Enough said about that, I thought I would follow up with the 1878 Marriage Entry to the Saint George Parish Register of the entry for my great-grandparents William James Smith and Ella Margaret Louise Scott. And this is on the heels of the posting, Part 121s regarding great-grandmother Ella’s 1857 birth and registration. Great-grandfather William James’ Baptism Entry can be found at Part 106s.
From the microfilm FHL [1523656], Item 13, Marriages 1844-1930, Parish Registers, 1784-1971, Anglican Church, Parish of St. George (Grenada) I was able to locate the Marriage Entry.
Quite a bit of information is provided on this Marriage Entry. Great-grandparents William James Smith and Ella Margaret Louise (née Scott) were married by his brother-in-law the Reverend George Augustus Gentle who was married to his youngest sister, great-grandaunt Grace Eliza. (See my postings of May 5, May 9, and Part 118s.)
The second interesting fact is the signature of the second witness. It appears to me, as I have transcribed, as J.E. Smith. Could this be great-grandfather William James’ younger brother James Edwin Smith? It would make sense, but since I have the name James Smith, and it is the most common name in the English language, I can only offer this as food for thought. It was only today at the optometrist office that the clerk could not find my name in their database. It was only found under J.K. Smith.
Sources: Parish of St. George, Anglican Church, Grenada
and Family History Library
My highlighted transcription –and Family History Library
Page 116
MARRIAGES solemnized in the Parish of Saint George in the Colony of Grenada in the Year 1878
William James Smith, Bachelor of this Parish
and Ella Margaret Louise Scott, Spinster of this Parish
were married in this Church by Banns with Consent of
this thirtieth day of April
in the Year One Thousand Eight-Hundred and Seventy Eight.
By me, Geo. A. Gentle, Officiating Minister, St. PatricksThis Marriage was solemnized between us { Wm. J. Smith
{ Ella Margaret Louise Scott
In the presence of { E.W. Webster
{ J.E. Smith
No 325
Quite a bit of information is provided on this Marriage Entry. Great-grandparents William James Smith and Ella Margaret Louise (née Scott) were married by his brother-in-law the Reverend George Augustus Gentle who was married to his youngest sister, great-grandaunt Grace Eliza. (See my postings of May 5, May 9, and Part 118s.)
The second interesting fact is the signature of the second witness. It appears to me, as I have transcribed, as J.E. Smith. Could this be great-grandfather William James’ younger brother James Edwin Smith? It would make sense, but since I have the name James Smith, and it is the most common name in the English language, I can only offer this as food for thought. It was only today at the optometrist office that the clerk could not find my name in their database. It was only found under J.K. Smith.
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