I could become a Vegan, but under one condition. I would have to do without Tofurkey Sausages. Not matter what I did with them there sausages last night they still tasted like dead, soggy, and re-cycled cardboard. I fried them with onions and then simmered them in apple cider vinegar and chicken broth. I coupled the meal with a Delicata Squash, Apple, Potato, and Yogurt mash and a Green Pea salad with celery and onions. Give me NO Tofurkey. Mind and palate lesson learned.

The next set of Transcriptions is the second Part, of two of the 1799 Document from the Grenada Registers of Records. The sole Smith included is Robert Smith. There are no explicit clues as to any connection to ggg-grandfather James. The above inserted image is something representational I found of The Consolidated Bank Limited. In the body of this Document there is reference to “…twenty thousand Pounds three per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities Upon the Trusts following…”
Here are the images of Pages 110 through and including 113 as downloaded Item 3 of the microfilm FHL [1563378].
And my Transcription -
And I continue the search and research for ggg-grandfather James Smith.
Here are the images of Pages 110 through and including 113 as downloaded Item 3 of the microfilm FHL [1563378].
And my Transcription -
A∫signed unto and in the joint Names of himself and the said Henry Poole and also Samuel Marryat of Chancery Lane London Esquire and Robert Smith of Basing hall Street London Gentleman (two responsible persons nominated by the said Joseph Marryat and Henry Poole) the Capital Sum of Twenty Thousand Pounds three per Cent Consolidated Bank Annuities upon the Trusts mentioned in the said Articles and the said Trustees have by a certain Deed or Instrument in Writing bearing ^even date with these Presents duly declared the Trusts thereof accordingly And whereas the said Henry Poole in Pursuance and performance of the said Agreement on his part hath at the Request of the said William Postlethwaite and Joseph Marryat by Indenture of A∫signment bearing even date with these Presents and made between the said Henry Poole of the one Part and thesaid Joseph Marryat of the other Part duly a∫signed All and singular the said two Plantations Buildings Negroes Slaves Live and dead Stock Utensils Implements and Premises comprised in the said Mortgage for the residue of the said three ^several? Terms therein and also thesaid Mortgage Debt and Interest and the said four unsatisfied Bonds given for securing the Payment thereof And all hi Estate Right Title and Interest as surviving Mortgagee and Partner as aforesaid of in and to the same respectively right full power and Authority for recovering Payment of the said Mortgage Debt and Interest unto the said Joseph Marryat his Executors Administrators and A∫signs Now this Indenture Witne∫seth and it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the said Parties to these Presents and the said Joseph Marryat doth hereby for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant promise declare and agree to and with the said William Postlethwaite his Executors Administrators and A∫signs that such A∫signment was so made to him and that he his Executors and Administrators shall and will stand po∫se∫sed of and interested in the said two Plantations Buildings Negroes Slaves live and dead Stock Utensils Implements and Premises and also the said Mortgage Debt and Interest and Bonds so a∫signed to him as aforesaid Upon the Trusts and to and for the Ends Intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expre∫sed and declared of and concerning the same that is to say Upon Trust for better securing the Payment of the said Joseph Marryat his Executors Administrators and A∫signs of all such Sum and Sums of Money as he or they shall pay in discharge of his said Acceptances of the said ten several Bills of Exchange drawn on him by the said William Postlethwaite to the said Joseph Marryat his Executors or Administrators together with Interest thereon at and after the rate of five Pounds per Cent per annum And from and after Payment of all such Monies and Interest And all Costs and Charges in respect thereof Then upon Trust to convey a∫sign and a∫sure the said two several Plantations Buildings Negroes Slaves live and dead Stock Utensils Implements and Premises for the then residue of the said three several terms of one thousand Years Eight hundred Years and five hundred Years therein And also the said four unsatisfied Bonds or such of them as shall then be unpaid unto the said William Postlethwaite his Executors Administrators or A∫signs or as her or they shall direct or appoint (Subject neverthele∫s to such Redemption in Equity as the same Premises shall under and by virtue of the said Indenture of Demise or Mortgage of the fifth day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven be then subject or liable to) free form all Incumbrances
To be made or done by the said Joseph Marryat his Executors Administrators or A∫signs and to for and upon no other Use Trust Intent or Purpose whatsoever And the said William Postlethwaite doth hereby for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant Promise and Agree to and with the said Joseph Marryat his Executors Adminis trators and A∫signs that so long as the said Bills of Exchange or any or either of them shall remain outstanding and unprovided for by the said William Postlethwaite or any other monies due or to grow due from him to the said Joseph Marryatt shall be unpaid and undischarged he the said William Postlethwaite his Heirs Executors and Admõrs shall and will yearly and every year well and faithfully ship and consign or cause to be shipped and consigned unto the said Joseph Marryat his Executors Administrators or A∫signs in London or to such other person or persons in that City or elsewhere in Great Britain as he or they shall direct All and singular the Sugar and other Produce except Rum which shall grow or be made upon or from the said Plantations or Estates or either of them whereof or of the Rents I∫sues or Profits of which or of any part of which the said William Postlethwaite his Heirs Executors or Administrators shall be in the Po∫se∫sion or the Receipt And in case of his or their not