Happy New Year and a Merry 10th Day of Christmas.
I’m finally finished the transcription of this Document, from the Grenada Registers of Records, dated 19 July 1819. This Record is a part of the Indenture that I presented in Part 412. This is a continuation of my search and research of the ancestry and genealogical origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. There are 36 notations of the name James of which 31 are James Smiths. I cannot ascribe to the fact that any of them are or connected to ggg-grandfather James.
There is a new door, or should I say a new introduction, of a possible lead in my search for any relative connections to ggg-grandfather James. I am not in any way saying that what I have discovered is definitive, but it is just another possibility that is open for thought and discussion.
In the Document there is reference to five Smiths who are included as Parties to this contract. The five Smiths are Archibald, John, James, Robert, and James Junior. The five are included as merchants of Glasgow and co-partners of the firm Leitch & Smith doing business in Grenada. It appears that, based on my cursive review of the Document they and other persons are contracting regarding the transaction of property, specifically the estates of Concord and Palmiste, with one, Owsley Rowley. Owsley Rowley, from my previous research appears to have been a contemporary, or at least had had business dealings with ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Two of the five Smiths of the firm of Leitch & Smith, John and Robert, seem to be new names. The other three, Archibald, James, and James Junior all are included in my previous works and members of the Jordan Hill Smiths. (See my work and Descendant Chart – Smiths of Jordanhill, Scotland.) Robert Smith is a new name, whereas John may or may not be interchangeable with James. The questions that arise, especially as the Document indicates that both had been deceased by the final writing date of 19 July 1819:
I have been, what seems to be, working on this Indenture for the whole of 2010. The scribe at the Registrar’s Office certainly was conserving of both paper and ink, and at times I thought I would throw in the towel to my research project.
Here are the images of the Indenture, Pages 721 through and including 727 from the Grenada Registers of Records as downloaded from Item 5 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
Here is my transcription. Be forewarned, there are many, many names included in this Document.
That’s it for the moment. Enjoy,
Two of the five Smiths of the firm of Leitch & Smith, John and Robert, seem to be new names. The other three, Archibald, James, and James Junior all are included in my previous works and members of the Jordan Hill Smiths. (See my work and Descendant Chart – Smiths of Jordanhill, Scotland.) Robert Smith is a new name, whereas John may or may not be interchangeable with James. The questions that arise, especially as the Document indicates that both had been deceased by the final writing date of 19 July 1819:
- Are these two, John and Robert, members of the same Smith family?
- Are they of a senior generation to any of the other Smith co-partners of the firm Leitch & Smith?
- When between 27 June 1818 and 19 July 1819 did they die? And where?
- Could either of them be connected to ggg-grandfather James?
I have been, what seems to be, working on this Indenture for the whole of 2010. The scribe at the Registrar’s Office certainly was conserving of both paper and ink, and at times I thought I would throw in the towel to my research project.
Here are the images of the Indenture, Pages 721 through and including 727 from the Grenada Registers of Records as downloaded from Item 5 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
Here is my transcription. Be forewarned, there are many, many names included in this Document.
This Indenture made the twenty seventh day of June in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Eighteen between
Archibald Smith of Jordan Hill Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Ranken
and James Smith Junior all of the City of Glasgow in that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Scotland
Merchants Copartners Carrying on Trade under the Firm and Designation of Leitch and Smith of the first Jean Pierre
Marriaud of the Island of Grenada Planter of the second part and Owsley Rowley of the same Island Esquire of the third
part Whereas by Indenture of Lease & Release bearing date respectively the Seventeenth and Eighteenth days of August in the Year of
Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Ten and made or expressed to be made between the said Jean Pierre Marriaud and _____
_____ _____ _____ of the first part Antoine Jacques Noel De Raymond and Marguerite Jeane Elizabeth Vanier his Wife of the
second part Henry Hilaire de Maissac and Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac his Wife by the name of Marie Catherine _____?
of the third part and the said Archibald Smith John Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn Robert Smith
James Smith Junior and Andrew Ranken therein also described to be of the City of Glasgow North Britain Merchants and Copart-
ners trading under the Firm of Leitch and Smith of the fourth part All that Sugar Plantation or Estate called Concord situate
and being in the Parish of Saint John in the aforesaid Island and therein and hereinafter more particularly mentioned and described
and one hundred and ninety-seven slaves there being upon or belonging thereto and whose names & Sexes are therein and hereinafter
more particularly set forth and intended to be hereby granted and released with the Hereditaments Buildings Live and Dead Stock
and Premises thereon or thereto belonging and all and singular the appurtenances And Also all those Sixty and all those fifty-two
Negro and other Slaves whose several and respective names and Sexes are therein and hereinafter particularly specified and also to
be hereby or intended to be hereby granted and released and the future Issue and increase of all and singular the said Slaves were?
