And it follows through that this search and research endeavor has certainly proven fruitful. In the past short time I have been contacted by persons who may to be connected to me through our family lines and genealogy. This is certainly amazing. I can say that there may not have been any method to my madness and mayhem of my words, directions, and projects but it most definitely is bearing fruit.
I mentioned in Part 349s that gg-granduncle Thomas Smith did not mention, in his Last Will and Testament, two of his brothers, gg-granduncles George and Henry. He did although mention his other siblings, gg-grandaunts Sophia (née Smith) Ventour and Mary (née Smith) Steele and gg-grandfather James Smith, Jr.. Following up with that notion I thought that I would try to find out why gg-granduncles George and Henry were omitted.
And I found an immediate answer. On file, I have copy of the page of gg-granduncle Henry Smith’s Burial Registration from the Parish Registers of the Parish of Saint George in Grenada. The Burial Registration is dated 2 October 1854. The Registration does not include his age but if it is the correct one, gg-granduncle Henry Smith would have been approximately 36 ½ years old when he passed away. GG-granduncle Thomas wrote his Last Will and Testament just under three months after his brother, gg-granduncle Henry had passed away. And this possibly explains the exclusion, if the registered Henry Thomas was undeniably one of his older brothers.
Here is a copy of the 1854 Parish of Saint George Burial Registration as downloaded from Items 18-19 of the microfilm FHL [1523656].
My transcription –
In Part 89s is the 1819 Baptism Entry to the Parish Register of Saint George, gg-granduncle Henry Smith’s birth date is provided as 3 March 1818.
I haven’t as yet found documentation verifying and connecting ggg-granduncle George Smith that could present a familial relationship. I will keep searching.
Here is a copy of the 1854 Parish of Saint George Burial Registration as downloaded from Items 18-19 of the microfilm FHL [1523656].
My transcription –
[Page 132]
BURIALS in the Parish of Saint George
in theCounty ofIsland of Grenada in the Year 1854.
Name. – Henry Smith
No. – 854
Abode. – Town of St. George
When buried. – October 2nd
Age. –
By whom the Ceremony was performed. – J.A. Anton, Rector
In Part 89s is the 1819 Baptism Entry to the Parish Register of Saint George, gg-granduncle Henry Smith’s birth date is provided as 3 March 1818.
I haven’t as yet found documentation verifying and connecting ggg-granduncle George Smith that could present a familial relationship. I will keep searching.
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