And so, I’m back to work on my Transcription Project. The one thing I’ve got to figure out as I’m running Windows 7 and Windows XP and Ubuntu concurrently is not to go too, too stir crazy. I have to make sure that I organize myself well and ensure as to where I file a file. And yes the image is of two monitors. I could add two more, and that’s a thought.
My first Record, after the short respite, is one that may provide some answers as to which James Smith is or is not which James Smith. From time to time this genealogy and ancestry search can become somewhat confusing… and the tactic that I am depending on is one of elimination. My method is to eliminate the individuals who are not or can possibly not be the same individual(s). This is a technique I have to use especially since I am searching for the genealogical origins of ggg-grandfather James Smith.
This new Document is the last one I have on file of Item 1 of the microfilm FHL [1563380], the Grenada Registers of Records 1825-1834 (v. H5-O5). All-things-being-equal there are three James Smiths included in this Record: James Smith, the Carpenter; James Smith and James Smith, Junior of the firm Leitch and Smith. The first time I encountered at least the two James Smiths of the firm Leitch and Smith is in the 1807 Record transcribed in Part 192s. Two other related references are Part 210 and Part 223s
Another coincidental prospect is the mention in the Record of the Merchant Richard Steele. From my research I have discovered that George Steele, who married gg-grandaunt Mary Ann (née Smith) the daughter of ggg-grandfather James Smith, was the son of one Richard Steele. See Part 125s and Part 62s.
All-things-being-equal, James Smith, the Carpenter could be ggg-grandfather James. Also, I could take a chance and conclude that he is not one of the James Smiths of Jordan Hill. See Part 211s and my Analysis for my discussion regarding the Smiths of Jordanhill House Analysis.
The one sad thing about this Document is that no clue to ggg-grandfather James’ origin or ancestry is provided.
Here are the images of pages 401, 402, and 403.
My transcription –
Good night and morning,
Another coincidental prospect is the mention in the Record of the Merchant Richard Steele. From my research I have discovered that George Steele, who married gg-grandaunt Mary Ann (née Smith) the daughter of ggg-grandfather James Smith, was the son of one Richard Steele. See Part 125s and Part 62s.
All-things-being-equal, James Smith, the Carpenter could be ggg-grandfather James. Also, I could take a chance and conclude that he is not one of the James Smiths of Jordan Hill. See Part 211s and my Analysis for my discussion regarding the Smiths of Jordanhill House Analysis.
The one sad thing about this Document is that no clue to ggg-grandfather James’ origin or ancestry is provided.
Here are the images of pages 401, 402, and 403.
My transcription –
Following the names and sum apportionment in the Record definitely becomes very confusing. But now on to Item 2.
Entered 29 October 1825This Indenture made this thirtieth day of July in the
Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty five
Between James Smith of the Island of Grenada Carpenter of
the One part and John Chapman of the said Island Carpenter
John Bell of the said Island Planter Robert Otway, John
Hoyes, Richard Steele and Thomas Otway of the said Island
Merchants and Copartners trading under the firm of John Hoyes Ltd.
Evan Kennedy of the said Island Merchant Matthew
Davies of the said Island Merchant John Guthrie John
Ryburn James Smith Andrew Ranken James
Smith Junior Archibald Smith and John Lindsey
lately carrying on busineʃs in the Island of Grenada in Copartnership
under the firm of Leitch and Smith Robert Ker and James
Ker of the said Island Merchants and Copartners trading under
the firm of Robert and James Ker and James Hopkirk, David
Graham, John Bell and William Cunningham Merchants
lately carrying on busineʃs in the said Island of Grenada in Copartner
ship under the firm of George Brown and Company of the other part
Whereas by Indenture of Lease and Release bearing ate
respectively the twenty ninth and thirtieth days of July insant
and made between James Edmiston of the Town of Saint George in
the said Island of Grenada Gentleman of the one part and the said
firs named James Smith of the other part the said James Edmiston
Did for the Consideration or Sum of One thousand One hundred
and twenty One pounds One Shilling Current money of the said Island
of Grenada grant bargain sell alien release and convey ^ unto the said James Smith All those
Thirty Male and Female Slaves therein respectively named To hold
the same unto the said James Smith his heirs and aʃsigns for ever
And whereas the Consideration or purchase money of One
thousand One hundred and twenty One pounds One shilling for the
said Slaves was not wholly the proper money of the said James
Smith but was contributed and paid by the said other persons,