for the Consideration in the said Release mentioned granted released & conveyed unto and to the use of the said Archibald Smith
John Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn Robert Smith James Smith Junior and Andrew Ranken
their Heirs and Assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to a Proviso or Condition therein Contained for redemption of the same estate
or Plantation Slaves Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted released and Conveyed with the appurtenances on payment by the
said Jean Pierre Marriaud Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and Henri Hilaire de Maissac their Executors Administrators and
Assigns of the Sum of Five pounds per cent per annum as therein mentioned and of all such further or other Sum or Sums of money as
the said Firm of Leitch and Smith should advance lend or pay or engage to pay for or on account of the said Jean-Pierre Marriaud
Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and Henry Hilaire de Maissac or in which they should there after become indebted to them or
to the said House of Leitch and Smith on account of the said Estate and also Subject to the observance and performance of Certain other
Covenants Clauses promises Stipulations Arguments therein after Contained on the part and behalf of the said Jean Pierre
Marriaud Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and Andre Hilaire de Maissac to be observed or performed fulfilled and kept (as in and
by the said recited Indentures will in reference thereto now fully appear) And Whereas by Certain other Indentures Of Lease & Release
Bearing date respectively the Eighteenth and Twentieth days of August in the year same Year Last aforesaid that Release being made
between the said Jean-Pierre Marriaud and Françoise Flattis his Wife of the first part the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond of the
second part and Alexander Campbell and John Fairbairn of the third part reciting the said Mortgage Indentures hereinbefore recited
thereby Certain other Indentures of Lease & Release bearing date respectively the same days in the same Year last mentioned and under mentioned?
to be made between the said Jean Pierre Marriaud and Françoise Flottis his Wife of the first part the said Andre Hilaire de Maissac
of the second part and the said Alexander Campbell and John Fairburn of the third part reciting the Mortgage Indentures herein
before recited two several equal undivided third parts of & in all the same Sugar Plantation or Estate Called Concord and also of and in
one hundred & ninety Seven Slaves thereto belonging and in the now reciting Indentures particularly named and the Hereditaments its Stock
and Premises with the appurtenances were granted released and conveyed unto the said Alexander Campbell and John Fairbairn and
their Heirs to hold also as to one equal undivided Third part of and in the said Slaves Estate or Plantation and Premises unto the said
Alexander Campbell and John Fairbairn and their Heirs in trust nevertheless for the said Andre Hilaire de Maissac and his Heirs
and assigns for ever And to hold unto the other equal undivided Third part of and in the same Estate or Plantation Slaves hereditaments
and Premises unto the said Alexander Campbell and John Fairbairn and their Heirs in trust nevertheless for the said Antoine Jacques
Noel de Raymond and his Heirs and assigns for ever Subject nevertheless as to both the said two several Third parts of and in
the same Plantation or Estate Slaves and Premises to the Proviso or Condition for redemption of the Premises in the said hereinbefore
and therein recited Mortgage Indentures mentioned and Contained And Whereas by Certain Indentures of Lease and Release bear-
ing date respectively the Eighteenth and Twentieth days of August in the Year One thousand eight hundred and ten the Release being
made between the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and Marguerite Jeane Elizabeth Vanier? his Wife of the first part the
said Andre Hilaire de Maissac of the second part and the said Alexander Campbell and John Fairbairn as Trustees named by
and on behalf of the said Andre Hilaire de Maissac of the third part and which recite the said hereinbefore recited In-
dentures of Mortgage and also by certain other Indentures of Lease & Release bearing date respectively the same Days in the same
Year last mentioned and made or expressed to be made between the said Andre Henri Hilaire de Maissac and Marie Catherine _____
his Wife of the first part the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond of the second part and the said Alexander Campbell and
John Fairbairn Trustees named by and on behalf of the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and which Indenture of Release
also recite the said hereinbefore recited Mortgage Indentures of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth of August aforesaid one equal undivided
third part of and in all these Sixty two Slaves and also one equal undivided third part in all those Fifty two Slaves _____
and respectively mentioned and described in the same respective Indentures now in recital were granted release and conveyed unto
the said Alexander Campbell and John Fairbairn and the Heirs to hold as to the said Third part (the whole into the requested parts
being to be divided) of and in the said Sixty two Slaves unto the said Alexander Campbell and John Fairbairn and their Heirs in
trust for the said Andre Henri Hilaire de Maissac his Heirs and Assigns for ever and to hold as to the said one third part of the whole
into three equal parts being divided of an in the said Fifty two Slaves unto the said Alexander Campbell and John Fairbairn
and their Heirs in trust for the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond his Heirs and assigns for ever subject nevertheless
as to both the same Undivided Third parts of and in the said Sixty two Slaves and Fifty two Slaves to the hereinbefore recited Provisos
or Condition for redemption of the Premises mentioned and Contained in the therein and hereinbefore recited Mortgage Indentures
(as in and by the same several Indentures duly recorded in the Register Office of Grenada will on reference more fully appear And
Whereas by certain other Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the Twentieth or the Twenty first days of No-
vember in the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifteen the Release being made between the said Jean Pierre Mas-
seaud and Françoise Flottes his Wife and the said Antoine Jacques Noel du Raymond & Marie Catherine Henrietta de Maissac
by the name & description of Marie Catherine Henrietta de Maissac Widow reciting the said Mortgage Indentures hereinbefore recited
and that the said Jean Pierre Marriaud then stood seized of the freehold and inheritance of and in one undivided Third part
or share (the whole into three equal parts being to be divided) of and in the said hereinbefore mentioned and hereinafter described Plan-
tation or Estate Slaves and Premises and reciting an Agreement between him and the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and
Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac for the absolute purchase by the Conveyance to them of the said Third part and all and singu-
lar his right and interest and Equity of redemption herein and other the premises therein mentioned at and for the piece or Lease of
Three thousand five hundred pounds of Sterling money of Great Britain free from all their incumbrances except the said therein-
before and herein recited Mortgage or incumbrance it is witne∫sed that in pursuance of the said Agreement and for the Con-
sideration therein stated he the said Jean Pierre Marriaud and Jean Françoise Flottes his Wife and each of them did grant release
convey and Confirm unto the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac their Heirs and
Assigns All that the said Undivided One third part share or proportion of the said Plantation or Estate and the Slaves Hereditaments
and Premises therein and hereinafter more particularly mentioned with the appurtenances to hold pertain? and for the use and behoof
of them as Tenants in Common and their respective Heirs and Assigns for ever subject nevertheless to the estate and intent of the said
Archibald Smith James Smith John Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn Robert Smith James Smith Junior and
Andrew Ranken their Executors Administrators and Assigns of and in such third part and other the Premises Comprized in the said
therein and hereinbefore recited Indentures of Mortgages and to the payment of all monies and Interest thereby charged and charge-
able upon the said mortgaged Premises and to all the Covenants conditions & agreements contained in the said Indentures (as in and
by the same Indentures duly proved? and recorded in the Registers Office of the Island of Grenada within? relation? being thereto had? _____
more? fully and at large appear And Whereas by Certain other Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the Fifth
and Sixth days of March in the year One thousand eight hundred and Seventeen the Release being made next? and to be made between?
