At times it is always better to have a second pair of eyes, and most definitely a sharper mind assisting with the transcription of a document in the search and research of one’s genealogy. In this case, a gracious volunteer through Transcribe, a Yahoo Group, has offered tremendous assistance in transcribing the 1867 Marriage Registration for gggg-grandparents Thimothée (aka Timothy) and Catherine (née Grenier) Parisé.
Check out Part 800gp and Part 806gp for copy of the actual documents from The Drouin Collection and my previous attempts.
Paul’s transcription -
My translation –
I always am thankful for assistance from friends, strangers, and family.
N. 14
Thimothée Parisé
Catherine Grenier
Le vingt [ ] Août mil huit
cent soixante sept après la publication de
trois bans de Mariages faite aux prône de notre
Messe Paroissiale entre Timothée Parisé veuf
Majeur de défunte Julienne Chapados de la paroisse
de St. Georges de Port Daniel d'une part & Catherine
Grenier veuve Majeure de défunt Romain Huard
de cette paroisse d'autre part & aucun empêchement
ne d'étant présenté et [au(?) les = aux?] dispenses du trois au
troisième, du quatre ou quatrième de consanguinité
& celle au trois au quartième d'affinité accordias(?) par
Le Réverende Mejor(?) Nicolas Audet Vicaire Général
du la Diocèse nous prêtre curé soussigné avons reçu
leur mutuel consentement de mariage en(?) présence
de Prudent Grenier aînée(?) de l'épouse et Maj???
Grenier frère de l'épouse les quels ainsi que les épouses
ont declaré ne savoir signer.
_____ G. Fournier _____
My translation –
N. 14
Timothy Parisé
Catherine Grenier
The twenty [ ] August one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven after the publication of three banns of marriages against advocates of our Parish Mass between Timothy Parisé adult widower of Julienne Chapados late of the parish of St. George, Port Daniel & Catherine Grenier adult widow of the late Romain Huard of this parish & any other impediment to being presented and the [(?) to the =?] three exemptions from the third or fourth of four consanguinity & that in the three to fourth affinity accorded (?) by the Reverend Major (?) Nicolas Audet Vicar General of the Diocese, we the undersigned parish priest have received their mutual consent to marriage (?) presence of Prudent Grenier elder of (?) the wife and Maj??? Grenier brother of the wife and that the spouses have declared they could not sign.
_____ G. Fournier _____
I always am thankful for assistance from friends, strangers, and family.
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