No, I haven't given up...but I tell you that this transcribing can become tedious work. At time I find myself, under my breath, cursing at the scribe to hurry up and get to the point, and stop using so much legalese.

And so the search and research continues for ggg-grandfather James Smith.
This next Indenture from the Grenada Registers of Records dated 28 August 1802; entered 7 January 1803; and signed 9 August 1805 follows my previous Posting, Part 637s. The principal Parities involved are Benjamin D'Harriette Smith and Archibald Armstrong. Both are Merchants in Grenada, but contracting a transaction of a lot of land in Port D'Espagne (now Port of Spain), Trinidad.
There does not appear to be any immediate link of sorts to ggg-grandfather James.
Here are the images of Pages 171 through and including 174 of the Grenada Registers of Records as downloaded from Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563378].
My Transcription -
On to the next Indenture. Maybe this will produce some results?
There does not appear to be any immediate link of sorts to ggg-grandfather James.
Here are the images of Pages 171 through and including 174 of the Grenada Registers of Records as downloaded from Item 4 of the microfilm FHL [1563378].
My Transcription -
Entered 7th January 1803
This Indenture made the twenty eighth day of August in the Year of Our Lord
One thousand eight hundred and two Between Benjamin D’Harriette Smith
of the Island of Grenada Merchant of the one Part, and Archibald Armstrong of the same Island
Merchant of the other Part Whereas thesaid Benjamin D’Harriette Smith is seized or po∫se∫sed
in his Dimesue as of Fee of and in one undivided fourth part of and in a certain plantation or
Estate called the Garden situate in the Quarter of Arouca in the Island of Trinidad with the
Slaves Buildings and Appurtenances thereon and thereto belonging and hereinafter more
particularly described And also of and in one undivided Moiety of and in a certain Lot of
Land Me∫suage and Premises numbered sixty two situate in Queen Street in the Tow of Port
D’Espagne in the said Island of Trinidad hereinafter also more particularly described And
Whereas the said Benjamin D’Harriette Smith hath agreed with the said Archibald Armstrong
for the absolute Sale to him the said Archibald Armstrong of all his the said Benjamin D’Harriette
Smith’s Share and Interest in and to thesaid Plantation Slaves and Premises and Lot of Land Me∫suage
and Premises above in part and hereinafter more particularly described for and in consideration of a
_____ yearly Charged or Annuity of Five hundred Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid
and secured by thesaid Archibald Armstrong to the said Benjamin D’Harriette Smith Now
therefore this Indenture Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the said Yearly
Rent Charge or Annual sum of Five hundred Pounds Sterling and lawful Money of Great Britain
to be paid and secured by the said Archibald Armstrong to the said Benjamin D’Harriette Smith
Now therefore this Indenture Witnesseth That for and in Consideration of the
said Yearly Rent Charge or Annual Sum of Five hundred Pounds Sterling and lawful Money of Great
Britain during the natural life of Benjamin D’Harriette Smith well and sufficiently secured
to be paid by the said Archibald Armstrong, and also for and in consideration of the sum of Ten
Shillings Sterling to the Benjamin D’Harriette Smith in hand well and truly paid by the said
Archibald Armstrong at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged He thesaid Benjamin D’Harriette Smith hath granted bargained sold aliened released
and confirmed and by these Presents Doth grant bargain sell alien release and confirm unto the said
Archibald Armstrong (in his actual Po∫se∫sion now being by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof
made by the said Benjamin D’Harriette Smith for one whole Year by Indenture bearing date the day
next before the day of the date of these Presents and by force of the statute made for transferring of Uses
unto Po∫se∫sion) and to his Heirs, All his the said Benjamin D’Harriette Smith’s one undivided
fourth part (the whole into four equal parts to be divided) of and in All that certain Plantation
Piece or Parcel of Land called the Garden ^containing two hundred and ten Acres of Land or thereabouts be the
same more or le∫s situate lying and being in the Quarter of Arouca in the Island of Trinidad,
abutting and bounded as follows, that is to say to the North by the Savannah of Arouca aforesaid,
to the South by the Savannah called Portirera, to the East by Lands of Count de Saint Pierre and