the said Alexander Campbell (by the name and description of Alexander Campbell formerly of Glasgow in the Inland of Grenada
Esquire but then of the City of Glasgow in North Britain Merchant) and the said John Fairbairn Trustee in the behalf of the said Andre
Henri Hilaire de Maissac late of the said Island Planter deceased in & by the said several Indentures of Lease and Release _____
and hereinbefore mentioned and recited of and in the said Plantation or Estate of _____ Hereditaments Slaves and premises with
The appurtenances (the Entirety Whereof is thereinafter mentioned and intended to be thereby released and Conveyed of the first part the said Marie
Catherine Henriette de Maissac by the name and description of Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac of the Island of Grenada aforesaid Widow
of the said Andre Henri Hilaire de Maissac and the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond Devisees interest and Actions of Executors named
and appointed in and by the Last Will and Testament of the said Andre Henri Hilaire de Maissac discussed? of the second part the said Alexander
Campbell and John Fairbairn Trustees on the behalf of the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond in and by the said several Indentures
of Lease and Release herein and hereinbefore recited of and? other equal undivided Third part of and in the same Plantation or Estate Here-
ditaments Slaves and Premises with the appurtenance of the third part the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond of the fourth part
the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond as Tenant in Common as of fee simple of the undivided moiety or equal Half part of and in
the remaining Third part or Share of and in the same Plantation or Estate Hereditaments Slaves and Premises and Marguerite Jeane
Elizabeth Vanier his Wife of the fifth part the said Marie Catherine de Maissac another Tenant in Common in of fee Simple
of the other Undivided equal Moiety or Half part of and in the said remaining third part of the same Plantation Hereditaments Slaves
and premises of the Sixth part and the said Jean Pierre Marriaud of the seventh part reciting the said Mortgage Indentures and the
several Indentures of Lease and Release of the Eighteenth and Twentieth of August hereinbefore recited And also that the said Henri
Hilaire de Maissac duly made and published his last Will and Testament in Writing bearing date the Tenth day of January in
the same Year last mentioned and duly attested as by Law required for devising real estate and thereby bequeathed and devised all
his Property or estate to the said Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac Party hereto to be divided in equal shares among his Seven Children
therein named and further authorised his Testamentary Executors thereinafter named by and with the Consent of the said Marie Catherine
Henriette de Maissac to sell alienate and dispose of either in part or in whole all his the said Testators Rights or Claims to the Estate of Concord?
