When is a Risotto not a Risotto? According to what I have read, there is no true Risotto but made with three types of rice: Arborio, Carnaroli, and Nano.
Okay, okay, something to do with the ‘pearl’ in the center of the rice. Well last night I tried something different, once again, for supper – Chicken and Orzo Pasta… and made it like a Risotto. ‘Twas ever so easy to prepare. Chicken breast cut in some fork-sized bites, water and chicken broth, and Orzo pasta all thrown into the pot. Brought to a boil and then lowered heat and stirred every so often for about 12 minutes. In the meantime I fried up some sliced mushrooms and minced garlic in olive oil and butter. Once the chicken orzo concoction was sort of done, I threw in the mushrooms and garlic, some various herbs, pepper and salt, and about a ¼ cup chopped Nasturtium flowers, stems, leaves, and all. Then I stirred in a bit more than a ¼ cup of Parmesan Cheese. Served it with shaved Parmesan Cheese on warmed plates. Too, too good.
And then I got back to my Transcription Project in my search and research for the genealogy and origins of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. I have decided that one of my genealogy priorities this 2012, sort of a resolution, (but don’t count on it), is to transcribe as much of those Smith-related Documents from the period of 1764 through 1850 that are available from the Grenada Registers of Records. All-things-being-equal I would hope to find more hints, clues, and leads to the origins and genealogy of ggg-grandfather James. For your information, that would be about 23 of the 33 16mm microfilms that are housed at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
In keeping with my goal, here is the next 1799 Document of the Grenada Registers of Records from Item 3 of the microfilm FHL [1563378]. This one includes the attorney Robert Smith of Basinghall Street, London. His name, and work appears to be a possible constant over a number of Documents. There does not appear to be any reference or link to ggg-grandfather James Smith included in the nine pages of this Indenture.
For your information I try to include as many as possible surnames as labels to my Postings. All-things-being-equal the following are names, as transcribed, included in this 1799 Indenture:
Here are the first set of two of downloaded images of Pages 97 through and including 101.
My transcription –
Next set – Pages 102 through and including 105.
For your information I try to include as many as possible surnames as labels to my Postings. All-things-being-equal the following are names, as transcribed, included in this 1799 Indenture:
- James Campbell
- Alexander Cockburn
- Thomas Harrison
- Me∫srs French and Johnston
- Sir Richard Carr Glyn
- Monsr LeVevier
- Marie Madelaine Coulon Mariecheau
- Monsr Marreaud
- Joseph Marryat
- Samuel Marryat
- James Mays
- Jean Baptiste Ollivier
- John Orr
- Henry Poole
- William Postlethwaite
- Messors St. Germain
- James Clark Satterwaite
- Robert Smith
- Robert Wiltshire
Here are the first set of two of downloaded images of Pages 97 through and including 101.
My transcription –
Entered 11th May 1801.