being or not continuing in the Po∫se∫sion of the said William Postlethwaite his Heirs Executors or Admõrs shall and will yearly and every Year ship and consign or assure to be shipped and consigned in manner aforesaid a quantity of Sugar and other Produce from the said William Postlethewaite’s other Estates at Demerara in North America equal to the Produce of the said two Plantations and Estates except the Rum in order that the Sugar and other Produce so to be shipped and consigned may by the said Joseph Marryat his Executors Administrators or A∫signs be sold and disposed of upon Commi∫sion in the usual and customary manner of Merchants in London And that he the said William Postlethwaite his Heirs Exõrs Admõrs or A∫signs shall not nor will in any wise dog incumber or annex any conditions whatsoever to the said Consignments or any part thereof either by Bills of Exchange Transfer of Bills of Lading or otherwise howsoever but shall and will permit and suffer and direct the whole net proceeds of the said Joseph Marryat his Exõrs Admõrs or A∫signs to be by him or them kept and retained and from time to time as occasion may require duly applied in or towards satisfaction and discharge of the said Bills of Exchange when and as the same shall become payable and of all such other Monies as hereinbefore mentioned and the Interest thereof respectively until the whole of the said Bills and other Monies and Interest shall be fully paid and discharges And the said Joseph Marryat doth hereby for himself his Heirs Executors and Admõrs and A∫signs that he the said Joseph Marryat his Executors Admõrs and A∫signs shall and will according to the usage and custom of Merchants cause Insure to be duly made on all such Sugars as shall from time to time be shipped and consigned as hereinbefore mentioned according to the directions or advice he or they shall from time to rime receive form the said William Postlethwaite his Executors Admõrs or A∫signs or otherwise as occasion may be or require And also shall
And will duly and faithfully sell and dispose of all and every the Sugars and other Produce so shipped and consigned as aforesaid and which shall come to his or their Po∫se∫sion to best advantage for the benefit of the said William Postlethwaite his Executors Admõrs and A∫signs and shall and will pay and apply the net proceeds of such Sugars when and as the same shall be by him or them received and also all monies which shall in cases of lo∫s be by him or them recovered and received upon or by virtue of any such Policy or Policies of Insurance as shall be effected by virtue of these Presents in or towards Payment of the said Bills of Exchange and other Monies and Interest hereinbefore mentioned And from and after full Payment thereof unto thesaid William Postlethwaite his Executors Administrators or A∫signs or as or they shall from time to time order direct and appoint And lastly that they thesaid Joseph Marryat and William Postlethwaite Do and each of them Doth hereby authorize constitute and impower Alexander Cockburn and John Orr both of the said Island of Grenada Esquires their and each of their Attornies and Attorney jointly and severally for and in their several and respective names to be and appear before the proper Officer or Officers for the recording of Deeds in the said Island of Grenada and then and there to acknowledge the respective signing sealing and delivery of these Presents by the said Joseph Marryat and William Postlethwaite and to do perform and execute all such other Acts Deeds Matters and Things as shall or may be requisite for procuring these Presents to be duly recorded according to the Law for recording of Deeds in the said Island of Grenada in Witne∫s whereof the said Parties to these Presents have hereunto set their Hands and Seals the Day and Year first above written
Sealed and delivered by the within named
Josp ( L S ) Marryat _________________ ( L S )
Joseph Marryat being first duly stamped) in the presence of
Robt Smith – Robt Wiltshire
Sealed and delivered by the within named William Postlethwaite in the presence of Robert Wiltshire Clear to Robert Smith of Basinghall Street London Gentleman maketh Oath and saith that he together with the said Robert Smith was present and did see Joseph Marryat in the Parchment Writing or Deed of Declaration of Trust hereto annexed named duly sign seal and as his Act and Deed deliver the said Parchment Writing or Deed And that the Named “Josh Marryat” to the said Deed set and subscribed as the Party executing the same and the Names “Robt Smith” “Robt. Wiltshire” set and subscribed to the Attestation written on the back of the said Deed as Witne∫ses to attest the due Execution thereof by the said Joseph Marryat are of the respective proper handswriting of the said Joseph Marryat Robert Smith and this Deponent
Rob Wiltshire
Sworn at the Mansion House London this 10th January 1799 before me
RC Glyn Mayor
To all to whom these Present shall come I Sir Richard Carr Glyn Knight Lord Mayor of the City of London In pursuance of an Act of Parliament made and pa∫sed in the fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second Intituled an Act for the more easy recovery of Debts in his Majesty’s Plantations and Colonies in America Do hereby Certify that on the Day of the Date hereof Personally came and appeared before me Robert Wilshire the Deponent named in the Affidavit hereunto annexed being a Person well known and worthy of good Credit and by solemn Oath which the
Said Deponent then took before me upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God Did solemnly and sincerely declare testify and depose to be true the several matters and things mentioned and contained in the said annexed Affidavit
( L S )
In Faith and Testimony whereof I the said Lord Mayor have aused the seal of the Office of Mayoralty of the said City of London to be hereunto put and Affixed and the Parchment Writing or Deed or Declaration of Trust mentioned and referred to in and by the Affidavit to be hereunto also annexed Dated in London the tenth day of January in the Year of our Lord One thousand ∫even hundred and ninety nine
And I continue the search and research for ggg-grandfather James Smith.
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