and all his other Property and for the execution of his said Will and Testament the said Testator named and instituted his Wife the said
Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac and the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and also the said Jean Pierre Marriaud to be
the Testamentary Executors and also Guardians of his Children (as in and by the same last Will and Testament duly proved and recorded
in the Registers Office of Grenada will on reference thereto more fully appear and also reciting the death of the said Andre Henri Hilaire
de Maissac soon afterwards and without altering or revoking his said Will and that the said Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac
and Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond after the decease of the said Testator duly proved the said Will and took upon themselves
the burthen of the execution thereof and that the said Jean Pierre Marriaud had never in any manner interfered or acted in the
said Testator’s affairs or the execution of his said Will or the Trust thereof and by a certain Deed or Instrument under his hand and
seal bearing date the day of in the Year One thousand eight hundred and Sixteen duly renounced and dis-
claimed the execution of the same Will and all & singular the Trusts thereof) as in and by the said Deed or Instrument duly proved and
recorded in the Register’s Office of Grenada will on reference being thereunto had more fully appear and further reciting the said In-
dentures of Lease & Release of the Twentieth and Twenty first of November hereinbefore recited and also reciting or in agreement between
the said Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac and Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and the said Jean Pierre Marriaud for the
absolute Sale & Conveyance to him of the said Plantation Estate of Concord Slaves Hereditaments and Premises and all & singular
the Right trust interest Equity of redemption and Claim therein of them the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and Marie
Catherine Henriette de Maissac as well under & by virtue of the said last recited Will & Testament of the said Andre Henri Hilaire
de Maissac and the Trusts thereof as in their and each of their own respective rights at and for the Price or Sum of Twenty one thousand
Pounds Sterling money of Great Britain out of which paid purchase money or Consideration the Sum of ten thousand Pounds
on account of the mortgage monies then due and owing to the several Persons composing the aforesaid Firm of Leitch and Smith under
and by virtue of the said hereinbefore recited Indentures of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth days of August in the Year One thousand
eight hundred and Ten was to be paid and discharges with Interest by the said Jean Pierre Marriaud and which together with the
Sum of Eleven thousand Pounds making the said Sum of twenty two thousand Pounds was thereby declared to be in full for the
absolute purchase of the Entirety of the same Plantation or Estate Lands Tenements Hereditaments Slaves and Premises and all
and Singular the respective estate Equity of redemption right trust and interest of them the said Marie Catherine Henriette de
Maissac and Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and each of them respectively in the same Premises it is by the Indentures
now in recital Witnessed that in Pursuance of the said Agreement and for and in Consideration as well of the said Sum of ten
thousand pounds part of the said full lease Money or Consideration sum of Twenty one thousand Pounds to be paid by the said
John Pierre Marriaud to the said several Persons composing the said Firm of Leitch and Smith in discharge of the Mortgage monies
due to them and secured on the Premises aforesaid and of the further Sum of Eleven thousand Pounds residue of the said Consideration
money of these Presents to him the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac by and with the Consent
of the said Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac testified as therein shown) well and truly paid or secured to be paid by the said Jean Pierre
Marriaud they the said Alexander Campbell and John Fairbairn at the request and by & with the Consent & direction of the said as well of
them the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond as of Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac and Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond (as
therein testified) and the said Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond and Marguerite Jeane Elizabeth Vanier his Wife and the same Antoine
Jacques Noel de Raymond and Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac by and with the Consent of the said Marie Catherine Henrietta de
Maissac (as therein also testified) and according to the several & respective Shares proportions estates rights and interests of them the said Alexander
Campbell John Fairbairn Antoine Jacques Noel de Raymond & Marguerite Jeane Elizabeth Vanier his Wife and Marie Catherine Henriette
de Maissac and each of them severally did grant bargain sell alien release ratify and Confirm unto the said John Pierre Marriaud his Heirs
and assignes All that the said therein and hereinbefore Plantation or Estate Commonly Called Concord hereinafter more particularly men-
tioned and described with the Lands Buildings Slaves Hereditaments and Premises with the appurtenances to hold unto and to the use and
behoof of the said Jean Pierre Marriaud his Heirs and Assigns former? subject nevertheless to the estate and interests of the said Archibald
Smith John Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn Robert Smith James Smith Junr and Andrew Ranken
their Executors Administrators and Assigns of and in the Premises Comprized in the said hereinbefore recited Indentures of Mortgage and
to the payment of all Sums and Sum of money and Interest therein charged and Chargeable and to all and singular the Conditions Covenants
And agreements in the said Indentures contained and on the part & behalf of the said Marie Catherine Henriette de Maissac Antoine
Jacques Noel de Raymond and Jean Pierre Marriaud or any of them severally or on their or any of their part and behalf jointly with
