When I first had my mtDNA tested, that is my Maternal Line DNA, I was presented, from Family Tree DNA, with the results that I was H1a.
Today both The Genographic Project and Family Tree DNA results have increased to H1a1a1. Based on the data provided, my mtDNA follows –
From Family Tree DNA -
H1 – H1 is the most common branch of haplogroup H. It represents 30% of people in haplogroup H, and 46% of the maternal lineages in Iberia. (Iberia is located in the extreme southwest of Europe and includes modern-day sovereign states of Spain, Portugal, and Andorra. – From Wikipedia) 13-14% of all Europeans belong to this branch, and H1 is about 13,000 years old.
H1a – H1a is a branch of H1. Further research will better resolve the distribution and historical characteristics of this haplogroup.
My Maternal Line, to my 7-times great-grandmother Mary (née Whittaker) Tasker, is –
Robertson -> Goodey -> Crossley -> Parker -> Kendal -> Tasker -> Whittaker
The following is the Evolutionary tree of Human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups.) It begins with Mitochondrial Eve.
From PhyloTree.org, I have included a clipped portion of the comprehensive phylogenetic tree of my portion of the global human mitochondrial DNA variation.
Citation - van Oven M, Kayser M. 2009. Updated comprehensive phylogenetic tree of global human mitochondrial DNA variation. Hum Mutat 30(2):E386-E394. http://www.phylotree.org.
From my beginning posting of my mtDNA almost four years ago in 2009, much research and information has increased substantially. (See November 9, 2009.) The information regarding mtDNA is amazing, fantastic, confusing, and, at-times, beyond my comprehension… but I will continue to learn and try to understand.
Click here to continue reading...H1 – H1 is the most common branch of haplogroup H. It represents 30% of people in haplogroup H, and 46% of the maternal lineages in Iberia. (Iberia is located in the extreme southwest of Europe and includes modern-day sovereign states of Spain, Portugal, and Andorra. – From Wikipedia) 13-14% of all Europeans belong to this branch, and H1 is about 13,000 years old.
H1a – H1a is a branch of H1. Further research will better resolve the distribution and historical characteristics of this haplogroup.
My Maternal Line, to my 7-times great-grandmother Mary (née Whittaker) Tasker, is –
The following is the Evolutionary tree of Human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups.) It begins with Mitochondrial Eve.
From PhyloTree.org, I have included a clipped portion of the comprehensive phylogenetic tree of my portion of the global human mitochondrial DNA variation.
From my beginning posting of my mtDNA almost four years ago in 2009, much research and information has increased substantially. (See November 9, 2009.) The information regarding mtDNA is amazing, fantastic, confusing, and, at-times, beyond my comprehension… but I will continue to learn and try to understand.