And yes I did make supper again last night, as some of you have asked… Green Gumbo. I followed and adapted a recipe from one of my favorite sites, Elise Bauer’s Simply Recipes.
Turnip greens, fresh spinach, Andouille sausage, ham, celery, green pepper, onion, and spices. A chocolate roux made of peanut oil and flour was the start. And man was the Gumbo good…and filling. Dessert, pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Not bad for a Saturday night. And Simply Recipes always has some good write-ups and recipes.
In my search and research of the genealogy of a family line, it is a wonder what a fresh mind, mine that is, can make out once I put a document down for a bit and then return to it. And the job is the transcription of the 1865 Marriage Registration of CK’s gggg-grandfather Timothée Parisé and his first wife Julienne Chapados.
From The Drouin Collection from the Port Daniel, Bonaventure Register here is the following image as downloaded via Ancestry.ca.
Here is my transcription.
And my translation -
I believe that within the text of the Marriage Registration there are the elements of acknowledgement of blood relationship between gggg-grandfather Timothée Parisé and his first wife Julienne Chapados. I am not a Roman Catholic scholar by any means, let alone my French transcription and translation could be off-the-mark somewhat.
From Wikipedia -
Does the Marriage Registration mean that in some way gggg-grandfather Timothée was somehow related to Julienne Chapados? Could be… but the one definite coincidence that is written in the 1865 Marriage Registration is that gggg-grandfather Timothée’s mother is 5-times great-grandmother Marie Therèse Duguay and Julienne Chapados’ mother is Julienne Duguay. Apart from the same last name, Duguay, could there be an immediate relationship be 5-times great-grandmother Marie Therèse and Julienne?
Any thoughts?
Here is my transcription.
Cte Bonaventure
St. Georges
M 3.
Timothée Parisé
Julienne Chapados.
Le quatorze Août mil huit-cent soi-
xante cinq Après le publication de trois bans
de Mariage & acte au prône de nos na pas
paroiſseiales entre Timothée Parisé fils majeur
de Michel Parisé cultivateur & pêcheur et de Marie
Therèse Duguay de cette paroi∫se d'une part &
Julienne Chapados fille majeure de Paul Cha-
pados cultivateur & pêcheur et de Julienne Duguay
auſsi de cette paroiſse d'autre part; aucun
empêchement ne l'étant prèsenté et du la dis-
pense du trois au troisième & du quatre au
quatrième degré de consanguinité qui la
trousait entre est accordée par le Révérend
Meſsieur Ahais Meilloure Vicaire Général
Soixante huitieme feuillet
de ce Diocèse, nous prêtre soussigné Curé de Pa∫spébiac
avons nous leur mutuel consentement de Mariage et
leur avons donné la Bénédiction nuptiale soi pré-
sence de Michel Parisé père & Ambroise Parisé frère de
l'épouse & Paul Chapados père & Jean Moi∫se Chapados
frère de l'épouse les quels ainsi que les épouse n'ont
pas signer.
Ch. G. Fournier
And my translation -
County Bonaventure
St. Georges
M 3.
Timothy Parise
Julienne Chapados.
On the 14th of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, after the publication of three banns of marriage, and advocating the act of our parish masses between Timothy Parisé, adult son of Michel Parisé farmer & fisherman, and of Marie Therèse Duguay of this parish, on the one hand, and Julienne Chapados, eldest daughter of Paul Chapados, farmer & fisherman, and of Julienne Duguay also of this parish on the other hand, no there being no impediment present and exemption from three to four in the third & fourth degree of consanguinity which was between the two, is given by the Reverend Messieur
Sixty-eighth sheet
Ahais Meilloure, Vicar General of the Diocese, we the undersigned priest Cure of Papsébiac, we have their mutual consent of marriage and have given them the nuptial blessing, in the presence of Michel Parisé father & Ambrose Parisé brother of the groom, & wife Paul Chapados father of and Jean Moise Chapados brother of the bride, as well as that the bridal couple did not sign.
G. Ch Fournier
I believe that within the text of the Marriage Registration there are the elements of acknowledgement of blood relationship between gggg-grandfather Timothée Parisé and his first wife Julienne Chapados. I am not a Roman Catholic scholar by any means, let alone my French transcription and translation could be off-the-mark somewhat.
From Wikipedia -
Roman civil law prohibited marriages within four degrees of consanguinity.[2] This was calculated by counting up from one prospective partner to the common ancestor, then down to the other prospective partner.[3] The first prohibited degree of consanguinity was a parent-child relationship while a second degree would be a sibling relationship. A third degree would be an uncle/aunt with a niece/nephew while fourth degree was between first cousins.[3] Any prospective marriage partner with a blood relationship outside these prohibited degrees was considered acceptable.[3] Canon law followed civil law until the early ninth century when the Western Church increased the number of prohibited degrees from four to seven.[4] The method of calculation was also changed to simply count the number of generations back to the common ancestor.[5] This meant that marriage to anyone up to and including a sixth cousin was prohibited. The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 decreed a change from seven prohibited degrees back to four (but retaining the same method of calculating; counting back to the common ancestor).[6]
Does the Marriage Registration mean that in some way gggg-grandfather Timothée was somehow related to Julienne Chapados? Could be… but the one definite coincidence that is written in the 1865 Marriage Registration is that gggg-grandfather Timothée’s mother is 5-times great-grandmother Marie Therèse Duguay and Julienne Chapados’ mother is Julienne Duguay. Apart from the same last name, Duguay, could there be an immediate relationship be 5-times great-grandmother Marie Therèse and Julienne?
Any thoughts?
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