any other Person or Persons or otherwise on the part of their or any of their respective Heirs Executors or assigns to be Kept observed or performed
(as in and by the same Indentures last recited reference being thereunto had will more fully and at large appear And Whereas the said
John Smith and Robert Smith have both since departed this life and the said Mortgaged Premises with the appurtenances are now
become vested in the said Archibald Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith and Andrew Ranken
these Parties _____ of the first part and there is now due and Owing to them upon the said recited Mortgage the Sum of ten thousand
Pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain And Whereas the said John Pierre Marriaud being absolutely seized in his Demesne
as of ffee of & in the same Plantation or Estate Lands Slaves Hereditaments and Premises subject nevertheless to the payment of the said
Mortgage money and also of and in certain other Plantation or Estate Called Palmiste and the Slaves Hereditaments and Premises
thereto belonging or attached with the appurtenances hath contracted and agree with the said Owsley Rowley for the absolute Sale to him
of the said several Plantations or Estates and the Slaves Hereditaments Lands and Premises thereto respectively belonging or attached with
the appurtenances at and for the price or Sum of forty one thousand four Hundred Pounds Sterling money of Great Britain and it hath
been further agreed by and between the said Jean Pierre Marriaud and the said Owsley Rowley to value the said Plantation or Estate
of Concord and the Slaves Hereditaments and Premises thereto belonging or thereto attached with the appurtenances at the price or Lease
of nineteen thousand seven hundred Pounds out of which same sum it hath been agreed that the said Mortgage money of Ten thousand
Pounds shall be paid and satisfied to the said Archibald Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn Andrew Ranken
and James Smith Junior the Parties hereto of the first part who have agreed to accept thereof and execute such Conveyances and Assurances
of their estate and interest in the premises as hereinafter mentioned now this Indenture Witnesseth that in presence of the
said Agreement and for and in Consideration of the said Sum of Ten thousand Pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain to the
said Archibald Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn Andrew Ranken and James Smith Junior in hand
well and truly paid by the said Owsley Rowley at or immediately before the sealing and delivery of these Presents at the request
and by the direction and for and on behalf of the said John Pierre Marriaud testified by his being or Party to and sealing and deliver-
ing these Present (the receipt of which said ten thousand pounds and that the same is in full payment and satisfaction
of all Monied due upon or in respect of the said hereinbefore in _____ recited Mortgage they the said Parties hereto of the first
part severally above named do hereby acknowledge and thereof and from every part of the same do fully and absolutely acquit
release discharge and exonerate the said Owsley Rowley and also the said Jean Pierre Marriaud and each of them and their
respective Heirs Executors Administrators and assigns and likewise the said Mortgaged Premises and every of them by these
Presents) they the said Archibald Smith James Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn Andrew Ranken and James
Smith Junior at the request and by the direction and appointment of the said Jean Pierre Marriaud testified as _____ aforesaid
have and each of them hath granted bargained sold release and quitted Claim and by these Presents do and each of them doth
grant bargain sell release and quit claim and for the Consideration aforesaid and also of the Sum of Nine thousand seven hundred
Pounds like Sterling and lawful money aforesaid at the same time well and truly paid or secured to be paid by the said Owsley
Rowley to the said Jean Pierre Marriaud being the residue of the said Sum of Nineteen thousand seven hundred pounds the
receipt of which said Sum of nine thousand seven hundred pounds and the payment of which aforesaid Sum of ten thousand
Pounds to the aforenamed Parties hereto of the first part and by such request & direction as aforesaid and that the same Sums
making together the Sum of nineteen thousand seven hundred pounds are in full for the absolute purchase of the ffee simple
and inheritance in possession of the said Plantation or Estate Slaves and Premises hereinafter particularly mentioned and
described and intended to be hereby granted and released with the hereditaments and appurtenance discharges of all Liens and Claims
for or an account or otherwise in respect of the said Mortgage he the said Jean Pierre Marriaud doth hereby acknowledge and
thereof and from every of the same doth acquit exonerate and discharge the said Owsley Rowley his Heirs Executors Administrators
and assigns and also the said Plantation or Estate Lands Slaves Hereditaments and Premises for ever as well by these Presents
as by the Receipt or Acquaintance hereupon endorsed) he the said Jean-Pierre Marriaud hath granted bargained sold aliened released and by
these Presents doth grant bargain sell alien release ratifying and Confirm unto the said Owsley Rowley and his Heirs All that the said hereinbefore
mentioned Plantation or Estate Commonly Called Concord situate and being in the Parish of St. John in the Island of Grenada Containing
by ad-measurement Seven hundred and twenty-five Acres and Thirty-two Peaches of Land or thereabouts (be the same more or less) abutted and
bounded as follows (to wit) on the East by Lands now or late of James Campbell Esquire and some ungranted Lands on the West by Lands
now or late of James Mays partly by the Estate Called Woodford and partly by Estate of Madame de Colony _____ on the North partly by
Precipice partly by Lands of Madme Marricheau and partly by the River Black Bay and on the South partly by Lands late of John
Stephen Blacke and partly by Lands of the Heirs of Brunbousion Valinciennes Estate and some ungranted Lands or howsoever otherwise
