From the house sans AC, but now with a portable air conditioning unit that is supposed to work on 500 square feet and a sealed window for the exhaust, set with Dick Cheney’s duct tape, I am still not up to par in my element of genealogy research. The replacement parts for the air conditioning unit still have just arrived and I am learning just how much tolerance an increase in body heat over a slow period of time can cause to my own personal psyche and overall energy.
The refrigerator is now fully operational and the garage door opener. I’m just waiting on the replacement of the new parts for the ac unit. This is where nail-biting begins.
And now it is July 1, 2011; half the year has passed.
As a quick update, I haven’t as yet discovered the origins or ancestry of my ggg-grandfather James Smith but you can guarantee that I am going to continue to look. My Indenture Transcription Project continues and there have been some gems that I have chanced upon. Also, there have been some leads that have caused me to ask more questions and continue my search into some different directions.
At the local Family History Center I have been reviewing the Grenada Registers of Records of 1764 through 1881 that have been preserved on microfilm. Contacts in Australia, Canada, England, Grenada, Scotland, Sweden, Trinidad, United States, and Wales have all been helping with the work, research, and search. Thank you to everyone.
And I keep searching,
And now it is July 1, 2011; half the year has passed.
As a quick update, I haven’t as yet discovered the origins or ancestry of my ggg-grandfather James Smith but you can guarantee that I am going to continue to look. My Indenture Transcription Project continues and there have been some gems that I have chanced upon. Also, there have been some leads that have caused me to ask more questions and continue my search into some different directions.
At the local Family History Center I have been reviewing the Grenada Registers of Records of 1764 through 1881 that have been preserved on microfilm. Contacts in Australia, Canada, England, Grenada, Scotland, Sweden, Trinidad, United States, and Wales have all been helping with the work, research, and search. Thank you to everyone.
And I keep searching,
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