And what did I find? As I mentioned I stumbled upon a folder in my stash in my database of Item 9 of the microfilm FHL [1563329], and sure enough the first Indenture is one that relates directly to my ancestors. The ancestors are my ggg-grandfather James Smith, his daughter, my gg-grandaunt Sophia (née Smith), and her husband, my gg-granduncle Benjamin Ventour.
I can be sure of the immediate relationships between ggg-grandfather James, gg-grandaunt Sophia and gg-granduncle Benjamin but beyond that there is no revealing origin or ancestral insight that I can read in my immediate work and transcription.
This Indenture as entered 31 February 1837 to the Grenada Registers of Records, appears to follow, or at least have something to do with a similar Indenture entered and dated 27 October 1832; see Part 319s. It also may be related to the Indenture dated 27 October 1832 as per my transcription and work in Part 322s.
The fact that this specific Indenture is labeled “(A)” would lead me to believe that it may have been an attachment or an annexed schedule. I do know that immediately following this Indenture (A) there is a (B) and a (C).
Here are the images of the Pages 160 and 161 for (A).
And my Transcription –
Stay tuned for the next part.
The fact that this specific Indenture is labeled “(A)” would lead me to believe that it may have been an attachment or an annexed schedule. I do know that immediately following this Indenture (A) there is a (B) and a (C).
Here are the images of the Pages 160 and 161 for (A).
And my Transcription –
(A)Entered 31 Feby 1837This Indenture made the twenty sixth day of October in the year of our Lord
One thousand Eight hundred and thirty two Between Benjamin Ventour of
the Island of Grenada aforesaid and Sophia his wife of the one part and James Smith
of the Town and Island aforesaid, Carpenter, of the other part Witnesseth that the said
Benjamin Ventour and Sophia his wife for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings
a piece in hand paid by the said James Smith at or before the sealing and delivery of these
presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Have and each of them Hath bargain
ed and sold and by these presents Do and each of the Doth bargain and sell unto the said
James Smith his executors and administrators All those Fifty two Negro and other Slaves
whose names are mentioned and set forth in the Schedule hereunto annexed or hereunder written
being the Negro and other Slaves mentioned to be demised by a certain Indenture of Lease bearing
date on or about the twenty first day of March in the year One thousand Eight hundred and twenty
five and made or expressed to be made between the said Benjamin Ventour of the one part and
Owsley Rowley therein described of the other part or such of therein as now living and the surviv
ing issue and increase of the female together with the future i∫sue and increase of the females of
the said Negro and other Slaves and all other if any the Slaves comprised in the said Indenture
of demise and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits
Thereof To have and To hold the said Negro and other Slaves and all and singular
the premises hereby bargained and sold or intended so to be and every of them unto the said James
Smith his executors and administrators from the day next before the day of the date of these presents
for the term of one whole year thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended Yielding
and Paying therefore the rent of one pepper corn on the last day of the said term if the same
shall be lawfully demanded To the intent and purpose that by virtue of these presents and of
the statute made for transferring uses unto possession the said James Smith may be in the
actual possession of all and singular the premises hereby bargained and sold or intended so to be
and be thereby enabled to accept and take a grant and release of the reversion and Inheritance
of the same premises to such uses upon such trusts and for such ends intents and purposes as shall
be declared thereof in or by a certain Indenture of Release already prepared and intended to
bear date the day next after the day of the date of these presents and to be executed after the
execution hereof and made or expressed or intended to be made between the said Benjamin Ventour
and Sophia his wife of the first part the said Owsley Rowley of the second part and the
said James Smith of the third part In witness whereof the parties to these present have here
unto set their hands and seals the day any year first above written.
The Schedule above referred to
Males Males continued 4 Angelique 18 Perine? 1 Joachim 14 Robert 5 Mary Ann 2d 19 Marie Nette 2 Germain 15 Henry 6 Scholastique 20 Susannah 3 Joseph 16 Benjamin 7 Margaret 21 Elsey 4 Jim 17 Walter 8 Mary 22 Thalonice 5 William 18 Samuel 9 Pracilla 23 Charlotte 6 Julien 19 Ben 10 Francoise 24 Jounnah 7 Michel 20 Thomas 11 Louisa 25 Rosey 8 Glasgow 21 Davy 12 Augustine 26 Betsy 9 Jeremy 22 Frederick 13 Mary Ann 1st 27 Lavinia 10 Ian Females 14 Mary Catherine 28 Sophy 11 Alexander 1 Marie Noel 15 Augusta 29 Cecile 12 Philip 2 Marie Rose 15 Judith 30 Louisa 13 Charles 3 Madelaine 17 Yamoe
Benjn Ventour (LS) Sophia Ventour (LS) James (LS) Smith
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
Wm Snagg James R Hill
Stay tuned for the next part.
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