This Indenture made the ninth day of January in the thirty ninth Year of the Reign or our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland Kind Defender of the Faith ₰. And in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety nine Between Henry Poole of Woodford in the County of E∫sex Esquire of the one Part and Joseph Marryat of New Bridge Street Blackfriars in the City of London Merchant of the other Part Whereas by Indenture of Demise or Mortgage bearing date the fifth day of March One thousand seven hundred and eight seven and made or mentioned to be made between Marie Madelaine Coulon Mariecheau of the Parish of Saint John in the Island of Grenada Widow and Jean Baptiste Ollivier of the same Parish and Island Esquire of the one Part and Thomas Harrison of the Angel Court Throgmorton Street London Merchant (then in thesaid Island of Grenada but since deceased) and the said Henry Poole (then Partner in Trade with the said Thomas Harrison) of the other Part After Reciting as therein is recited It is witne∫sed that for the Consideration therein mentioned They the said Marie Madelaine Coulon Mariecheau and Jean Baptiste Ollivier and each of them Did Grant Bargain sell Demise and to farm Let unto the said Thomas Harrison and Henry Poole their Executors Admõrs and A∫signs All that Plantation Piece or Parcel of Land commonly called or known by the name of Grand Roi Estate or Plantation situate lying and being in the Parish of Saint John in the said Island of Grenada containing three hundred and thirty two Acres and an half Acre of Land (be the same more or le∫s) butted and bounded as follows that is to say towards the North by Lands belonging to the Palmiste Plantation of Me∫srs. French and Johnston towards the West by the Kings fifty paces next the Sea Shore towards the South by Lands belonging to the Ance Noire Plantation of James Mays and towards the East by Lands belonging to the Mon Plaisir Plantation of the said Marie Madelaine Coulon Mariecheau thereinafter Demised or however otherwise the same might be butted or bounded lying or being with all and singular the Dwelling houses Outhouses Negro houses Mills Boiling houses Curing houses Stoves Still houses Stables
Pens and other Edifices and Erections of what quality or nature soever on the said Plantation or any Part thereof erected Built standing and being And all and singular the Stills Still heads Coppers Furnaces Worms Cisterns and Tubs fixed or unfixed then being on thesaid Plantation or of right belonging thereto And also all and every of those one hundred and fifteen Negro and other Salves specified in the List marked A in the Schedule thereunto annexed And all those twenty six Mules twenty two head of horned Cattle and eighteen Sheep (being the live Stock of the said Plantation) with the future I∫sue and Increase of the Females of the said Slaves and other live Stock together with all and singular the Pots Drips Coolers Casks Plantation Stores Utensils and Implements whatsoever used or useful for the Purposes by Agriculture or Manufacture then being upon or belonging to the same Plantation as the Stores and Dead Stock thereof To hold the said Plantation and Premises with the Appurtenances unto the said Thomas Harrison and Henry Poole their Executors Admõrs and A∫signs from the day of the date of the said Indenture for the Term of One thousand Years from thence next ensuring subject to the Proviso thereinafter contained and hereinafter set forth for making void the same And it is thereby further witne∫sed that for the Considerations therein mentioned she the said Marie Madelaine Coulon Mariecheau Did Grant Bargain sell Demise and to farm Let unto the said Thomas Harrison and Henry Poole their Executors Admõrs and A∫signs All that other Plantation Piece or Parcel of Land of her the said Marie Madelaine Coulon Mariecheau commonly called of Known by the name of Mon Plaisire situate lying and being in the same parish of Saint John in the said Island of Grenada containing two hundred and thirty nine English Statute Acres (were the same more or le∫s) butted and bounded as follows that is to say towards the North by Lands of the Plantation called Palmiste of Me∫srs French and Johnston by Lands of Monsr LeVevier and by Lands of the Messors St. Germain towards the East by Lands of the Plantation called Belvidere of James Campbell Esquire towards the South by Lands of Monsr Marreaud and by Lands of the Plantation called Ance Noire of James Mays Esquire and towards the West by the therein before described Plantation of Grand Roi or otherwise howsoever the same might be butted and bounded lying or being with all and singular the Dwelling houses Outhouses Negrohouses Mills Boiling houses Curing houses Stoves Still houses Stables Pens and other Edifices and Erections of what quality or nature soever on the said Plantation or any part thereof Erected standing or being And all and singular the Stills Still heads Coppers Furnaces Worms Cisterns and Tubs fixed or unfixed then being on the said Plantation or of right belonging thereto And also all those one hundred and three Negro and other Slaves specified in the List marked B in the Schedule thereunto annexed And all those twenty seven Mules and twelve head of horned Cattle (being the live Stock of the same Plantation) with the future I∫sue and Increase of the Females of the said Slaves and other Live Stock together with all and singular the Pots Drips Coolers Casks Plantation Stoves Utensils and Implements whatsoever and or useful for the purpose of Agriculture or Manufacture then being upon or belonging to the same Plantation as the Stores or dead Stock