parties hereto in manner and in the proportions following (that it
to say) The sum of Three hundred and ninety seven pounds fifteen
shillings current money of the said Island by the said first named
James Smith and John Chapman The sum of Fifty four pounds six
shillings(402)Shillings and two pence Current money aforesaid by the said
first named John Bell the Sum of Two hundred and fifty pounds
fifteen shillings current money aforesaid by the said Robert Otway John
Hoyes Richard Steele and Thomas Otway The sum of Sixty eight pounds
fifteen shillings and seven pence Current money aforesaid by the said
Evan Kennedy The sum of Forty five pounds ten shillings and six pence
current money aforesaid by the said Matthew Davies The sum of
One hundred and twelve pounds two shillings and three pence Current
money aforesaid by the said John Guthrie, John Ryburn, James Smith
Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith and John
Lindsey The sum of One hundred and seventeen pounds seven shillings
current money aforesaid by the said Robert Ker and James Ker and The
sum of Seventy four pounds nine shillings and six pence Current money
aforesaid by the said James Hopkirk David Graham John Bell and
William Cunningham And whereas such conveyance was made
to him the said first named James Smith as a Trustee for and on
behalf of the said other persons parties hereunto which he the said
James Smith Doth hereby acknowledge and declare Now
therefore this Indenture witneʃseth that the
said James Smith for himself his heirs executors and administrators
did to hereby covenant and agree to and with the said John Chapman
John Bell Robert Otway John Hoyes Richard Steele Thomas Otway
Evan Kennedy Matthew Davies John Guthrie John Ryburn James
Smith Andrew Rankin James Smith Junior Archibald Smith John
Lindsey Robert Ker James Ker James Hopkirk David Graham John
Bell and William Cunningham and their respective heirs executors
administrators and aʃsigns that he the said James Smith his heirs
and aʃsigns shall and will stand seized poʃseʃsed of and interested
in the said Slaves mentioned in the said Indentures of the twenty ninth
and thirtieth days of July instant to be thereby granted and released
to him Upon trust and to and for the use and benefit at well of
him the said James Smith as of all and every the other persons
parties hereto and their respective heirs and aʃsigns according and in
proportion to the amount of the several and respective sums contri-
buted and paid by them in manner hereinbefore mentioned in and
towards the purchase of the said Slaves as aforesaid until an
opportunity offers for the sale thereof them? Upon trust to sell and
dispose(403)Dispose of the same at and for the best price or prices that
can or may be got for the same and the money to arise by such Sale as also the
rents iʃsues and profits in the meantime to arise and be produced from the
said Slaves to pay divide and apply (after deducting all expenses neceʃsarily
incurred) to and amongst the said several persons parties hereto and their
respective heirs executors administrators and aʃsigns according and in
proportion to the amount of the several and respective sums Contributed
and paid by them as aforesaid And they the said John Chapman
John Bell Robert Otway John Hoyes Richard Steele Thomas Otway Evan
Kennedy Matthew Davies John Guthrie, John Ryburn James Smith
Andrew Ranken James Smith Junior Archibald Smith John Lindsey Robert
Ker James Ker James Hopkirk David Graham John Bell and William
Cunningham for themselves and their respective heirs executors and
administrators doth ^hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the said
James Smith his heirs and aʃsigns that they the said John Chapman
John Bell Robert Otway John Hoyes Richard Steele Thomas Otway Evan
Kennedy Matthew Davies John Guthrie, John Ryburn James Smith Andrew
Ranken James Smith Junior Archibald Smith John Lindsey Robert Ker
James Ker James Hopkirk David Graham John Bell and William Cunningham
their heirs executors administrators and aʃsigns shall and will from
time to time and at all times hereafter save harmleʃs and _____ indemnified
the said James Smith his heirs executors and admors from and against all
costs charges and expenses which he may ^pay _____ or be _____ _____ beyond
_____ proportion) on account of the said Trust in anyway Concerning
the source? In Witneʃs whereof the said Parties to these presents have
hereunto set their hand and seals the day and Year first above written.
James Smith (LS)Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
John Douglas Jos JulienGrenada Acknowledged before me by James Smith the
party excecuting the foregoing Indenture as and for his free and
voluntary act and deed this twenty seventh day of October in the
Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty five.
Owsley RowleyReg.
Good night and morning,
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