It is a gorgeous day here in Tampa and I am looking forward to the remainder of this spring and the pending humidity and downpours of our rainy season next month.
Having finished transcribing the Smith-related Indentures of the Grenada Registers of Records from the microfilm FHL [1563379], I thought that in keeping up with my search and research for the origins and genealogy of ggg-grandfather James Smith I would update my Table of his occupational titles. His working titles included Architect, Carpenter, Mill Carpenter, Mill Wright, and Shipwright.
The period of time, Year Mentioned, follows from the year 1802 through to 1841, the year just prior to ggg-grandfather James’ passing. I have cross-referenced each one of my Postings that includes Indentures that may mention ggg-grandfather James’ occupation. If you would like to see any particular Posting enter the associated Part and number, (for example, “Part 400s”), into the “Search This Blog” blank box in the left-hand column and click on the “Search” button.
I will be adding a quick link to this GGG-Grandfather James Smith's Occupation Titles Chart under the Smith tab at the top of the page.
If you have any questions, ideas, or comments please feel free to contact me.
Enjoy, your coffee…
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