Today I was able to finish a number of Transcriptions of Records in my continued search for the ancestry of ggg-grandfather James Smith. And I keep saying to myself, “I’m not giving up… I’m not giving up.” The one thing for sure is that I am certainly getting to know a smidgen of the genealogy of the other Smiths associated with Grenada in and around the early 1800s.
This first Document from the Grenada Registers of Records from the microfilm FHL [1563329] from Item 2 is an Indenture signed on behalf of one Richard Oliver Smith by his Attorney W. Mitchell. From my reading it appears that William Mitchell was given Power of Attorney on behalf of Richard Oliver Smith some 11 years earlier; (see Part 197s).
The date of this document is 24 July 1819 as well as it was entered to the Register on the same day. I haven’t seen too many of these sorts of “fast” written and registered records. And of course, there are no hints in the text that may give me a clue as to the genealogy of ggg-grandfather James.
Here are the two pages: 83 and 84.
The transcription –
The transcription –
Don’t go too far, the next two will follow shortly.83Entered 24th July 1819This Indenture made the twenty fourth day of July in the Year of Our Lord one
thousand eight Hundred and nineteen Between Richard Oliver Smith of the County
of Middlesex in England Esquire acting herein by his duly constituted Attorney
William Mitchell of the Island of Grenada Esquire of the one part and William
Cockburn of the said Island of Grenada of the other part Witnesseth that he the
said Richard Oliver Smith hath given and granted and by these presents Doth
give and grant unto the said William Cockburn a certain Negro female slave
heretofore forming one of the Gang of slaves of or Belonging to the Plantation
situate in the Parish of Saint John in the said Island Known by the name
of Revolution Hall called Mary Ann together with the future issue and Increase
of the said slave for and in Exchange of and for a certain Negro female slave of
her the said William Cockburn called Mary intended hereafter to be placed
on the said Plantation in lieu or stead of the before mentioned female slave
Mary Ann To Have and To Hold the said female Slave heretofore of or be-
longing to the said Plantation, Called Mary Ann and her future Issue and
increase to the said William Cockburn his Heirs and assigns for ever for and in
exchange of and for the said slave called Mary and her future Issue and
increase and the said Richard Oliver Smith for himself his Heirs Executors
and administrators Doth covenant and grant to and with the said William
Cockburn His Heirs Executors and administrators that it shall and may be Law-
-ful to and for the said William Cockburn and his Heirs and Assigns from
henceforth peaceably to have hold and proʃseʃs the said Slave and her future
Issue and Increase in Exchange as foresaid without any interruptions claims or
demands whatsoever of or by the said Richard Oliver Smith or any other Person
whatsoever Claiming or to Claim by from or under him, and the said William
Cockburn on his part hath given and granted and Surely gives and grants unto
the said Richard Oliver Smith his Heirs and assigns for ever the said female slave
above mentioned called Mary together with her future issue and increase To Have
and84And To Hold the said slave may and her future issue and increase to the
said Richard Oliver Smith his Heirs and assigns for ever in Exchange of and for
the said slave Mary Ann and her future progeny and the said William
Cockburn for himself his Heirs Executors & administrators doth hereby covenant
and grant to and with the said Richard Oliver Smith his Heirs Executors
Administrators and assigns in manner following that is to say that he the
said William Cockburn hath not done or willingly suffered any Act or Deed
whereby the said slave Mary may be charges or encumbered and he hath
now good right to grant the said slave Mary in Exchange in manner aforesaid
And further that it shall and may be Lawful to and for the said Richard
Oliver Smith his Heirs and assigns from henceforth peaceably to have hold
and proʃseʃs the said Slave called Mary and her future Issue and Increase in
exchange as aforesaid without any interruption Claim or Demand what-
soever of or by him the said William Cockburn his Heirs Executors or admini-
strators or any other person or persons claiming or to claim by from or under
him them or any of them In Witness whereof the Parties to these Presents
have hereunto set their Hands and seals the Day and Year first above written
Richard Oliver Smith (LS) Wm Cockburn (LS)Sealed and delivered In the presence of Owsley Rowley & John Douglas
by his Attorney W. Mitchell
Grenada Acknowledged before me by William Mitchell Esquire as
the Attorney in the Name of and as and for the free and Voluntary Act and
Deed of Richard Oliver Smith Esquire one of the Parties to the within Inden-
-ture, and also by William Cockburn the other Party to the same Indenture
do and for his free and Voluntary Act and Deed this twenty fourth Day of
July In the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen
Owsley Rowley DRegr.
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