Another good late afternoon,

And before I start making supper; tonight’s main dish – Ginger Chicken stir-fry with sesame noodles, I thought I would quickly post my next transcription.
(Inserted image by Tina Rupp from 30-Minute Meals, Everyday with Rachael Ray, April 2007.)
This next Record, pages 493 and 494 is a short one from the Grenada Register of Records and Item 2. And in this Record introduces a new Smith – Laurence Lewis Smith. There are no tell-tale clues to his ancestry or genealogy, and at this point definitely to indication that there is a connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith.

And before I start making supper; tonight’s main dish – Ginger Chicken stir-fry with sesame noodles, I thought I would quickly post my next transcription.
(Inserted image by Tina Rupp from 30-Minute Meals, Everyday with Rachael Ray, April 2007.)
This next Record, pages 493 and 494 is a short one from the Grenada Register of Records and Item 2. And in this Record introduces a new Smith – Laurence Lewis Smith. There are no tell-tale clues to his ancestry or genealogy, and at this point definitely to indication that there is a connection to ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Pages 493 and 494 from Register, as downloaded from the microfilm FHL [1563329] -
My transcription -
Click here to continue reading...My transcription -
And now to make supper.493Examd
GrenadaEntered 9 December 1820Know all Men by these presents that I Laurence L Smith of the aforesaid
Island of Grenada Mariner for divers good Causes and Considerations me hereunto
moving? and to the end and in touch? that my Coloured Slave named Rose may by the enjoyment
of her Freedom be enabled to become a Useful Member of Society Have manumitted
enfranchised and forever set free and by these presents Doth manumit enfranchise
and for ever set free the said Slave named Rose Together with her future increase and the
said Laurence L Smith have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant?
unto the said Slave named Rose her full freedom and manumission To Have and
Hold to the said Slave named Rose and to her issue and increase her full free and voluntary
Manumission enfranchisement and freedom from the day of the date thereof to her
now proper _____ and behoof forever Subject to no Service Labour or Servitude to any or
of any other person or persons Whatsoever Claiming or to Claim Under _____ these
or any of these at Any time hereafter or that neither I the said Laurence L Smith
nor my Heirs Executors and Administrators in any other person or persons whatsoevershall494Shall can or may at any time hereafter have or Claim any right title or Interest
of us? or to the said Slave named Rose or to her future Issue & Increase so to the service
or Servitude or any benefit Advantage or Enslavement? Whatsoever for her Labour or
Employment _____ _____ _____ henceforth I the said Laurence L Smith my Heirs Executors
and Administrators and all Person or Persons Claiming under me are _____ _____
and forever Utterly _____ by these presents In Witness whereof I the said Laurence
L Smith have I hereunto set my Hand and Affixed my Seal this Nineth day of
December in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and TwentyLaurence L Smith (LS)Sealed and Delivered in the presence ofRob. Newbald John MortimerGrenada
Acknowledged before me this ninth day of December in the Year one
thousand eight Hundred and twenty by the Above named Laurence Lewis Smith the
Party executing the written Deed of Manumiʃsion as and for his free and Voluntary
Act and DeedOwsley Rowley D Reg