Persistence in genealogy sometimes pays off. And no I have not discovered the origins or ancestry of my ggg-grandfather James Smith, but I have just completed the transcription of an Indenture that includes the names of ggg-grandfather James, as well as ggg-grandmother Mary Anne (née Doret) Smith and gg-granduncle Benjamin Ventour.

As an aside, please note that ggg-grandmother’s name in this 20 June 1833 Indenture is entered both as Mary Ann and Mary Anne Smith. Her name in the 1832 Marriage Registration is entered as Mary Ann, without the “e”. In both, the Indenture and the Marriage Registration her “x” or “+” marks may indicate to us that she may have been unschooled in writing, and at this point in time we do not have any other definitive or exact spelling of her second name Ann/Anne.
This Indenture written and made 20 June 1833 and entered to the Grenada Registers of Records 7 October 1833 appears to be the exchange of property in the parish of Saint George between ggg-grandparents James and Mary Ann Smith and their son-in-law Benjamin Ventour and a partner, Ambrose Hayling. The inserted image of the Bing map of an aerial view of Saint George, in the highlighted yellow square with rounded corners, indicates the current and approximate location of property referred to in the Indenture.
The two pages of this Indenture; pages 520 and 521 are downloaded from Item 6 of the microfilm FHL [1563380]. Here are the two pages.
Here is my transcription. (And we have a different scribe, whose script is much easier on my tri-focals.
This Indenture written and made 20 June 1833 and entered to the Grenada Registers of Records 7 October 1833 appears to be the exchange of property in the parish of Saint George between ggg-grandparents James and Mary Ann Smith and their son-in-law Benjamin Ventour and a partner, Ambrose Hayling. The inserted image of the Bing map of an aerial view of Saint George, in the highlighted yellow square with rounded corners, indicates the current and approximate location of property referred to in the Indenture.
The two pages of this Indenture; pages 520 and 521 are downloaded from Item 6 of the microfilm FHL [1563380]. Here are the two pages.
Here is my transcription. (And we have a different scribe, whose script is much easier on my tri-focals.
Looking ahead to the next Indenture I would tender a guess that it has something to do with a continuation of this current one. Stay tuned.(520)Examd.
Entered 7th October 1833This Indenture made the twentieth day of June in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three Between James
Smith of the parish of Saint George in the Island of Grenada Esquire and
Mary Ann Smith his wife of the one part and Benjamin Ventour
and Ambrose Hayling of the same parish and Island Esquires of the other
part Witneʃseth that the said James Smith and Mary Ann Smith in
consideration of five shillings to them in hand paid by the said Benjamin Ventour
and Ambrose Hayling at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Have and each of them Hath bargained
and sold and by these presents Do and each of them Doth bargain and sell unto
the said Benjamin Ventour and Ambrose Hayling their executors administra
tors and aʃsigns All that lot piece or parcel of land with the meʃsuages and
tenements thereon erected and built situate lying and being in the Bay in
the town of Saint George in the said island of Grenada abutted and bounded
in the manner following that is to say to the westward fifty one feet by a
certain Street called Melville Street To the Southward thirty feet by a
certain Street called Granby Street To the eastward by a lot of land and
tenements belonging to Rosetta Overton and to the northward by lands of Gavin
Smith of the said island Surveyor or however the same is abutted bounded?
known or situated? and all ways paths paʃsages watercourses _____ grounds, _____
Commodities advantages emoluments and hereditaments whatsoever
to the same premises or any part thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining
ot therewith at any time before held and occupied poʃseʃsed and enjoyed accepted
reputed deemed and taken or known as part or parcel or in member thereof or of any
part thereof, and all and every the improvements houses offices buildings and
tenements now erecting and to be erected thereon To have and To hold the
said lot piece or parcel of land and other the premises hereinbefore bargained
and sold unto the said Benjamin Ventour and Ambrose Hayling their exe
cutos administrators and aʃsigns from the day next before the day of the
date of these presents for and during and unto the full and term of one whole
year thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended Yielding and Paying
therefore the rent of one peppercorn at the end of the said term if lawfully de
manded to the intent and purpose that by virtue of these presents and of the
statute for transferring uses into poʃseʃsion the said Benjamin Ventour and
Ambrose Hayling may be in the actual poʃseʃsion of the same premises and
may thereby be enabled to accept and take a grant and release of the ^freehold reversion
and inheritance of the same premises to them and their heirs and aʃsigns by an
indenture already prepared and made between the same parties as the parties
hereto, and intended to be dated the day next after the day of the date hereof
Nevertheleʃs to the uses upon the trusts and for the intents and purposes and unto
and subject to the powers provisoes declarations stipulations and _____ in
a certain deed of declaration bearing or intended to bear even date with the last
mentioned indenture In witness whereof the said James Smith and Mary
Anne his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and
year firstly herein written –
James Smith (LS) Mary Anne her + mark Smith (LS)Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
John Reynaert, J. S. Bruce.
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