is, got itself so confused that Windows 7 decided not to function.
Praise be that I have been in the process of learning Ubuntu. Ubuntu is an alternate operating system... alternate to Windows. But I had been taking it slow, reinstalling programs from the last crash, and the new external hard-drive and software that are supposed to take a quick back-up of my key programs so I can avoid having to take all the time it takes to reload after a crash. Say that in one breath.
Well having Ubuntu, and almost going into a panic mode as I had to get all the paperwork for our quilt submissions completed. These submissions are due tomorrow for the November 6 Show at the USF Botanical Gardens. We are now submitting 12 quilts into the show. And I was considering sepuku with a wakizashi.
Ubuntu to the rescue... But you have to understand that that which I wanted to do, create documents, fill-in forms, and work with images with Ubuntu was all new territory to me. It was akin to learning a foreign dialect something like Swahili, not that I am even conversant in Swahili.
Well I got the submission forms completed. I printed them and the images, times four for the red tape and paper work. And then I was to post our next new quilt, OP Angel to Quilts SB and our Quilts SB Etsy Shop. Hallelujah for Ubuntu.
And then I prepared myself to post my latest transcription and translation of the 1822 birth registration of gg-granduncle Pierre Alphonse July... He’s the July that immigrated way back when to Maine, in the United States. And then my PC, with Ubuntu crashed. I swear these machines were not made for me. What can I say?
I’ll try to get the work done on the Acte de Naissance for gg-granduncle Pierre Alphonse July on my notebook... And then its to the shop on Monday for my desktop.
Well having Ubuntu, and almost going into a panic mode as I had to get all the paperwork for our quilt submissions completed. These submissions are due tomorrow for the November 6 Show at the USF Botanical Gardens. We are now submitting 12 quilts into the show. And I was considering sepuku with a wakizashi.
Ubuntu to the rescue... But you have to understand that that which I wanted to do, create documents, fill-in forms, and work with images with Ubuntu was all new territory to me. It was akin to learning a foreign dialect something like Swahili, not that I am even conversant in Swahili.
Well I got the submission forms completed. I printed them and the images, times four for the red tape and paper work. And then I was to post our next new quilt, OP Angel to Quilts SB and our Quilts SB Etsy Shop. Hallelujah for Ubuntu.
And then I prepared myself to post my latest transcription and translation of the 1822 birth registration of gg-granduncle Pierre Alphonse July... He’s the July that immigrated way back when to Maine, in the United States. And then my PC, with Ubuntu crashed. I swear these machines were not made for me. What can I say?
I’ll try to get the work done on the Acte de Naissance for gg-granduncle Pierre Alphonse July on my notebook... And then its to the shop on Monday for my desktop.
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