Thereof To hold the said last mentioned Plantation and Premises with Appurtenances unto the said Thomas Harrison and Henry Poole their Executors Administrators and A∫signs from the day of the date of the said Indenture for the Term of Eight hundred Years from thence next ensuing Subject also to the before mentioned Proviso And it is hereby further Witne∫sed that for the Considerations therein mentioned He the said Jean Baptiste Ollivier Did Grant Bargain Sell Demise and to Farm Set unto the said Thomas Harrison and Henry Poole their Executors Administrators and A∫signs All those forty two Negro and other Slaves specified in the List marked C in the Schedule thereunto annexed with the future I∫sue and Increase of the Females thereof To hold the said last mentioned Forty two Slaves with the future I∫sue and Increase of the Females thereof unto the said Thomas Harrison and Henry Poole their Executors Admõrs and A∫signs from the day of the date of the said Indenture for the Term of Five hundred Years from thence next ensuing subject also to the before mentioned Proviso for making void the said Indenture and Terms of Years on Payment by the said Marie Madelaine Coulon Mariecheau and Jean Baptiste Ollivier or either of them their or either of their Heirs Executors or Admõrs unto thesaid Thomas Harrison and Henry Poole their Executors Admõrs or A∫signs of the sum of Twenty thousand Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain with Interest for the same at and after the rate of Six Pounds per Cent per Annum (and also of the sum of nine hundred and seventeen Pounds five shillings being the ascertained balance of an Account Current therein mentioned) making in the whole both Principal and Interest the sum of Twenty six thousand nine hundred and twenty six Pounds five ∫hillings by eight yearly Instalments payable on the first day of September in each and every year at London in manner therein mentioned As in and by the said Indenture of Demise or Mortgage duly recorded in the Register Office of the said Island of Grenada on the ninth day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven reference being thereunto had may more fully appear And whereas in and by eight several Bonds or Obligations in Writing bearing date respectively the said fifth day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven they the said Marie Madelaine Coulon Mariecheau and Jean Baptiste Ollivier became jointly and severally bound unto the said Thomas Harrison and Henry Poole their Executors Administrators and A∫signs in the Penal sums of Money in such Bonds respectively mentioned with conditions thereunder respectively written for payment of the several Instalments or sums of Money in the said Indenture of Mortgage mentioned at the several Periods therein stipulated that is to say on the said first day of September in each and every Year commencing in the first day of September in the Year One thousand seven hundred and ninety four And Whereas the said Thomas Harrison departed this Life on or about the thirty first day of December one thousand seven hundred and ninety one
Having previously A∫signed his Share and Interest in the said Monies to the said Henry Poole and having also first duly made and published his Last Will and Testament in Writing bearing date the sixteenth day of February One thousand seven hundred and ninety and thereby constituted and appointed the said Henry Poole together with James Clark Satterthwaite Esquire Executors thereof which said Will hath since his death been duly proved by the said Henry Poole alone in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury And whereas the four first of the said Yearly Instalments were paid and discharged by the said Marie Madelaine Coulon Mariecheau and Jean Baptiste Ollivier and the four Bonds corresponding with such Instalments have been delivered up to be cancelled by the four last of such Instalments have not yet been paid And there is now justly due and owing to the said Henry Poole or Surviving Mortgagee and Partner as aforesaid for Principal Money and Interest and Costs on the said Mortgage and unsatisfied Bonds the sum of sixteen thousand six hundred and twelve pounds eight shillings and two pence of lawful Money of Great Britain And Whereas the said Joseph Marryat hath contracted and agreed with the said Henry Poole for the absolute Purchase of all his right Title and Interest of and in the said Mortgage Debt and Securities at or for the price or sum of Sixteen thousand six hundred and twelve Pounds eight shillings and two pence payable in manner