the same may be situate bounded described or Known and also all those two hundred and forty one Negro and other Slaves now being upon
or belonging to the said Plantation or Estate whose names and sexes are set forth and described in the Schedule hereto annexed or hereunder
written and all the Issue future Progeny and increase of the Females thereof and all and every the Live & Dead Stock plantation imple
ments tools and implements now being on or upon the said Estate or belonging thereto and all Slaves Outhouses Sugar Works Utensils
Edifices buildings and directions Ways Paths Passages Waters Watercourses profits Commodities advantages improvements Commissions
hereditaments and all & singular other the app appurtenances to the said Plantation or Estate belonging or in any wise appertaining in there with
or now or at any time heretofore held used occupied or enjoyed or accepted reputed deemed or Receive as _____ _____ thereof or of any part
thereof all which same Plantation Lands Slaves and Hereditaments are now in the actual possession of the said Owsley Rowley or legally
_____ _____ him under and by virtue of an Indenture of Bargain & Sale to him thereof made by the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks
John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin and James Smith junior and the said Jean-Pierre Marriaud fourteen shillings
consideration bearing date on the day next before the day of the date of this Twenty and by force of the Statute made for transferring _____
into Possession) and the remainder and remainders reversion and reversions of and in the _____ every of_____ the Rents Terms? Pounds
And Profits ___and and become payable for or in respect of the same) or of any part _____ thereof from the Day of the Date hereof And All the estate
right title interest use trusts property possession possibility Equity and Right of redemption Claim and demand whatsoever
both at Law and in Equity of fees the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin and
James Smith Junior and of the said Jean-Pierre Marriaud and each of them in to out of and upon or respecting the said Plantation or Estate
Slaves Hereditaments and Premises hereby or mentioned and intended to be hereby granted released and Confirmed or any of them together with
all Deeds muniments and Writings whatsoever which in any wise relates to the same Premises or any part of the same and which now are or
hereafter may be in the possession or lawful power of them this said above named Persons Parties of the first part and the said Jean-Pierre
Marriaud or either of them or either of their heirs executors Administrators or assigns or any other Persons or Person from whom the they marry? or either
of them can or may procure the same without Action or Suit at Law or in Equity to have and hold the said Plantation or Estate Lands
buildings Slaves Hereditaments and other the premises herein before and in this said Indenture of Bargain & Sale described and hereby
granted released and Confirmed or so mentioned and intended to be with their and every of the rights and privileges appendages members and
appurtenances unto and for the use and behoof of the said Owsley Rowley his Heirs and Assigns for ever wholly Clearly and absolutely ffreed
exonerated and discharged of and from the said Sum of Ten thousand Pounds and all Interest and other monies whatsoever now or heretofore due
for or in respect of the same and of and from all and any other Liens Charges Claims and demands whatsoever as well Legal as Equitable of or by
the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin and James Smith junior their Heirs
Executors Administrators or Assigns or any or either of them for or Concerning the same respectively or otherwise by reason of this said in part
recited Mortgage And they the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin
and James Smith junior for themselves and each of them their Heirs Executors and Administrators do hereby Covenant
declare and agree with and to the said Owsley Rowley his Heirs and Assigns that they have not nor have or hath any or either of them
at any times or time heretofore either with the said Jean Pierre Marriaud or any other Person or Persons made done executed or Know-
ingly suffered or emitted of Caused or Procured to be made done Committed executed or suffered nor been party or privy to any act
deed matter or thing whatsoever whereby or by means whereof the said Plantation or Estate Lands Slaves Hereditaments and Premises
hereinbefore granted and released or mentioned and intended hereby so to be or any part or parcel thereof ______ in or any of their appur
tenances or the Estate and interest mentioned or intended to be by these Presents granted released or otherwise assured there in are is
or can or may be impeached Charged encumbered or prejudicially affected in title estate right value or otherwise howsoever And
the said Jean-Pierre Marriaud for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for every of them doth hereby Covenant
declare grant and agree with and to the said Owsley Rowley his Heirs and Assigns and each of them in the manner following
(that is to say) that for and notwithstanding any act deed matter or thing whatsoever at any time heretofore made done or com
mitted occasioned suffered or emmitted by him the said Jean Pierre Marriaud or any Person or Persons to the Contrary they the
said Jean-Pierre Marriaud and Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin
and James Smith Junior were or sum or one of them were or was at the time of the sealing & delivery of the Indenture of Bargain &
Sale hereinbefore referred to and (save always so far as regards the operation of the same) now are or is lawfully rightly and absolutely seized
in their or his demise or respective demises as of ffee of and in their or sum or one of their own right or respective rights and to their or sum or one
of their own use of all and singular this plantation Lands Slaves Hereditaments and Premises herein before granted released and Confirm
ed or mentioned or intended so to be as of in and for or good perfect Clear absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance in ffee simple in
possession and in severalty without any manner of Trust Condition power of revocation or of limiting any new or other use or uses or
