The search continues. This is my Genealogy Transcription Project. I am looking for any hint and clue that may proffer me with a lead to the ancestry and genealogy, as well as the origins, of my ggg-grandfather James Smith. I would like to discover from where my Smith line arrived in Grenada.
This Transcription Project is my effort to transcribe, while reading as many as possible Smith-related Documents and Indentures that have been collected in the Grenada Registers of Records. The earliest set on record begins approximately in the year 1764. The Family History Library in Salt Lake City has 33 16mm microfilms that include Records of the years 1764 through and about 1931.
This is my task. It is self-imposed and all-things-being-equal I will find that iota of a hint that will answer the question of the origins of my Smith Line. To date I have been working on this Transcription Project for about two years... and I will continue.
Here is the next Indenture from the Grenada Registers of Records, which is an additional Record regarding the Benjamin D’Harriette Smith, James Park and Robert and Elizabeth Ker contract. Here are the images of Pages 470, 471, and 472 as downloaded from Item 3 of the microfilm FHL [1563378].
Sorry to say, this Smith Indenture does not have any apparent lead to the genealogy of ggg-grandfather James.
And my transcription –
And I continue…
Sorry to say, this Smith Indenture does not have any apparent lead to the genealogy of ggg-grandfather James.
And my transcription –
Entered 30th June 1802
This Indenture made the seventeenth day of June in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and two Between James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith of the Town of Saint George in the Island of Grenada Merchants of the one Part and Robert Ker of the same Town and Island Merchant of the other Part Whereas by a certain Indenture of Demise bearing date the first day of September in the Year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety eight and made between thesaid Robert Ker and Elizabeth his Wife of the one Part and thesaid James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith of the other Part \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ the said Robert Ker and Elizabeth his Wife for and in consideration of the sum of Four thousand Pounds Current Money of the said Island of Grenada to thesaid Robert Ker I hand paid by the said James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith Did demure grant and to Farm let unto thesaid James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith their Executors Administrators and A∫signs All that certain Lot of Land situate lying and being in that part of the Town of Saint George commonly called the Carenage beginning as delineated on a Diagram there at A and running South thirty Degrees East sixty five feet to B from thence South forty seven degrees and a half eighty five feet to C the boundary line of the
Harbour and then along the said Line of the Harbour North thirty seven Degrees and forty four Minutes East fifty seven feet six Inches to Pile No. 5 then North twenty five Degrees and three quarters East twenty five feet five inches to D and then North forty two Degrees West ninety one feet to E then South forty eight Degrees West fifty two feet to F then North fifty two degrees West forty four feet to G then South forty four Degrees and one quarter West Elven feet to A the place of beginning being bounded on the South and West by Land of Me∫sieurs Robert and Alexander Campbell on the South and East by the Harbour on the North and East by Land of Mr. Domingo Commmi∫siong and on the North and West partly by Land of Me∫sieurs Park and Smith by a common Pa∫sage and Scott Street Reserving thereout neverthele∫s for the mutual use of the said Parties to these Presents a common Pa∫sage of twelve feet as delineated in the Diagram before mentioned beginning from the Corner of the said Robert Ker’s House straight through to the Street leading to Scott Street aforesaid together with the Buildings and Improvements thereon or on any part thereof erected standing or being And all ways Paths Pa∫sages Easements Profits Commodities Advantages Emoluments and Hereditaments whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining or which to and with the same then were or at any time or times theretofore had been held used occupied accepted reputed taken or known as Part Parcel or member thereof or any part thereof And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents I∫sues and Profits of all and singular thesaid Premises and every part and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances And also all the Estate Right Title Interest Property Claim and Demand whatsoever in Law or in Equity of them thesaid Robert Ker and Elizabeth his Wife ofin and to all singular thesaid Premises with the Appurtenances to have and to hold thesaid Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Buildings and Premises with Appurtenances unto the said James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith their Executors Administrators and A∫signs from the day of the date thereof unto the full End and Term of One thousand Years from thence next ensuring and fully to be compleat and ended Yielding and paying therefore yearly and every Year during the continuance of the said Form the rent of One Pepper Corn Subject neverthle∫s to a Proviso or Condition for making the same void on Payment of the said sum of four thousand Pounds Current Money of Grenada aforesaid with Interest at the times and in way and manner therein particularly mentioned And Whereas thesaid Robert Ker hath since paid to thesaid James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith the said principal sum of four thousand Pounds Current Money as aforesaid together with all Interest due thereon and hath requested thesaid James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith to execute a Surrender of the said Mortgage which they have consented to do Now this Indenture Witne∫seth that for and in consideration of the said sum of four thousand Pounds Current Money as aforesaid and all Interest due thereon so paid by the said Robert Ker to thesaid James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith in full satisfaction and discharged of the hereinbefore recited Indenture of Demise of the Receipt whereof thesaid James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith Do and each of them Doth hereby acknowledge and thereof acquit release and discharge thesaid Robert Ker his
Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them for ever by these Presents They thesaid James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith Have and each of them Hath surrendered and a∫signed and by these Presents Do and each of them Doth absolutely surrender and a∫sign unto the said Robert Ker his Executors Administrators and A∫signs All that the herein before mentioned Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Buildings and Premises with the Appurtenances which in and by thesaid recited Indenture were granted and demised to the said James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith their Executors Administrators and A∫signs for the Term of One thousand Years And all the Estate Right Title Interest Term of Years Property Claim and Demand whatsoever either at Law or in Equity of them thesaid James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith or either of them of in or to the herein before mentioned and hereby a∫signed {remises or any part or parcel thereof by virtue of thesaid recited Indenture or otherwise together with thesaid Indenture and all such and other Deeds Evidences and Writings as they thesaid James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith have in their Hands or Power relating to the Title of thesaid Premises To the Intent that thesaid Term of One thousand Years may no longer have any continuance or Subsistence, but may be for ever merged and extinguished in the Reversion of the said Premises and may be no ways made use of to the prejudice disadvantage or interruption of any other Uses Trusts Tenures or Estates already or hereafter to be limited expre∫sed or declared of an concerning thesaid Hereditaments and Premises: And thesaid James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith Do and each of them for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators Doth hereby covenant promise and agree to and with thesaid Robert Ker his Executors Administrators and A∫signs that they the said James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith have not nor hath either of them at any time made done committed or wittingly or willingly suffered any Act matter Deed or thing whatsoever whereby or by whereof thesaid Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Buildings and Premises with the Appurtenances or thesaid Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Buildings and Premises with the Appurtenances or thesaid Term of One thousand Years to them demised or the residue thereof is are or shall or may be in any ways charged impeached or incumbered in title charge Estate or otherwise howsoever In Witne∫s whereof thesaid James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith have hereunto set their hands and Seals the day and Year first above written
James Park ( L S ) Benja: D. Smith ( L S )
Sealed and Delivered In the Presence of M. Nowlan. Archd. Armstrong
Received on the day of the date of the above Indenture of and from the above named Robert Ker the Sum of Four thousand Pounds Current Money of Grenada together with all Interest due thereon being the full Consideration Money mentioned in the said Indenture to be by him paid to us We say received the same
James ParkBenja: D. Smith
M. Nowlan Archd. Armstrong
Grenada Acknowledged before me by the within named James Park and Benjamin D’Harriette Smith the Parties to the within Indenture as and for their respective free and voluntary Act and Deed this twenty eighth day of June One thousand Eight hundred and Two
GH HorsleyDept Register
And I continue…
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