The last of the 31-Page Indenture… Hallelujah!
Following up with my announcement in Part 467s, and my search and research of the genealogy of ggg-grandfather James Smith here is the 5th installment of six parts of the 1822 Richard Oliver Smith Indenture.
It is specific to the ownership of Revolution Hall Estate and the adjoining lands.
The images of Pages 209 through and including 211 are downloaded from the microfilm FHL [1563379].
My transcription continues from Page 208 presented in Part 472s.
This finishes Item 8. Now on to Item 9.
Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within named George Henry Ames in the presence of
Jer: OsborneJna Wilkson Clerk to Mr. OsborneSigned Sealed and delivered (The advalorem transfer? or duty in respect of the within written Deeds having
been marked or impre∫sed on another Engro∫sment? thereof and of which this is a Duplicate) by the either
concerned Richard Oliver Smith Edmund Broderip the Elder Mary Smith Edmund Broderip the Younger
and Thomas Strangways Homer in the presence of
J.L. Lovell, Solicitor Wells SomersetGeo. Dando his ClerkBristol 25th March 1822
this is the Indenture referred to in the annexed Affidavit of Jeremiah Osborne Sworn before me
this day
A. WelhouseMayorEngland to wit of
Joseph Lovell Lovell of Wells in the County of Somerset in England Solicitor
maketh Oath and Saith that he was present and did see the Indenture of Mortgage hereunto annexed
March with the Letter (A) and dated the twenty third day of February but? duly signed sealed and
as their Act and Deed delivered by therein named Richard Oliver Smith Edmund Broderip the Elder
Mary Smith Edmund Broderip the Younger and Thomas Strangways Horner and that the said
Richard Oliver Smith Edmund Broderip the Elder and Mary Smith Edmund Broderip the Younger
and Thomas Strangways Horner so respectively signed Sealed and delivered the same in the presence
of George Dando of Wells aforesaid Clerk to this Deponent and this Deponent And_____ the names
"R O Smith" "Edmund Broderip" "Mary Smith" "Edmund Broderip Jr." and "TS Horner" respectively
set and subscribed at the foot of the said Indenture of Mortgage marked (A) as Parties executing the
same and the names "JL Lovell" and "Geo Dando" respectively set and subscribed to the _____ _____
endorsed upon the said Indenture of Mortgage as Witne∫ses to the due execution thereof by the said
Richard Oliver Smith Edmund Broderip the Elder Mary Smith Edmund Broderip the Younger and
Thomas Strangways Horner are all of the suspected proper hands writing of the said Richard Oliver Smith
Edmund Broderip the Elder and Mary Smith Edmund Broderip the Younger and Thomas Strangways
Horner George Dando and this Deponent
JL Lovell
Sworn at the City of Wells in the County of Somerset in England
the seventh day of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty-two
Before me: H A HopeMayor of the City of Wells in EnglandTo all to whom these presents shall come I Henry Hope Mayor of the
City of Wells in England In pursuance of an Act of Parliament made and pa∫sed in the fifth Year
of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second Intitled an Act for the more _____
recovery of debts in his Majestys Plantations and Colonies in America Do hereby Certify that in the
day of the date hereof personally came and appeared before me Joseph Lovell Lovell the Deponent named
in the Affidavit hereunto annexed being a person well known and worthy of good Credit and by solemn
^ Oath which thesaid Deponent then to be for me upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God did solemnly
and sincerely declare testify and depose to be true the several matters and things mentioned and contained in thesaid annexed Affidavit
In Faith and Testimony whereof I thesaid Mayorhave caused the Seal of the Office of Mayoralty of the said City of Wellsto be here unto put and affixed and that Indenture of Mortgage marked(A) mentioned and referred to in and by the said Affidavit to be here untoalso annexed Dated in Wells after said the Seventh day of March inthe year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty-two.Hy Hooper Mayor of the city of Wells in EnglandJeremiah Osborne of the City of Bristol Attorney at Law maketh Oath and Saith that he was
present and did see James Evan Baillie and George Henry Ames respectively Sign Seal and as
their respective _____ and Deeds deliver the Indenture or Parchment? writing hereunto annexed marked with
the Letter (A) bearing date the twenty third day of February One thousand eight hundred and twenty
two and made or mentioned to be made between Richard Oliver Smith therein described of the first
part Edmund Broderip therein described of the second part Mary Smith the Wife of the said Richard
Oliver Smith of the third part Edmund Broderip the Younger and Thomas Strangways Horner there in
also described of the fourth part and James Evan Baillie Hugh Duncan Baillie and George Henry
Ames of the fifth part purporting to be an Indenture of Mortgage of the said Richard Oliver Smith and
his heirs to the said James Evan Baillie Hugh Duncan Baillie and George Henry Ames their heirs
executors administrators and a∫signs of a certain ^ Estate or Plantation called Revolution Hall Plantation in
the Parish of Saint John in the Island of Grenada and of the Stores Negroes Cattle and other Live and
dead Stock thereunto belonging And this Deponent further saith that the names or characters "Jas Evan Baillie"
and "Geo H Ames" set and subscribed against the fourth and sixth Seals at the foot of the said Indenture are
of the respective proper handswriting of the said James Evan Baillie and George Henry Ames And that the
Names or Characters "Jer Osborne" and "Jnn Leng" set and subscribed to the Memorandum of attestation endorsed
upon the said Indenture as the Witne∫ses attesting the execution thereof by the James Evan Baillie and
George Henry Ames are of the respective hands writing of him this Deponent and of the said John Leng
and that the names or Characters "Jer O∫borne" and "Jnl Wilkson" set and subscribed to the Memorandum
of Attestation indorsed upon the said Indenture as the Witne∫ses attesting the execution thereof by the said
George Henry Ames are of the respective proper Hands writing of him this Deponent and John Wilkson
Clerk to this Deponent
Jer OsborneSworn at the City of Bristol this twenty fifth day
of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty-two
Before meA Hilhouse MayorTo all to whom these presents shall Come I Abraham Hilhouse Esquire Mayor of the
City of Bristol in that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called England by
virtue and in pursuance of an Act of Parliament made and pa∫sed in the fifth year of the Reign of his
late Majesty King George the Second intitled "An Act for the more easy recovery of Debts in his Majesty’s
Plantations and Colonies in America" Do hereby Certify that on the day of the date hereof personally
came and appeared before me Jeremiah Osborne of the same City Attorney at Law being a person well
known and worthy of good Credit did by Solemn Oath which he took on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty
God declare testify and depose to be true the several matters and things Contained in the Affidavit
hereto annexed
In Faith and Testimony whereof I the said Mayor have caused
(L S)
The Seal of the Office of Mayoralty of the said City of Bristol to behereunto set and affixed and the said Affidavit and Paper writing thereinmentioned to be hereunto annexed Dated the twenty fifth day of Marchin the Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty-two.A Hilhouse Mayor
This finishes Item 8. Now on to Item 9.
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