any other qualification restriction matter or thing whatsoever expressed or implied which Can or may revoke determine abridge qualify
altered change encumber or prejudicially affect the same in any manner howsoever And that for and notwithstanding any such act
deed matter or thing as aforesaid they the said Jean Pierre Marriaud and the said Archibald Smith Adam Crooks John Guthrie
John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin and James Smith junior have in themselves or sum or one of them have or hath in
themselves or himself full and lawful power and absolute authority and right to grant bargain sell release and Confirm all and singu
lar the said Plantation or Estate Lands Slaves Hereditaments and other the premises so hereby granted released and Confirmed
as aforesaid and the procession reversion and inheritance thereof unto and to the use and behoof of the said Owsley Rowley his Heirs
and assigns in the manner aforesaid and according to the time intent and meaning of these Presents And Also that it shall and
may be lawful for the said Owsley Rowley his Heirs and Assigns immediately upon the sealing and delivery of these Presents and at
all times thereafter to enter into and upon and hold possess and enjoy all and singular the said Plantation or Estate Land Slaves
Hereditaments and Premisses with their and every of the respective rights and privileges members and appurtenances and to receive and retain
the Rents Issues Proceeds and Profits which shall arise or be payable for or in respect of the same from and after the day of Date hereof
to and for his and their own use and benefit without any manner of hindrance interruption disturbance Claim or demand whatsoever
by or from the said Jean Pierre Marriaud or is Heirs or any Person or Persons now or hereafter Claiming or to Claim any estate right
title Change or interest at Law or in Equity in to out of and upon or Concerning the said Plantation Lands Slaves Hereditaments and
premises or any part thereof and that free and Clear of and absolutely exonerated and discharged from and by and at the expence of
the said Jean Pierre Marriaud and his Heirs Executors and Administrators effectually indemnified defended and protected from against
all form and other ffeoffments gifts grants bargains Sales Leases Releases Settlements Mortgages demises Wills Conveyances assur
ances dissents Uses trusts limitations entails Conditions estate right and title of one to Dower remainders reversions in the Crown or elsewhere
Judgments Decrees Recognizances Statutes Extents Executions Sequestrations Elegits Debts of record debts due to the King or any of his
Predecessors legacies Portions Annuities Rents of all Kinds forfeitures rights of entry and Courses thereof finds Amerciaments and all & singular
other estates rights titles interests Changes and incumbrances whatsoever which at any times or time heretofore have been or which at any
time hereafter shall or may be made Created executed committed occasioned or suffered by the said Jean Pierre Marriaud or any other Person
or persons now or hereafter Claiming or to Claim or have title to Claim any estate right title or interest either at Law or in Equity And
moreover that he the said Jean-Pierre Marriaud and his Heirs and all and every other Person or Persons now or at any time hereafter
rightfully Claiming or having title to Claim any estate right interest or Charge Legal or Equitable in to out of and upon or respecting the
Said Plantation or Estate Lands Slaves Hereditaments and Premises hereby or hereinbefore mentioned or intended to be hereby grant
ed release demand Confirmed or any part thereof shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon every reasonable request
and at the Costs and expence of the said Owsley Rowley his Heirs or assigns make do acknowledge Levy suffer execute and perfect or cause
and procure to be made done acknowledged suffered executed and perfected with all Convenient and do expedition in all and every
such further and other lawful and reasonable acts deeds Conveyances matters and things whatsoever for the further better more perfectly
and absolutely granting releasing conveying and Confirming the said Plantation or Estate Lands Slaves and Hereditaments men
tioned and intended to be hereby granted released and Confirmed or mentioned or intended so to be and every or any part thereof and the
Possession reversion and inheritance thereof with their and every of the respective rights privileges members appendages & appurtenances
unto and for the use behoof and benefit of the said Owsley Rowley his Heirs and Assigns in such manner and form as he the said
Owsley Rowley his Heirs or Assigns or his or their Counsel in the Law shall advise and require and prepare and tender (if the nature thereof
permit) for his or their signature and execution is that the Person or Persons who shall be required to execute the same be not compellable
to go from his her or their then place or respective places of abode for the making or executing thereof In Witne∫s where of the said
Parties to these Presents have hereunto severally and respectively set their hands and seals the day and year first above written
Archd (LS) Smith by his Atty WKirkland Adam (LS) Crooks by his Atty WKirkland John (LS) Guthrie by his Atty WKirkland
John (LS) Ryburn by his Atty WKirkland James (LS) Smith by his Atty WKirkland Andrew (LS) Ranken by his Atty WKirkland
James (LS) Smith Junr by his Atty WKirkland J.P. (LS) Marriaud
Signed sealed and delivered in the Presence of Hy Bridgwater – Lewis Hayes
Received on the day of the date of the forgoing Indenture of and from the within named Owsley Rowley the sum of nine thousand seven
hundred Pounds Sterling part of the within Consideration money of nineteen thousand seven hundred Pounds therein mentioned to be paid
by the said Owsley Rowley
J.P. MarriaudWitne∫s – Lewis Hayes – Hy Bridgewater’
Received on the day of the date of the foregoing Indenture of and from the within named Owsley Rowley the sum of ten thousand Pounds
Sterling part of the within Consideration money –
Leitch & Smith by their Atty WKirklandWitne∫s – Hy Bridgwater – Lewis Hayes –
Schedule within referred to