of Monsieur Le Blanc, and to the West by Lands of Me∫sieurs Nihell and Robinson, or howsoever
otherwise thesaid Plantation Piece or Parcel of Land or any part thereof is abutting and bounded, and
by whatever other Name of Names Description or Descriptions the same Plantation or any part thereof
now is or heretofore hath been called or known distinguished or described And also of and in all
Me∫suages Tenements Houses Outhouses Mill Stills Boilinghouses Curing houses Edifices Erections and
Buildings whatsoever erected Built standing or being in or upon the said Plantation Piece or Parcel
of Land or on any part thereof And also of and in all Timber and other Trees Woods Underwoods and
other growing things Ways Paths Pa∫sages Waters Watercourses Pastures Grounds Hedges Ditches Fences
Boundaries Sight Easements Profits Commodities Emoluments Advantages
Hereditaments Right Privileges Members and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said Plantation
Piece or Parcel of Land Me∫suages Tenements and Premises or to any part or parcel thereof belonging
or in anywise appertaining or with the same or any part thereof now or at any time heretofore
used occupied po∫se∫sed or enjoyed or accepted reputed deemed taken or known as part parcel or
member of the same And also of and in all those Seventy Negro and other Slaves (be thesame
more or le∫s) upon and belonging to the said Plantation and the future I∫sue and Increase
of the Females of the said Slaves And also of and in all horned Cattle Horses Mules and other
Stock upon and belonging to the same Plantation And all Plantation Tools Implements Utensils
and other things whatsoever to the said Plantation Piece or Parcel of Land Me∫suages Tenements
and Premises belonging or in any wise appertaining And also all his thesaid Benjamin
D’Harriette Smith’s one undivided Moiety or half part of and in All that Lot Piece or
Parcel of Land Me∫suage and Premises numbered Sixty two and situate in Queen Street in the
Town of Port D’Espagne in the Island of Trinidad aforesaid formerly belonging to Rebecca
Griffith, containing in front Sixty french feet and in Depth One hundred and twenty like feet
be the same more or le∫s bounded on the East by Lands and Houses of the said Rebecca Griffiths
on the West by Princes Street, now called Abercrombie Street on the North by Houses of Mr Pache
and on the South by the said Street called Queen Street, together with the Me∫suage or Tenement
Outhouses Erections and Building thereon erected and built and of all Ways Paths Pa∫sages Waters
Watercourses Easements Profits Commodities Advantages Emoluments and Hereditaments
whatsoever to the said Lot Me∫suage or House and Premises belonging or in any wise appertaining
or which to and with the same now are or at any time heretofore have been used held occupied
accepted reputed deemed taken or known as part parcel or member thereof or of any part thereof as
And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Yearly and other Rents I∫sues
Profits and Produce of the said Plantation Slaves Buildings and Premises and of the said Lot of
Land Me∫suage or Tenement and Premises hereinbefore mentioned and of every part and Parcel
thereof And also all the Estate Right, Title Interest Inheritance Use Trust Po∫se∫sion Property Equity
and Benefit of Redemption Claim Challenge and Demand whatsoever of him thesaid Benjamin
D’Harriette Smith of ^in and to all and singular thesaid undivided fourth part of and in thesaid
Plantation Slaves Buildings and Premises with the Appurtenances and of and in thesaid undivided
Moiety of the said Lot of Land Me∫suage Buildings and Premises with the Appurtenances hereby
or meant mentioned or intended to be hereby granted and released or any or either of them or any
part or parcel thereof To Have and to Hold thesaid undivided fourth part of and in the
said Plantation Piece or Parcel of Land Me∫suage Tenements Hereditaments and Slaves and the
said undivided Moiety or half part of the said Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Me∫suage and Tenement
and all and singular other the Premises hereby mentioned or intended to be hereby granted and
_____ used and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their Rights Members and
Appurtenances unto thesaid Archibald Armstrong his Heirs and A∫signs for Ever to the only proper
Use and behoof of the said Archibald Armstrong his Heirs and A∫signs fir ever And thesaid
Benjamin D’Harriette Smith for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators Doth hereby
covenant promise and agree to and with thesaid Archibald Armstrong his Heirs and A∫signs
manner and form following, that is to say, That he the said Benjamin D’Harriette Smith is _____
