And wonders never cease… the searches, the finds… and the “Ah-hah!” moments. This genealogy thing is forever a giving thing. It is like a continual finding of Christmas presents under an evergreen tree that is never taken down and put away for the season.
(Image: Holy Trinity Church, Westbury on Trym, Bristol, Steinsky, 2006)
In the continuation of my research into my Merrifield Family Line I stumbled upon a couple of choice finds tonight. I have copies of the BMD Indexes of Marriages Registered in October, November, December 1841 for both great-great-grandparents Esther (née Bailey) and John Merrifield. The following is my transcription. Note that gg-grandfather John’s surname is entered as “Merryfield”.
NAME DISTRICT VOL PAGE BAILEY Esther Clifton 11 393 MERRYFIELD John Clifton 11 393
The following are the pages of the Indexes.
Next I discovered the following information as an entry in the new Family Search Historical Records Database, for England, Bristol Parish Registers, 1538-1900.
I have not as yet garnered a copy of the actual Marriage Registration, but all-things-being-equal this data entry will provide me with the information necessary to get a copy of the same. Possible FHL microfilms which may have the original record are 1595525, 1595528, 1596411, 1596360, and 1749372.
And a new ancestor is included in the data entry information, gg-grandmother Esther (née Bailey) Merrifield’s father, ggg-grandfather George Bailey. This is another new limb of my Robertson Family Tree.
So to continue… I will be updating the Merrifield Descendant Chart shortly.
record title: England, Bristol Parish Registers, 1538-1900
Name: John Merryfield
Event Date: 17 Oct 1841
Event Place: Westbury on Trym, Holy Trinity, Gloucestershire, England
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Father: William Merryfield
Spouse: Esther Bailey
Spouse's Marital Status: Single
Spouse's Father: George Bailey
Digital Folder Number:4185367
I have not as yet garnered a copy of the actual Marriage Registration, but all-things-being-equal this data entry will provide me with the information necessary to get a copy of the same. Possible FHL microfilms which may have the original record are 1595525, 1595528, 1596411, 1596360, and 1749372.
And a new ancestor is included in the data entry information, gg-grandmother Esther (née Bailey) Merrifield’s father, ggg-grandfather George Bailey. This is another new limb of my Robertson Family Tree.
So to continue… I will be updating the Merrifield Descendant Chart shortly.
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