The next set of the Robertson Y-DNA Deep Clade Tests results have been returned. Following up with Part 482r our Robertson Y-DNA, (thank you GR), Haplogroup was predicted at R1b1a2. At that point the Robertson shorthand classification was M-269 marker.
As of today a portion of the Deep Clade Testing has been completed testing for the U-106 marker which has tested and confirmed positive. What this means is that the eight subclades or branches above the U-106 are presumed positive. Those eight branches are: L23; L150; L51; L11; L151; L52; P310; and P311. The P312 test is confirmed negative. This means that the new confirmed Robertson Haplogroup is R1b1a2a1a1a*.
I have included an attempted cut and pasted image of the Family Tree DNA Y-Haplogroup for our Robertson Line.
Now we have to wait for some more Deep Clade Test results, actually 8 of 9 more. One, L48 has returned as negative, which means that, based on the results our Robertson Haplogroup Subclade is not included in the R1b1a2a1a1a4* series. The other eight will determine, whether they are positive or negative which will indicate what a deeper Robertson branch may be.
Here is the Color Key as provided by Family Tree DNA.
The following are a couple of terms with Family Tree DNA definitions that may help.
Deep Clade – A Y-DNA Deepclade test is a test for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that determine a male's place (branch) on the ancestral tree for all mankind. Deepclade testing offers in-depth information about the ancient ancestry and historic migrations of your direct paternal line.
Haplogroup – Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups are the major branches on the human paternal family tree. Each haplogroup has many sub-branches.
Subclade – A sub-branch of a haplogroup.
Haplogroups and their subclades (branches) mark human migrations.
Marker – Also SNP or single nucleotide polymorphism. Some Y-DNA sub-branch markers, SNPs, are restricted to a single family that is related in genealogical times (1 to 15 generations).
We now sit and wait for the additional results of the eight remaining Deepclade tests.
Now we have to wait for some more Deep Clade Test results, actually 8 of 9 more. One, L48 has returned as negative, which means that, based on the results our Robertson Haplogroup Subclade is not included in the R1b1a2a1a1a4* series. The other eight will determine, whether they are positive or negative which will indicate what a deeper Robertson branch may be.
Here is the Color Key as provided by Family Tree DNA.
The following are a couple of terms with Family Tree DNA definitions that may help.
Deep Clade – A Y-DNA Deepclade test is a test for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that determine a male's place (branch) on the ancestral tree for all mankind. Deepclade testing offers in-depth information about the ancient ancestry and historic migrations of your direct paternal line.
Haplogroup – Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups are the major branches on the human paternal family tree. Each haplogroup has many sub-branches.
Subclade – A sub-branch of a haplogroup.
Haplogroups and their subclades (branches) mark human migrations.
Marker – Also SNP or single nucleotide polymorphism. Some Y-DNA sub-branch markers, SNPs, are restricted to a single family that is related in genealogical times (1 to 15 generations).
We now sit and wait for the additional results of the eight remaining Deepclade tests.
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