And the search continues… I wonder if my ggg-grandfather James Smith, is just sitting someplace somewhere, in some other time, just waiting to be found. Our name, Jim Smith, has me thinking of this genealogy search as if I’m looking to see “Where’s Waldo?”
My next attempt in my research and search is an Indenture entered to the Grenada Registers of Records on 9 June 1823. As I noticed the name of “George Smith” I immediately thought to myself that maybe this is one of those clues that I am looking for. “George Smith” was the name of one of ggg-grandfather James’ four sons.
The first occurrence, in my research of a great-great-granduncle George is in ggg-grandfather James’ Last Will and Testament written 9 December 1842. GG-Granduncle George is left the sum of £20.0.0 by ggg-grandfather James. Mary Smith, “the reputed daughter of my son George Smith…” is also included in ggg-grandfather James’ Will. See Part 61s for my transcription of ggg-grandfather James’ LWT.

Drawing of John Smith II, partner in Smith, Payne & Smiths, c.1820. © RBS 2009.
Thinking a possibility, I set out to discover if the “George Smith” mentioned in this next Indenture was, maybe, gg-granduncle George. Within the body of the Indenture, on Page 350, there is an inundation of Smiths, “Samuel Smith, George Smith, John Smith, Abel Smith, Samuel George Smith, and George Robert Smith of the City of London Merchants and Copartners trading under the ffirm of Smith Payne and Smith…” Through RBS Heritage Archives I discovered that the firm of Smith, Payne & Smiths, and its predecessors, existed in London, England between 1758 and 1902. In 1902 it was included with five other Smith family banks and merged with Union Bank of London Ltd. to form Union of London & Smiths Bank Ltd. Through various mergers and acquisitions it eventually became a part of National Westminster Bank plc, London.

Here are the images of Pages 349 through and including 351 as downloaded from Item 10 of the microfilm FHL [1563379].
My transcription –
AEntered 9 June 1823This Indenture made the fourth day of December in the
Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty-two
Between John Gloster Garraway of Cadogan Place in the County of
Middlesex Esquire of the One Part and George Smith Philip Monoux
Lucas and James Evan Baillie of the other part Witne∫seth
that the said John Gloster Garraway for and in Consideration of the
Sum of ffive shillings of lawful Money of Great Britain to him in
and well and truly paid by thesaid George Smith Philip Monoux
Lucas and James Evan Baillie at or before the sealing and delivery
of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Hath
bargained and sold and by these presents Doth bargain and sell
unto the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan
Baillie their executors administrators and A∫signs All these two
Me∫suages adjoining each other situate in the Parish and Town
of Saint George in the Island of Grenada in the West Indies now or
lately used and occupied by the late firm of Garraway and Company
as a Store House together with all Houses Outhouses edifices buildings
ways paths pa∫sages Sellers Sollart areas vaults lofts rights members
privileges and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Me∫suages
and premises or either of them belonging or in any wise appertaining
or therewith or at any time wheretofor usually had held used
occupied or enjoyed and also all and singular the several Slaves
mentioned and described in the Schedule hereto annexed or under
written being the last register description thereof effectively recording
to the last returns made pursuant to Act of Parliament and the
Increase and Progeny since the said Return of the ffemales of
all the said Slaves and all the future increase and progeny
thereof or selectively and all and Singular the said Me∫suages
premises and Slaves or such part or parts thereof respectively as
Are of the nature of real estate are now in the Po∫se∫sions of the
said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie and
the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents i∫sues
and profits of the same Me∫suages or Tenements Slaves Hereditaments
and premises and of every part and parcel thereof To have and
To hold the same Me∫suages or Tenements Slaves Hereditaments and
all and singular other the premises ear by bargained and sold or
intended so to be and every part and parcel thereof with their and every
of their rights members and appurtenances unto the said George Smith
Philip Monoux Lucas and James Evan Baillie their Executors
Administrators and A∫signs from the day next before the day of the date
hereof for and during and unto the full and term of One whole
Year then next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended
Yielding and paying therefore unto the said John Gloster Garraway
is heirs or A∫signs the rent of One Pepper Corn on the last day of the said term
of the same shall be lawfully demanded To the intent and purpose
that by virtue of these presents and by force of the statute made for transferring
uses into po∫se∫sion the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas and
James Evan Baillie may be in the actual po∫se∫sion of all and singular
the said premises hereby bargained and sold with the Appurtenances
and be thereby enabled to accept and take a Grant and Release of
the reversion freehold and inheritance thereof to them and their heirs in
such sort manner and form as shall be mentioned expre∫sed and
declared in and by a certain Indenture of Release already prepared
and intended to bear date the day next after the day of the date of
these presents and to be made between the said John Gloster Garraway
of the first part Hugh Duncan Baillie James Evan Baillie and George
Henry Ames all of the City of Bristol Merchants and Copartners trading
under the firm of Evan Baillie Sons and Company Samuel Smith George
Smith John Smith Abel Smith Samuel George Smith and George Robert
Smith of the City of London Merchants and Copartners trading under
the ffirm of Smith Payne and Smith and Robert Lang Nathaniel
Snell Chauncey and Philip Monoux Lucas of the same City Merchants
and Copartners trading under the ffirm of "Lang Chauncey and Lucas"
of the second part and the said George Smith Philip Monoux Lucas
and James Evan Baillie of the third part In witne∫s where of the
said Parties to these Presents have hereunto set their hands and seals
the day and Year first above written.
The Schedule above referred toA List of Slaves belonging to or in the lawful po∫se∫sion of J G & R Garraway
in the Town of Saint George Proprietors
No Names Colour Country Supposed Age Marks Males 2 Chelsea Black African 27 Years None 3 Derry Ditto Ditto 24 Ditto Ditto 6 Edward Ditto Creole 15 Ditto Ditto 7 John Friday Ditto Ditto 13 Ditto Ditto
No Names Colour Country Supposed Age Marks Females 13 Fanny Black African 42 Years None 20 Jane Ditto Creole 10 Ditto Ditto
A List of Slaves belonging to or in the lawful po∫se∫sion of Robert
Garraway of the Town of Saint George as Attorney of J G Garraway
No Names Colour Country Supposed Age Marks Males 1 Cudjo Black African 36 Years Country marks on both Temples 2 Harry Cabre Creole 41 Ditto Ditto
J. G. (LS) GarrawaySigned Sealed and Delivered being first duly stamped by therein
named John Glosser Garraway in the presence of
Thomas May Arthur Townsend } Clerk to Mr. Vizard 50 Lincoln Fields
Have fun with this one, and stay-tuned for the next. Maybe it will be ggg-grandfather James?
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