Years of Years of Years of Years of Years of Years of Years of Age Age Age Age Age Age Age Jean Baptiste 22 Borg Ambroise 40 Monk 34 Laurient 36 Humania 40 Louisen 3 Bridget 65 Das Jean Marie 36 Jean Paul 20 Frederick (Dines?) 29 Noel 14 Themethia 2 Marie Miserle? 28 Jean Luc Elise 10 Oustes 13 Jean Ro∫e 56 Manitte 44 Valentine 60 Solamon 45 Joseph Manilline 8 Toinette 28 Isaac 28 Charlotte 16 Robert 30 Jean Pierre (Sawyer) 23 Damon Rosette 5 St. Jean 60 Ruffin 26 Jeane 11 Jeane Luce 35 Louis 36 Charles Champagne 45 Colinette 35 Melie 18 George 14 Brimere? 73 Aliné 36 Petit Angelle Nanan 45 Astaire 35 Marie Jeane 16 Oliver 23 Batholemy 10 Zabeth 60 Marreille 55 Balthazar Isidore 9 Marie Aiené 26 Alexis 35 Julie 30 Toussaint 68 Jeane Laurine 22 Louis Value 2 Charlotte (Carpenter) 60 Barbe 36 Bernard 7 Alexandriene 10 Pierre 30 Louison Jean Louis Ann Adelaide 3 Marie Barbe 7 An Ro∫e 11 Joachin 35 Rosilliette 30 Joseph Lucette Masule 35 Zabeth 1 Monique 2 Germaine 8 Julien 35 Feliette 24 Pierre Louis Jean Noel 3 Henriette _____ 1 Aglae 5 Sambou 70 Marie Julienne 27 Desireé 65 Lue Felix 27 Michael 2 Airdie Ibe 30 Louise Lafarge 35 Sabine 32 Elize 26 Maylaire Victoire 70 Cyfraienne 30 Elice 28 Francois Ibe 70 Jean Charles 36 Thérese (Wooderley?) 45 Ferol 15 Jacques St. Louis 65 Francoines 65 Caumer 25 Popoté 68 Maglaire (Sawyer) 28 Louis 10 Petit Michel Lisette 50 Andre 38 Euphisone 45 Xavier (Carpenter) 19 Julie B.A. 55 Francillette 7 George 2nd Hortense 50 Catherine 30 Jacqueline 23 Marie Justine 35 Eugenie 25 Lize 7 Florence Mark 32 Asac 18 Magdelaine 6? Marie Clare 26 Françoise 2 Antoine 40 Visllé Laphie Perrine 60 Silvaire 50 Lucille 36 Laurine 24 Joseph Mulatto 21 Henry 27 Veronique Antoinette 29 Noisil 45 Jacques Barnard 60 Philbent 10 Antoine 45 Vincent 17 Marthe 2nd François 36 Jean Francois Corpis 30 Celeste 58 Celistin 5 Mavis 36 Felicité 70 Henriette 20 Angelle Alzair 13 Laurent 27 Hypolite 40 Etienne 30 Catherine 39 Alzine 8 Toté Marie Zabeth 32 Jean Mark 13 Jean Aimé 19 Marie Madelaine 48 Franchoir 50 Therese 38 Rosie Judith Noisil 45 Gilbert 52 Auguste 10 Eglie 22 Marie 39 Prospere 19 Adelaide Nannette 56 Reinnette 24 Benoit 8 Suzette 10 Rosalie 24 Rosilliette 10 Petite Catherine Flore 15 Agathe 2 Charles 8 mos Suzan 68 Muine 15 Francilliette 8 Petite Paté? Jeannette 8 Charles Cooper 24 Aimeé 75 Marie Susanne 30 Fanchinette 17 Celeste 70 Louise Guittane 6 Fanny Judith Aimé 42 Theatiste 16 Felicié 10 Susanne 30 Laurine 19 Man Margueritte Marthe Ro∫e 24 Lubin 38 Francois 7 Pascal 29 Honoré 16 Madelenette Felix? Seraphine 45 Dorothy 50 Pierre 9 Marie Ursule 28 St Louis 7 her Child _____ Andre Veronique 16 Cumann 30 Genevieve 5 Dereis 7 Fanny 10 Angelique John and the Child Chlotilde 3 Robert 2 Augustin 2 Celemine 2 Victoire 70 Cecilia of Fanny not Mathieu 9 Noel 29 Houner? 36 Justin 29 Jean Bois 60 Helene Total Slaves _____
Grenada – Before the Honorable Richard Ottley Esquire Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature of the Island of Grenada and its
Dependencies – Personally Came and appeared Henry Bridgwater of the said Island Esquire Barrister at Law who being duly sworn
On the holy Evangelists of Almighty God made oath that he was present with Lewis Hayes of the same Island Esquire and
did see William Kirkland of the Town of Saint George in the said Island of Grenada Merchant as the duly Constituted Attorney in
the several and respective Names of and as and for the several and respective free and Voluntary Acts and Deeds of Archibald Smith Adam
Crooks John Guthrie John Ryburn James Smith Andrew Rankin and James Smith Junior all in the within Indenture particularly
described sign seal and in due form of Law deliver the with Indenture of Release as also and at the same time the Indenture of
Bargain and Sale or Lease for a Year thereto heading and hereunto annexed – And this Deponent further saith that he was present
with the aforesaid Lewis Hayes and did see John Peter Marriaud another Part to the same Indentures of lease and Release
or Conveyance sign and Seal and as his Act and Deed freely and voluntarily execute and deliver the same Indentures And this Deponent
further saith that he and the said Lewis Hayes were also present and saw the said John Peter Marriaud sign the first Receipt endorsed
on the said within Indenture for the Sum of nine thousand seven Hundred Pounds Sterling and the said William Kirkland as such
Attorney as aforesaid sign the second Receipt endorsed herein for the sum of ten thousand Pounds like Sterling money And lastly this Deponent
saith that in Testimony of such due Execution of the said within Indentures of Release and of the said Indenture of Bargain and sale
of lease foe a year they this Deponent and the said Lewis Hayes did severally and respectively subscribe their Names as Witne∫sed to the same
Indentures respectively and also in attestation of the said two several Receipts for the Consideration money aforesaid and that the several
Names or signatures of “Hy Bridgewater” and “Lewis Hayes” “Lewis Hayes” “Hy Bridgewater” “Hy Bridgewater” “Lewis Hayes” “Hy
Bridgewater” “Lewis Hayes” thereto set and subscribed are the proper Hands Writing and Signatures of this Deponent and the said
Lewis respectively –
Hy BridgwaterSworn to before me this nineteenth day of July 1819. Richd Ottley -
That’s it for the moment. Enjoy,
Owsley Rowley was my Great Great Great Grandfather. Colonial Secretary of Grenada. Proprietor of Concord Estate and Palmiste Estate - sugar plantations and Attorney for several others. This appears to be the sale of Concord Estate from the Scottish owners (mortgage holders?) to Rowley - for £19, 700. Included hundreds of slaves. After the Emancipation of the slaves the plantations were no longer profitable. Owsley's son George Henry Rowley went back to England and then emigrated to Australia in 1836 where he established a farm on the Manning River near Taree. That eventually went bust and he became a Police Magistrate - probably using the Rowley family influence. Owsley Rowley's brother Robert was a Captain in the Royal Navy and part of the British force that burnt Washington in the War of Independence. Malcolm Lambe. Paris.
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