My work on my family genealogy and research continues.
Today I have the original source from the St. Leonard’s Church Parish Register of the 1769 Marriage Registration. It is the “Banns of Marriage between” John Tasker and Mary Whittaker. John and Mary (née Whittaker) Tasker are, I believe, the parents of gggg-grandmother Isabella (née Tasker) Kendal. In turn John and Mary Tasker would have been my 5-times great-grandparents.
The image is of the page from the Parish Registers for Downham, 1653-1900, Item 9 of the microfilm FHL [1278942].
My transcription –
Praise be for the Derivative source as presented in Part 551tw.
Here is my Kendalls, Parkers & Taskers… Ancestry Work Sheet to put everything into my perspective.
Stay tuned. Who knows who will appear next?
My transcription –
Banns of Marriage between John Tasker & Mary Whittaker both of the
extraparochial township of Sawley were published April 23d & 30th
& May 7th by me M. Sedgwick of _____ Pari∫h ____________________
________________________ and ______________________________
Pari∫h ______________________________________________ were
Married in this Chapel by Banns ________________________________
this 11th Day of May in the Year one Thou∫sand ∫even
Hundred and sixty nine by me N. Sedgwick Minister
This Marriage was ∫olemnized between Us { John Tasker { Mary X her mark Whittaker
In the Pre∫ence of Robt Calverly Thos: Dawson
Praise be for the Derivative source as presented in Part 551tw.
Here is my Kendalls, Parkers & Taskers… Ancestry Work Sheet to put everything into my perspective.
Stay tuned. Who knows who will appear next?
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