Are you having any problems of dragons chasing you? You are? Well here’s, supposedly, a tried and true method to stop those pesky dragons in their flight tracks… Rub yourself down with some fresh tarragon, or, as it is also known, dragon’s wort, and go out for a dragon-free walk.
Okay, I can’t find anything about the truth of the spell after 60 links on the Internet, but I did hear an interview on NPR with a “food-expert”, and she said that she hasn’t had any issues, of late, with dragons. Dragons?
Pursuing the open paths in my research of the genealogy and origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith can, at times, certainly lead to more and more questions. This time it is back to the Smiths of Jordanhill in Scotland.
I have just received some additions to the Smiths of Jordanhill Family Tree. By adding the new individuals, I am now curious as to the possibility of number two son, James Smith, Junior, who died in 1815. This new information incites new thoughts and possibilities. It once again definitely does not close off the Smiths of Jordanhill as a possible connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Here is my newly updated Smiths of Jordanhill, Scotland Descendant Chart.
It’s a thought. Now I just have to prove or disprove a possible connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Stay tuned for my next Post. I have found some new information on gggg-grandmother Isabelle Kendall.
Enjoy, avoid all dragons,
Here is my newly updated Smiths of Jordanhill, Scotland Descendant Chart.
It’s a thought. Now I just have to prove or disprove a possible connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Stay tuned for my next Post. I have found some new information on gggg-grandmother Isabelle Kendall.
Enjoy, avoid all dragons,
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