_____ the _____ of the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents the sole trur and Lawful Owner and
Proprietor of the said undivided fourth part of and in the said plantation Piece or
Parcel of Land Me∫suages Tenements Hereditaments and Slaves and of the said undivided Moiety
or half part of the said Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Me∫suage and Tenement and all and singular
othere the Premises hereby or intended to be hereby granted and released with their and every of their
Appurtenances, and is and stands seized thereof of and in a good sure perfect absolute and
indefeasible Estate of Inheritance in fee simple without any manner of Condition Limitation of
Use or Uses Proviso Restraint or other Matter Cause or Thing whatsoever to alter change charge or
determine thesame And also that he hath now in himself good light true Title and Lawful and
absolute Authority in the Law to grant and release all and singular the Premises above mentioned
Unto and to the Use of the said Archibald Armstrong his Heirs and A∫signs in manner and form
aforesaid according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents And moreover that
the said undivided fourth part of and in the said Plantation Piece or Parcel of Land Me∫suages
Tenements Hereditaments and Slaves and the said undivided Moiety or half part of thesaid Lot
Piece or Parcel of Land Me∫suage and Tenement and all and singular other the Premises hereby or
intended to be hereby granted and released as aforesaid, are and every part thereof is now and
shall at all times for ever hereafter be remained and continue unto the said Archibald Armstrong
his Heirs and A∫signs to be by him and them peaceably and quietly enjoyed, free and clear and
freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharge d or otherwise by thesaid Benjamin
D’Harriette Smith his Heirs Executors or Administrators well and sufficiently save defended kept
harmle∫s and indemnified of from and against all and all manner of former and other Gifts Grants
Bargains Sales Leases Mortgages Dowers Jointures Settlements Wills Intails Rent Charges Annuities
and Arrearages thereof Statutes Recognisances Judgments Extents and Executions and of from and
Against all other Titles Charges Troubles and Incumbrances whatsoever heretofore had made done
committed or suffered by any person or persons whomsoever or to be hereafter had made done committed
or suffered by thesaid Benjamin D’Harriette Smith or by any Person or Persons lawfully claiming or to Claim
by from under or in Trust for him And lastly that he the said Benjamin D’Harriette Smith and his
Heirs and all Persons lawfully claiming or to claim any Estate or Interest in the said undivided fourth
part of and in the said Plantation Piece or Parcel of Land Me∫suages Tenements Hereditaments and
Slaves and thesaid undivided Moiety or half part of thesaid Lot Piece or Parcel of Land Me∫suage and
Tenement or any part or parts thereof by from under or in Trust for him or them shall and will from
time to time and at all times hereafter upon every reasonable request and at the proper Costs and
Charges in the Law of the said Archibald Armstron his Heirs or A∫signs make do acknowledge levy suffer
and execute all such further and other lawful and reasonable Acts Deeds Things Devices Conveyances
and A∫usrances in the Law whatsoever for the further better more perfect and absolute granting conveying
and A∫suring of the same Premises and every part thereof with the Appurtenances unto and to the use of
thesaid Archibald Armstrong his Heirs and A∫signs in manner aforesaid as by the said Archibald
Armstrong his Heirs or A∫signs or his or their Counsel learned in the Law Shall be reasonably advised
or devised and required In Witne∫s whereof the Parties above named to these Presents have set
their Hands and Seals the day and year first above written
Benja: D ( L S ) Smith
Sealed and Delivered In the presence ofThomas Berry & Rich LawsonReceived on the day of the date of the within written Indenture of and from the therein named Archibald
Armstrong the sum of Ten Shillings Sterling being the Consideration Money within mentioned to be by
him paid to be I say received 10∫ Stg
Benja: D Smith
Witne∫s - Thomas Berry & Rich Lawson
Grenada Acknowledged before me by Benjamin D’Harriette Smith the Party
executing the within Indenture as and for his free and voluntary Act and Deed this ninth
day of August One thousand eight hundred and Five
GH Horsley Dep Register
On to the next Indenture. Maybe this will produce some results?
nice post thanks
great post thanks
good post really good
thanks 4 sharing this post with us
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