hereinafter mentioned that is to say the sum of six thousand six hundred and twelve Pounds eight shillings and two pence part thereof in present payment and the remainder thereof with Interest computed from the first day of September last at and the rate of five Pounds per Cent per Annum in ten Annual Instalments commencing on and from the said first day of September last And whereas the said Joseph Marryat hath accordingly this day paid to the said Henry Poole the said sum of six thousand six hundred and twelve Pounds eight shillings and two pence in part of the said sum of Sixteen thousand six hundred and twelve Pounds eight shillings and two pence and for payment of the residue thereof with Interest agreeably to such Instalments he the said Joseph Marryat hath accepted then ∫everal bills of Exchange drawn on him by William Postlethewaite of the Island of Grenada Planter bearing respectively become due and Payable the said Joseph Marryat hath this day transferred and a∫signed unto and in the joint names of himself and the said Henry Poole and also of Samuel Marryat of Chancery Lane London Esquire and Robert Smith of Basinghall Street London Gentlemen the Capital Sum of Twenty thousand Pounds three per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities and the said Joseph Marryat Henry Poole Samuel Marryat and Robert Smith have by a certain Deed or Instrument in Writing bearing even date with these Presents duly declared the Trusts thereof accordingly Now this Indenture witne∫seth that for and in consideration of the said sum of Six thousand six hundred and twelve Pounds eight shillings and two pence of lawful money of Great Britain in hand well and truly paid to the said Henry
Poole by the said Joseph Marryat at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents in Part of the said Sum of Sixteen thousand six hundred and twelve Pounds eight ∫hillings and two pence and also for and in consideration of the Acceptance of the said several Bills of Exchange for Payment of the residue of the said sum of sixteen thousand six hundred and twelve pounds eight ∫hillings and two pence & of the Transfer of the said Stock for better securing the Payment of such Bills He the said Henry Poole Hath bargained sold A∫signed Transferred and set over and by these Presents Doth bargain sell A∫sign Transfer and set over unto the said Joseph Marryat his Executors Admõrs and A∫signs All that the said Plantation called Grand Roi and all Erections and Buildings thereon And also all those one hundred and fifteen Negro and other Slaves specified on the said List marked A in the Schedule to the said Indenture of Demise annexed or such of them as are now living with the present and future I∫sue and Increase of the females thereof And also all the Cattle Live and dead Stock Utensils Implements and Appurtenances to the same Plantation and Premises belonging And also all that thesaid other Plantation called Mon Plaisir and Erections and Buildings thereon And also all those One hundred and three Negro and other Salves specified in the List marked B in the said Schedule annexed to the said Indenture of Demise or such them as are now living with the Present and future i∫sue and Increase of the females thereof And also all the Cattle Live and dead Stock Utensils Implements and Appurtenances to the said last mentioned Plantation and Premises belonging And also all those forty two Negro and other Slaves specified in the List marked C in the said Schedule or such of them as are now living with the Present and future I∫sue and Increase of the Females thereof And all and singular other the Premises comprised in the said in part recited Indenture of Demise and herein before particularly mentioned and described And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Yearly and other Rents I∫sues and Profits of the said Plantations and Premises and every part thereof with the Appurtenances And also the said Debt or Sum of Sixteen thousand six hundred and twelve Pounds eight shillings and two pence so due and owing from the said Marie Madelaine Coulon Mariecheau and Jean Baptiste Ollivier to the said Henry Poole as aforesaid together with all such Interest as shall from henceforth accrue and become due and payable thereon and also the said four several unsatisfied Bonds or Obligations for securing the Payment thereof And all the Estate Right Title Interest Use Trust Term and Terms of Years now to come and unexpired Property Claim and Demand whatsoever both at Law and in equity of him the said Henry Poole as surviving Mortgagee and Partner as aforesaid of into or out of the said several Plantations Buildings Negroes Slaves Cattle Stock and Premises and the said Principal Monies and Interest hereby a∫signed or intended so to be or any part thereof respectively Together with the said in part recited Indenture of Demise and all other Deeds Evidences and Writings relating to on concerning the said Plantations and Premises now in the Custody of the said Henry Poole pr which he can
Next set – Pages 102 through and including 105.
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