Don’t know where the energy came from… but I decided this early morning that I should start up roller-blading again. Of course, I almost went back to bed when I say the condensation of the humidity on all the windows. But my thought process was that I have been putting it off for this past seven months.
That’s right I hadn’t donned the roller-blades since last year November. Well here I go again. It took me 20 minutes to go three miles. I need to get back, slowly to my 50 miles a week… with the next goal of 60 miles a week by December.
Temperature in Tampa is right now 88°F (31°C). And this is the part that I don’t understand. The humidity is slated at 67%... but it is raining, and thundering. By definition humidity is the “dampness, especially of the air.” But if it is raining, how can the humidity as announced by the National Weather Service be at 67%? Doesn’t raining, wet water falling from the sky, mean that the air that I pass through is 100% wet and damp? Guess, I must be “meteorologically-deficient”?
Yesterday I began an further study of my Parker and Kendal(l) Lines. I stumbled across a number of new bits of information pertaining to both Family Lines of Lancashire, England. This is going to have some effect and change to my Parker Descendant Chart.
I received a mystery comment to my Posting Part 514d this morning from an Anonymous writer. It read “I possess the de BUC genealogy (600-ca. 1450) about this family originating from Lille, which established in Brabant, Flanders and in Norman England later on.” And you can imagine my piqued interest. This could be some, and I reiterate, may be some classic and pertinent information for my Dubuc Family Line. When I move my cursor, in my email listing, over the “Anonymous” I am presented with a dialogue box reading “mafarr noreply-comment @ blooger.com” Did you write this comment? Does anyone have any idea? Will the Mystery Guest please stand up?
Yesterday I began an further study of my Parker and Kendal(l) Lines. I stumbled across a number of new bits of information pertaining to both Family Lines of Lancashire, England. This is going to have some effect and change to my Parker Descendant Chart.
I received a mystery comment to my Posting Part 514d this morning from an Anonymous writer. It read “I possess the de BUC genealogy (600-ca. 1450) about this family originating from Lille, which established in Brabant, Flanders and in Norman England later on.” And you can imagine my piqued interest. This could be some, and I reiterate, may be some classic and pertinent information for my Dubuc Family Line. When I move my cursor, in my email listing, over the “Anonymous” I am presented with a dialogue box reading “mafarr noreply-comment @ blooger.com” Did you write this comment? Does anyone have any idea? Will the Mystery Guest please stand up?
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